The Josh Bolton Show

Unlocking the Power of Intention with Jeniji

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You ever wondered why we act the way we do? Join us for a conversation with the insightful Jeniji as we unravel the complexities of human behavior. By discussing the 'three doers' - the habitual, emotional, and intentional - Jeniji takes us on a journey through our own minds, shedding light on how our emotions, habits, and intentions shape our actions. If you've ever felt lost in the maze of your own thoughts, this episode could be your guide. 

Venturing into the shadowy territories of addiction and mental illness, Jeniji shares his personal transformative experiences that led him to a profound understanding of these issues. He takes us through an unexpected thought that shifted his perspective radically and opened up a new world of mental health understanding. His insights on how our beliefs can create our reality and how we can use intention as a powerful tool for positive change will leave you contemplating long after the episode ends. 

But that's not all. We also delve into spirituality, religion, and personal development, discussing tal importance of being present. Geniji shares practical techniques to connect with our subconscious, helping to identify and address thought patterns that mholding us back. From the power of intention to overcoming procrastination, we tackle it all. And as a special treat, we will explore how you can structure a successful business by harnessing the power of intention. So buckle up and get ready for a mind-expanding experience!

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Speaker 1:

Welcome everybody. Today on the show we have a awesome guest, geniji Dude enlightened me in ways I didn't even know I need to be enlightened the mindset paradigm shift. I got off this man. The start is going to be a little rough because I was just like we were chatting and I was just asking them like, what do you do? I listened to a lot of your audio. I don't understand specifically what you specialize in and Geniji just tooks off. He started talking about everything. We didn't even get a formal introduction. This dude, listen up. If you're having some anxiety, problems, self-worth, self-esteem, just an understanding of why things are the way they are, this dude is going to sit here and just blow your mind. He did for me at least five times. I even say it at the end, if you make it to the end, because this is a long one. It was like five paradigm shifts and it was amazing. I love it, absolutely honored about this.

Speaker 1:

Just for a little bit of housekeeping before we get going, I am really doubling down on YouTube and TikTok and Instagram. It'll cost you nothing. Can you just go subscribe and if you're on the computer, just play it on the tab, mute the audio so you don't have to hear it. It'll really help me out. So then I can also show more higher profile guests. Hey, I have 30, 50,000 subscribers and at least 30,000. I always watch. Can I get an hour of your time to chat about whatever? It makes it easier for me to say this? It doesn't cost you a dime. Just some time, it would really help me out.

Speaker 1:

I'm also looking for more feedback Likes yeah, those who like to subscribe. No, I really need the likes to know what's working, what's not. Please also comment on my podcast platform. Whatever you're listening to, I also have a website. If you feel like you want to personally send me a message on joshboltonshowcom. It is a whole site for you and you can message me and I will read it and if it's really good, I'll even reply back to you. So, without further ado, let's get going and right into it. Welcome to the Josh Bolton show. But we dive into interesting and inspiring conversations and now your host, josh Bolton.

Speaker 2:

That means that means that memories are the memory of something, it's not the thing itself. So our internal identity is in its life identity, our real identity, has function, our it's like identity only has the memory of when we used it or didn't. And so 99.99% of every, every emotional or behavioral or psychological issue has to do with the treatment of the I am. But the I am can't be treated. You can't treat Santa. What are you going to do? Bring him to a drive, a thought car, to a thought store to get some thought aspirin to deal with his memory of a headache? So when we really realize that the fastest way to make a change is to help some understand the three doers. The first doers, the habitual one I'll have another beer, I'll have another cigarette, I'll reach for the strawberry smokers preserve at the store. It's a habitual right. And so everything the body does For the I am is to live out the I am. That's all the body will do, because the body is told to do what represents the I am. That's who I am, so that's what I do.

Speaker 2:

The second doer is the emotional doer. The emotional doer is still the I am doer, but it's the emotional one of anger, violence, depression. It still represents the I am and it has no function. So our mental identity has no function. Our emotional outbursts have no function or intention. It's just representing the false identity.

Speaker 2:

And every cure, every PTSD, depression, every cure is the fact that the individual is living in the red and not in the green, which means that if I have emotional issues in the red, that means in the green. I was never taught about my natural ability for emotional control. If I'm automatically saying or feeling thing, then I was never taught about the intentional doer, and this is why we teach this watch If you were to think of something you habitually do. Because our identity is virtual, which means the only way we can prove we are who we are is to make it physical, and that's why we need a body of products. Okay, so our behavior specifically designed to match our identity. So everything I do has to be habitual, everything I do has to be emotional doing, because that's the only available. The only way this inner false identity can get the body to move is if the behavior the body is doing represents a habit or an emotional response Period.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And in sense intention is of the true self Watch. Put your hand. If you would just rested on a table somewhere and look at it and think of, think of one thing when you go to the grocery store, that hand will automatically reach for it. Because it's a habit Mine is smucker strawberry preserves During tea. When I go through the aisle there will be an automatic grab for the smucker's strawberry preserves.

Speaker 1:

Mine would probably be the liquid death water that's out. Yeah cool, there's a habit. You just grab it, I don't even think about it.

Speaker 2:

Exactly because the subconscious has already been taught that's a pre-approved behavior. You don't need to think about it anymore. So you're not really making choices in the I am. Instead, you're choosing from choices previously chosen.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so then how do we catch ourselves?

Speaker 2:

Ah, so we don't Now watch. The emotional version is fuck you. And all of a sudden you see the phone flying across the room before they realize that they were the ones through it. So that's the emotional reaction side. Right, and we could find emotional reactions, it doesn't have to be that crazy, but there is the emotional side. Now, your hand still being on the left, and if you don't intend for it to move, will it? Yeah, that's the true. I am, that's the original doer, the intentional doer, and that hand will not move unless I intended to move. And here's where I learned this. So this will wrap it up for you.

Speaker 2:

I was sitting, I was homeless, my life was sucked, I had money and was extremely successful prior, but up here, I didn't know how to deal with my own reality and so I was literally homeless. I was living in an office small room, because it's scammy way into an office. So I lived there and I was sitting there one day and all of a sudden I noticed the thought up here that I didn't ask for. Now, this was new to me. I'd never seen a thought arise. I was just automatically reacting in the living room, right, and all of a sudden I saw a thought arise that I did not ask for.

Speaker 2:

Second, I had an event at my office one day and I went into the bathroom in the middle of the office and I'm sitting there and my hand got about that far away and I stopped it and I said what are you doing? Boo boo, and a memory of about 45, 50 years ago came up and I remembered my mom used to teach me to turn the water on when she peed, because good girls aren't her peeing. I want to know how many years I did that habit before I remembered it myself Now, knowing that, knowing that what is addiction? What is mental illness? Addiction of mental illness is simply we're living in the red of habitual behavior and you're not going to have a new habitual behavior because there's no intention or function in the identity to do so.

Speaker 1:

Interesting. That makes actually a lot of sense for me, because the reason I started podcasting for me was I was working night shift during COVID and I got COVID and my whole company lied to me. They're like, oh, you don't have COVID. And they're like running me, yeah, I'm on the floor having a seizure. And they're like you don't have COVID, get back to work or we're going to fire you. So I did yeah, really yeah.

Speaker 1:

And then so I decided that that moment once I pulled myself together and just went home and I said, hell, if you fire me, you fire me kind of thing, but good luck. Convinced you someone to scrub shit off your toilet for 1450 an hour. And then so that's where I did my week recovery and on my birthday was I said I will never be that person again. And actually I felt like I felt like the voice came in my head and was just like you're right and you never will. And that's where I went from like the sheepish, like oh, please, don't look at me. To like what are you doing? Like come on, tell me something. Yeah, like it was like a whole 180 paradigm shift. But that's what was that. One day after I collected myself, I said okay, we are not doing that again. How do we fix this?

Speaker 2:

Yes, and what happens is that if you could not find an external solution because there's no external solution for living in the red, there's no medication, no treatment, there's nothing that can can deal with that. And I don't know about you, but I was on medication since eight years old. 2006 was my third attempt, suicide. I mean, yeah, I'm sorry, you and I have lived some pretty fucked moments, and so is everyone else, for a simple understanding, we were never taught how we create our sense of reality, so instead we're just habitually doing whatever one else is around us to me, and then they themselves weren't taught, and so we are literally living in a world where most people have no clue that they're not helpless or broken and that those are ideas that are of the mind. But the problem of that is like I have this analogy of the cup. If I were to get a coffee cup, or at least this, you know, I get this and I put something in it. Right, let's see if that'll happen. I hear the water, the water's saying cup, you're broken.

Speaker 1:

It's not.

Speaker 2:

Oh watch, If coffee could tell a coffee cup or water could tell a water container who it is. That would mean the content would be telling the cup who it is. Okay, Our human mind is the cup, the thoughts and beliefs and memories is the content, but yet the human mind we allow ourselves to have the content tell us who we are.

Speaker 1:

That's an interesting shift. I've never thought about that way, because I've always thought it was the subconscious and the mind itself that tells the body what to do.

Speaker 2:

Well it does habitually.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

But what if it was intentional, an intentional being? Remember, you were born with habits. You were born with emotional reactions. So everything you did the first born is intentional. You intentionally tried to grab the rattle, you intentionally tried to learn how to use a spoon. You intentionally learned how to walk, you intentionally tried to learn how to crawl and you didn't know what day it was. It was not Thursday.

Speaker 2:

Because you were born with an amazing function-based mind and natural abilities of a body and an intention-based mind that that mind cannot tell the body to do anything. Unless it's built in. The mind doesn't make shit up. There is no such thing as mind. Mind is just a collection of ideas and beliefs, no different than there's no such thing as a shopping mall. A shopping mall is a collection of stores, no different than mind is a collection of functions. And unless we understand how we're creating our sense of reality, you and me and all the rest are going to believe we're broken, because function is of the true self, not in memory, our natural ability for executive functions. See, you asked if I'm going to automatically say something in habit or do something in habit. Well, intention is the executive function that stops it all, and that's why the truth of who you are can never actually be harmed by that which you're not. Because you have executive function, the mind cannot get you something to do that you intentionally choose not to do.

Speaker 1:

So then the analogy where I wanted to change. I told it I wanted to change, so that's where it was like on it, boss, give us some time though.

Speaker 2:

This is so new for so many people and now we've been doing this for 17 years and I've waited until this year to finally release it publicly because I needed to have a 15 year base period on the first group of clients. So I knew long term results and I'm one of those clients, so right. But again. So now we're releasing it because just we're going to fuck up every spiritual program, every personal development program, every medical therapy program, because it's all bullshit, the majority of how they're doing it. And spirituality is our past past. Yesterday was my past. My past past was before I was born.

Speaker 2:

Spirituality typically has to do with where you become from. Who are we. We're a spiritual being, having and remember all I can ever actually remember experiences, my actual past and the past past before birth. Spirituality is an idea. There's nothing there. I was not here, so it's just belief based Religion is our future's future. Tomorrow's my future. When the body dies is my future's future. Religion has to do with our future's future where I go after I die. Spirituality who was I before I was born? Religion who am I before I die? And none of that solves the now problem. So let's look at personal development. Personal development, actually dealing with the now? No, they're dealing with IMS. Is therapy dealing with the now? Noticably, they deal with IMS, okay.

Speaker 1:

So I'm asking this for a friend. She's dealing with a lot of like anxiety and identity crisis. She believes she's one thing, but I've noticed it in her she wants one thing but, like her subconscious, does another, or the habitual habit, and it's like two pitfalls going at each other.

Speaker 2:

Can I actually add something here? Because you and you see this, you'll understand. Is there a way to put an attachment or a loop?

Speaker 1:

There should be an option to share your screen. I think it's under more.

Speaker 2:

When you do this, then yeah, there's a yeah. When I saw you, I've listened to some of your interviews and my thought was man, if I can get through to him and really help them with some things, it is just amazing what this man can accomplish more than he's done now, because I'm going to actually give you some solutions and anytime I can find someone to partner with, I'm just looking for those couple of places to really get this out. I've shared the option.

Speaker 1:

So if you go to the bottom, there should be the mute. Yes, yeah, so there's like a.

Speaker 2:

So the green this is what I call by the Mimi tool the first born. The first born is my true self. Who are we? Well, we're born with empathy and compassion, wisdom, emotional compassion, wisdom, emotional control, resilience, all of these things. This is who we are, that we are born with an intention based body, that the body doesn't have to move unless I intend it to, and an intention based mind that I don't have to think anything. I choose not to think, though.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

That is who we are, which means we have complete control over right in the mind and emotional control, 100% complete control. Every human being is born with and then and then comes the yellow, the one view illusion. And if we were taught about one view illusion at around three or four years old, this is when the idea of theory of mind comes on. It means that we understand around three or four years of age that I could be thinking something different than you are. It's called theory of mind that there's an awareness that, just because the reality is shown this way, that somebody else could be thinking of it differently. Now, without that, in a human being and 99% of human beings I work with have never gone past that threshold because they did not have An individual at home to teach them how to utilize that. Instead, they were taught something else. They were not taught how to see thoughts and who they are is different. Instead, they were taught to melt into the one view illusion. And this is the problem. This is the only problem. The problem is is that, as a human being, both of our eyes are joined into one view, and since the mind will join both eyes into one view, it will also join whatever else is coming into the senses and my beliefs, worries and fears into one view. And in that moment I am my mind. I am my thoughts, because we see who we are and what we've been going through. Remember who we are. The cup and what we've gone through. The content in the cup has been the same. It's the one view illusion. We treat the cup in the content the same and that's the I am. To protect the I am is our emotional I do. This is the us that we say is not us.

Speaker 2:

Why didn't you do that? They made me do it. I didn't do that. That's not me. I wouldn't have done it in less. And every client I've ever worked with, every client.

Speaker 2:

The key is always to show them that whatever problems they're having in the red is because whatever that circumstance is is void of your natural ability to be able to deal with it in the green. That's all it's ever been. Then the problem after that is is then going in and retraining the automatic I am and the emotional and working with them. But this is what's called by a present moment solution, like snacks. If I was hungry now but there was only future based solutions like breakfast, lunch and dinner. I'd have to stay hungry till dinner. But there's present moment solutions like snacks, snickers I really only utilize this understanding. In their stickers, candy bar commercial with everyone asking like Betty White is ahead and had Snickers. So we provide present moment solutions, which means we wake individual up. So the function of intention, now, while we're working on the visual and the emotion, and so they have something immediately to stop the addiction, immediately to stop the panic and the anxiety, because it's built in, it's who we are. The suffering is proof that we don't know who we are. That's it.

Speaker 1:

Wow, that was profane right there, like that was powerful, because it's true, like for a long time, like I believed I was, I was or I am ADHD and there was no cure for it. And the friend I was asking for she has ADHD also. But I told her, I said the part is like kind of what you said, like the intentional catch yourself. Like if you start getting a squirrel like my, my catch is like pinch my thumb, so I'm really feel pain, so I have to be like, oh okay, and I just train myself now to habitual habit. That's a good one for me, I can catch myself.

Speaker 2:

But you. So you see this for yourself. The problem is we didn't have something on paper to be able to look at and go my God that. Yet I understand. I just don't know, and that's been the key. I mean, look at you. Everything you're describing with her or me or you, is understanding that. Yeah, we just did not understand how our mind creates reality, so it makes it easy to cut up on the one view illusion. Everyone else, every movie, says you are your thoughts. You know, never get over this. So society says that that's who I am.

Speaker 1:

And that was, yeah, that was me too, because, like junior high labor could like, oh, you're a monster, you're this, you're terrible, no woman will ever love you, kind of thing. Sorry, man. Yeah, that was like 12 to junior high. So that set me on a really rough trajectory and I did, I attempted to, as I do, clearly didn't work. I'm here, um yeah, and that's where, yeah, and I actually my more source instructor picked me up six months later because I was thinking about it again. I'm like man, this time I'll just take a whole bottle out of bill, kind of thing. There's no going back to that, like, hopefully it doesn't hurt. And that's where my instructor picked me up, and because I had a lot of anger I never got to put some more so he showed me how to put my anger into a bag and use it constructively as martial artists.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, man, and listen. This is where yoga, martial arts, meditation, all of these things come in. The dilemma for most is that it gives you relief and it's just a shiny object and I've given a kid a new set of keys that just stop crying. It's called a redirect, right? So most meditation, most of the stuff out there now, is a redirect, so it keeps you in the I am because it's a habit of meditation, a habit of yoga, and it's not moving you outside of it, so it's able to give relief, but it doesn't give you a solution, and so most of the things out there are relief generating, not solution generating, and so that's why I'm literally the last stop. People don't need to go in and wrap it. They come through this program and it takes about eight hours to really get a handle on understanding it. Let me just go through the process of what it takes kind of long term to guide someone through a change, and the reason why I know it works is my mom committed suicide when she was 38. All growing up as a kid, that's all she would say is suicide. I watched my mom change in the timeframe I was born.

Speaker 2:

When young teenage girls are pregnant, they're bad. They're kicked out of high school and kicked out of their homes. The same was for my mom. She never finished the 10th grade. So here's this teenage kid who has got pregnant by some guy that just got back from the Korean War in his mid 20s. So they married Pretty soon. She wouldn't go outside without her makeup on. Pretty soon she wouldn't let anyone touch her unless her legs were shaved, and so pretty soon she lived in. I am that she didn't know before and I lost her. I didn't know that's what was going on at the time, but it's the same thing that happened to you and same thing that happened to me. We got lost in a mind that we didn't know how to get out of and we're inside going. I want out, but there was no functions or buttons within the identity that could let us out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah and yeah, I agree.

Speaker 2:

In 2000. Sorry, in 1982 my daughter was born. In 1983 I had a mental breakdown. I was in the military. It was a suicide attempt. Military doesn't like suicide attempts. They put me in a federal military prison for six years. I didn't see my daughter until she was 27. And when they let me back out, the first thing I did was try to commit suicide again. And you know what they gave me when I got out of a mental hospital on 90 days of quiet, prozac and sleeping pills. That's when I knew they had no fucking clue. My mom couldn't get out, my brother died of a heroin addiction and I damn near died too in soaring heavy. And this is why I would do everything I can to help and I can't thank you enough for this conversation and having a chance to share this with other individuals.

Speaker 2:

And if there's ever a time you'd like to come on board. I mean we need, we need good people. I mean in a lot of different things we were. I don't know what you're doing, but if there's anything on the side, you want to sit on a council of and and with and be part of and maybe monetize a bunch of stuff. I mean I'm looking for individuals that were just like me, that have been out there trying to help, and if they had these tools also help people with just how much will better help her they can be in better outcome that they can be.

Speaker 1:

I agree, I 100% agree. Yeah, I always like my motto. When I first started this, like I said, when I was on the floor pretty much having a seizure on at the job, I just said I was going to pot. Yeah, it was. That whole situation was fucked up. I even told my former employer when he was leaving because he heard about the situation for me and he's like he's like I ain't you suit the company. I'm like I didn't know better. Plus, that's annoying.

Speaker 1:

I don't want to pay lawyers a lot of money. I'll just quit and said kind of thing. But my rules when I started this podcast is I want it to be if ever a little Josh could stumble across something, I want him to find this. So he realizes like, oh yeah, that podcast guy. He has no clue what he's talking about, but he's learned that the guest is giving him way more than he came into the room with in his like okay, I'm not alone in this, like I get it as fucking awesome and I mean I love how that's been the story of our wisdom story.

Speaker 2:

It's like the wheel was invented 4,000 final years ago somewhere, but it meant that only people right there on earth knew about it. Nobody else on earth did. And how much knowledge is out there, like what we're sharing now, that's out there that people just don't know, that's available to them. So for you to have a platform that not just brings in wheels you never know, but also for you to then share that and that's off to you and fucking me. That is a gift of what you're doing.

Speaker 1:

That's actually one of those, like how you were talking about we were born with certain talents and skills. Mine has always been like nine like a insubordinate way, but I've always challenged people, even at a in preschool and kindergarten. I was actually kicked out of a Christian preschool because I asked him a questions.

Speaker 2:

I'd like to buy you a beer. In hell over that one.

Speaker 1:

Because they they contradict themselves. They're like oh you, if you do this, this and this, you will be accepted in heaven, no matter what. But then, like, they skip back a couple of verses and it says do this, and which canceled everything. That's what I was like wait, wait, wait. It just said this and you can have him. But they say do the same thing and guarantee to go to hell which one's correct and which one's not. And they're like oh he, even he, even blessed for me. I'm like wait, I'm confused though.

Speaker 2:

And I think we're at a point now where, especially with the release of AI, I think people are going to need more and more of the authentic now, more than ever.

Speaker 1:

Right, that was actually a big one. I tell people because they're like, a lot of people still contact me over my show what's your thoughts on AI? I'm like AI will get very smart on strategies, but it'll never fully understand the human emotions. I said that's the. I just told them, like that's the edge we as humans have, because emotions themselves are so unpredictable Like you can predict on how to trigger it, we don't predict what will happen from it. So that's that's the part where we humans.

Speaker 2:

Well, you can now Sort of.

Speaker 2:

Well, again, again, it's it's. I always want to be careful when we're talking about the I am change, because you know the, the, the I am Is not an always, it's not a never, and so you know it's it's always wanting to make sure that that I'm including the it is version of it. So there's, there's, there's no habit that that can't be changed because it was created or habit. This will blow your mind, you know I. Most people don't believe solutions are available to them. Why? Because the real them, the green, their natural abilities have become unconscious to them.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Now watch, at this moment there's pressure of the shirt on your shortness, and so I reminded you. It was unconscious. So something that's right here right now can be unconscious to us, and how much else of who we are, of our gifts and talents and abilities, are also unconscious to us, and I swear that they're not here. No different than and so that's that's the key is, and then making sure that we understand that the human mind is the only thing I've ever found capable of being taught to tell itself it's broken. And once the human mind has been taught to tell itself it's broken, it can then be taught to tell itself there is no solution, no cure.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I can. I honestly I believe that because when I was, I was taught at a very young age from all the people at school like you're a monster in this net. So I started building that habit of a monster and then, like it was, and I was 26, I left my old job at 30. So by 26 I started to realize something's wrong. And then two years later, because I started in, 1820 is when the lockdowns happen, so by then I couldn't get into the doctor, fun fact for you. So the doctor Indian guy when I needed my health insurance and all that, because California they got some health insurance rules I don't like. So I did it, got my Kaiser permanent in all that.

Speaker 1:

And the physician the doctor prescribed me meds and all that. Like, how long have you been on these meds? Proper Indian dude wouldn't say anything bad or politically incorrect. I'm like, oh you know, last I can remember, like this cocktail I've been on since I'm 13, but I've been on it since I was eight. And he sat there and he said the medicine you're taking specifically is anti seizure, side effect, antidepressant.

Speaker 1:

The other one pill I was taking was a mood amplifier and then I was essentially so my brain's really slow, really emotional. And the third one was legal speed. He's like I'm surprised your brain can even function right now. He's like it should technically be mush right now because you've been running in the red for like 13 years. And I told him like I guess I'm just made of tougher stuff. The thing he said he's like do you remember opening the doorknob coming into my building? And I'm like, oh yeah, I opened it because you know it looks very specific. What does it look like? My it's officially opened. Yeah, and that's where I was, like I literally I can't call it, I don't know why. And he said that's because the drugs have fucked up your brain so much you can't remember anything.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I wouldn't go that far. I would say that what it really is is this there's this constant thought stream.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Run in our head just chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter, chatter. And if awareness is gone from the pressure of the shirt on the shoulders Right, wouldn't awareness be gone for the doorknob?

Speaker 1:

Yes, you're just going through the motions at that point.

Speaker 2:

That's it. And the reason is no one's ever taught anyone how to actually see their subconscious, so they have no clue what a projection looks like, no idea what the thought stream looks like. If you have a book, takes 30 seconds to show you, I'll show you, you'll meet your subconscious.

Speaker 1:

Just put Ron Michelle hang on. There we go.

Speaker 2:

Preferably find something. Preferably find something is just text, not pictures or anything. When you open it up, just a couple of pages to just that's a perfect. Now, if you would I don't want you so if you would just look at the page and tell me what's the first thing you see when you look at the page, when you turn it around. I was first using let go of things.

Speaker 2:

Okay. Now if you would turn it around to just your scene it, if you would want you to just look at a paragraph somewhere in the middle and just kind of glance at it. You're not going to focus, your gaze is that way, but you're not really having to focus on anything. Okay, and I'm going to ask you Are there words on the page? Yes, words are on the page.

Speaker 1:

Okay, on this side of the like, on the paper itself, yes, Okay.

Speaker 2:

So I want to ask you something. If I didn't speak English and I looked at that, what would it be?

Speaker 1:

now, what would be words in a different language on a piece of You've used no words.

Speaker 2:

How do I know that if it's a different language?

Speaker 1:

Okay, okay, I get where you're going now.

Speaker 2:

No, look at the page, you can. The words are not on the page. Is that here? Yes, okay, welcome to the one of your illusion. Now look around at everything and your subconscious will say draw tree. That. That Is the subconscious thought stream constantly going in the mind, constantly here, and most people can't see beyond the thought stream. And the thought stream was the doorknob. All they saw was an automatic turn into us or whatever it was. Okay, the words are not on the page. Look again, just look at the page. The words are not on the page. This is the most important thing I can give you as a gift. The words are not on the page. Look at it again and see on the inside of it. Don't just know it. The words are just on the page.

Speaker 1:

No, they're in your mind. So then I'm just curious then, since we're going down this route, if there's words are not on the page, how am I still able to read it though?

Speaker 2:

Because but I think this A, b, c, d, e, f, g, h.

Speaker 1:

I Okay.

Speaker 2:

Your mind has patterns, your mind has patterns, okay, and it knows that this letter and this letter and this letter equals that word. It's a pattern, okay, okay Now. Get in that now. You don't look out in your eyes, John.

Speaker 1:

Is it like the third eye too?

Speaker 2:

No, don't fuck with me that bullshit. You don't look out your eyes. Remember. Senses are input devices, not output. Can you see in the dark? Are there flashlights? No, it's an input, not an exit, not an output. The light does not come out. The eyes Inflate, goes in the eyes, and so reality is happening in here. There's the reality of what is and then the reality of what's being made of it.

Speaker 2:

Okay, and most people is automatic because they only see what's being made of it. They can't see actual reality. Is it because actual reality is too hard?

Speaker 1:

No, actual reality is not what they're into the influencing?

Speaker 2:

Okay, so how does one maybe like, let's say, they're?

Speaker 1:

listening and they're still a little confused on it. How does one catch like their subconscious? Is it like when you ask yourself a voice you don't hear? It's all the doer. It's all the doer Daring to you. It's all the doer Every time you do something. It's easy to know, right off the bat.

Speaker 2:

Was it a habit of motion or did I intend to? I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know. Was it a habit of motion or did I intend to? We get you send it. What? Should you go back to do? Any kind of whatever that is? Are you intending to have a panic attack, or is this a habitual or emotional, or intention? Intention brings back every time, every time, every time, every time, because nobody intends to be panicked, nobody intends to be broken Right, so we're taught, but here intention is the only way back out and you don't have to go anywhere. Dogs everyone to dog paddling school. Never had to see a dog have to be taught on a paddle. I've never seen a baby have to go to baby laughing school. You automatically know, I don't know. We automatically know the difference between what is and what isn't. You automatically know these things Until we have been so conditioned to be hooked on the thought stream. And now, really, all we see is the thought stream and we don't see the other.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, my job, I was actually like you need to be out of that. Sure, yes, my job, the gift I've spent 17 years to learn to understand, is that transition point. All we go asleep, we wake back up and that's what I've spent everything to do. I mean, think about it. You know why most businesses fail. They sell to an I am. That will only do what the body is supposed to do to act out that identity. So if they buy a new product, it's not habitual. They won't use it. So most people try to better themselves buying products that will better themselves. But there's no intention of the I am to ever use it. Because if they did, they have to become a new I am. Because to use it they become a new person. They'd have a new portion of life. They have a new thing they do. So they can't change their identity. So the habitual I am with an I do that won't do anything except what is been taught to do. Now just bought a product and the I am is back on. Who's going to do it? I can't.

Speaker 2:

And 99, every coaching program, every therapy, every, every program is that they don't understand that they're selling to an I am and they did not wake up. The intentional do word is now going to use the product, because you're not going to be able to create a new habitual I. Am they just signed up? How long is that going to fucking take? We're not going to get them change their emotional reactions. That's going to take some time to rewire the money, and so the only way anyone can ever get anyone to do anything is to bring them back to intention. Why do so many programs have a failure rate? Why do so many therapy, coaching programs and schools of lessons? That's why we were brought into San Francisco State University and several other places to help them on some things, because they just didn't understand.

Speaker 2:

This is where you right now, your intention, don't need to replace your past. Why would you? And you can just intentionally move on from it. You don't need to change any habit. If, when it pops up, you can intentionally stop it at the incredible mouse before it gets to the incredible hole, then in the stopping of it is the new teaching that the mind and body is learning, not memorization, as if it's a new phone number, right? So the easiest step one is this always when you don't need a step two or three. Step one is did I just say something to bitch. If it's a bitch, emotionally or did I intend it? And if you cannot say that you intended it, then you know where you were. So I just said something or did something, emotional to have it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And I now see that. What would I rather do? Because now I'm an intention and I can do something else instead. Okay.

Speaker 1:

So then I'm just curious for you you definitely would have the answer then. I've always wanted to write a story, but every time I sit down from my computer I freeze Like really I like my hands, I'm like I'm like having to like do this, like move, so what?

Speaker 2:

you're saying is your true self intentionally wants to do something that you keep allowing. A knowingly habitual I am, but doesn't want to.

Speaker 1:

So for that case, would I just literally have to muscle my way through it and just put my hands in the back of my head.

Speaker 2:

Well, you know, if you're not going to have muscle, well here's the muscles. A good word. It just seems like it's going to be so much fucking work. But if you ever had your bladder tell you that you needed to go pee but you're in a situation that you can't then you notice about two, three five minutes later that sensation went and went away. Yeah, so same concept, okay, okay. So you know, gotta be a body. And you did what I intend not to at this moment. It's the same thing, we just never noticed.

Speaker 1:

Hey, you saved like right there. That was like the light bulb for me. That is that because I have a lot of stories since a very young age, I've always wanted to put them on paper, even if I don't get them published. But it's one of those. Every time I sit with my fancy little Bluetooth keyboard I even buy nothing, I just literally my hands sit there.

Speaker 2:

Well, here you are, that intentional creator wanting to share something with the world. That's part of the truth of who we are. We're creative, we're curious, we're explorers. Right, we share and do cool things because that's our natural state of being. And then you sit down to the keyboard and the thought string takes over and we want to call that procrastination, but what it really is is my I am is not the type of person that would do this.

Speaker 1:

So then, to build a new world, you already would have.

Speaker 2:

Well, you just do it, okay, because it has nothing to do with your identity. I mean, the moment you realize that red is just all made up, I don't even call it a fucking identity. I mean I just don't live with that shit anymore. All right, do something. I intend to do it. If I don't, and I don't, and I just don't fuck around for red shitting anymore, because we were never meant to begin with. It just happens we could have been taught to pay attention to the dust in our belly button instead of we're taught to dwell and focus on boxing emotions. It's the same shit.

Speaker 1:

So then also would that be like the fear of posting, like someone listening wants to start a YouTube channel. I'm just giving an IPa set. Their fear is the post, because the like Twitter mob would come after them. I love Twitter trailing, so that's a different story.

Speaker 2:

Well, no, that's the I am because, remember, the I am isn't someone that would do it or it already would. And so the Frank, the emotionals, giving all the reasons why Okay, see the Okay, the I am is a what. What do you do? I do this to bitch. The I am is a what. The I am is also an emotional why, and that's the emotion side. Now, what did you do to have it so? But why? Anytime there's a wire? Because it's emotion driven, every time it's not the true self.

Speaker 1:

My ego is completely shattered right now, because this is not my whole brain. I'm freaking out like well, what are we doing? What are we doing?

Speaker 2:

Well, but what's happening is and that's a good thing that you can watch it, and you said my brain is doing it, it's not that I'm doing it, so you can even hear the disconnect that a do is happening, like having to pee, but I just really don't fucking need to do or anything to do about it. I have something else I'm going to do. Thanks, spring. Thanks, that's right. Life sucks. I appreciate it anyhow. Thanks, sensation. Oh, you're right, I got to pee, but I can't right now.

Speaker 2:

Anyhow, if it's not intention, you have to bring it to intention and it's over. Then the next time bring it to intention, just like fucking learning a new phone number. Except I'm not trying to memorize my behavior, I'm trying to teach my subconscious what it does, so individually. Going you can't do it is you can do anything you want, because emotions aren't what's going to fucking do it. I mean, you just find the reality. That's true.

Speaker 2:

I don't do this because I want to experience an emotion. I do it because I have a passion, and if the way my mind was previously taught gets in the way of that passion, well then it's no different than an eight year old come up to me and saying you can't do it. I can listen to an eight year old, listen to a previous thought, remember. It's still going to pop up, but if it doesn't match my new intention, I wouldn't want to answer it because it's the me that I used to be. That's the time. That's what takes time. It takes time for the person to get used to that, automatically looking on to that, coming back to intention, because pretty soon they have it as what Attention?

Speaker 1:

Intentionally being here, potentially being like with the present kind of things.

Speaker 2:

So this way my habitual and my emotional now represents my true self, Not the person I was taught to be. Remember, our mind was taught to have virtually and automatically give us a life much different than the one I would choose.

Speaker 1:

Is that because of, like previous conditioning from our parents and school system, or?

Speaker 2:

is it All of it Not knowing I'm not knowing I'm knowing. Didn't say I mean it's just from all of it again, if reality is only what is now and the true self Is what's now and the natural abilities of the body is now and the functions I have in the mind is now, and anything does not represent well, could not represent intention.

Speaker 1:

So essentially Nike kind of like, summarized in three words just just do it.

Speaker 2:

You're a now year old. Well, you're a now year old, right, but that's all you could be. That's all you could be in actual reality is a now year old. You can only be that which is true now, and that's reality.

Speaker 1:

So the present, or the now is reality. The past is done and the future is yet to come, and so be here.

Speaker 2:

I can't solve my past from beliefs in the past. It's not now the function to be able to solve, it is now. I can't stop an emotion and something I learned yesterday if it's not a habit. Instead, I need to be able to do it intentionally. Now I can't stop a behavior I don't want to act on If it's automatic. Instead, I have to turn it off intentionally. I choose to no longer give these thoughts of voice and I choose to no longer give those emotions of behavior, and that becomes your new you, the you in the mind. All that's left is intention.

Speaker 1:

I'm sure you have the answer to this. So how long would it take? Once you're being intentional, does the intention become habit? So like, let's say, someone suffers from porn addiction, how long would it be before they realize, like, okay, after X amount of time, it's not just, it's not intentional, it's become habit now, the way to answer that is through a direct experience.

Speaker 2:

The only thing I tell people, the only high tech tool I use is a plastic cup, and the plastic cup. Teaching goes like this Take a cup, put it next to your bed with a little bit of water and sit it next to your bed and look at it and say to yourself where's the cup? And then lay back down Where's the cup, where's the cup. When you wake up in the morning, you're going to get up and you're going to just habitually get up how you normally habitually get up, and you're about to put your foot over and you all oh shit, the cup, where's the cup, where's the cup. So the first time is going to be a failure because it's not habit yet, right? So that morning, where's the cup, where's the cup, where's the cup? When you go to bed that night, where's the cup, where's the cup? And what's going to happen is is inevitably you will wake up one morning and before you even move the covers, before you even consciously think where's the cup? The cup in your head. Automatically, and in that moment, by a simple exercise, you will now understand how to retrain your mind on anything you choose, to retrain it to do.

Speaker 2:

Everything I teach is for the individual to actually know how to utilize it purposefully. So the amount of time it takes for someone to wake up and say where's the cup, it's personal. It's going to depend on their intention that night. If they mean it, I mean the mind. We can't fool ourselves. You actually have to want to be able to do it, and when someone does, usually takes about 10 days, Eight some, well, 14 in the next. The old bullshit it takes 12 days for a half, it's all bullshit.

Speaker 2:

It just depends on the stability of the prompt, remember, you can't just wake up and go I wonder where the cup is. No, it's where's the cup, and so it really depends on because you can't be able to do it. And so it really depends on because you can't memorize your phone number. With them being random numbers, you wouldn't be able to recall the exact same thing as a phone number. So it's the same thing in the mind. And once someone sees that, they see how everyone of their habits were created and they know what they have built it within themselves to solve. Whatever's been going on, it's built in for you and all of us.

Speaker 1:

Okay. So then this just kind of popped in my brain Would like journaling also sort of help with. I'm not talking like that today. Lucy looked at me and said I was mean, it's like the more bullet points and like, okay, I did this, I need to work on this kind of thing, right?

Speaker 2:

So what I always tell everyone is don't do anything until you have the. And the cup exercise is one of the first things I introduce because it takes that seven to 10 to 14 day timeframe. So I needed to age while we're working with them on other things, and so it's the same. It's when you understand that ability to naturally reframe the mind. Again it's. I bought an RV in 2000. I spent a year in it to go teach. My dog spent the first night with me. I got out of bed and when I went to hit the floor I stuffed in a dog. I didn't realize he was sleeping on the floor next to my bed in the RV. I then started the cup exercise Of course not In this case. It was where his spirit and it took about 10 days.

Speaker 2:

It was on that journey that understood how to really quickly retrain the mind. Where the human being sees that whatever addiction, whatever habit, sexual, could be hurting themselves, emotional reaction, whatever that is is once they understand how to reprogram the mind, it can then be shown how to take on whatever those addictions or other things are literally within a very short period of time of reframing it. Most addictions it's faster to introduce a new expression. For instance, I'm not calling my dealer, I'm calling my sponsor. I'm not having a meltdown, I'm not smoking cigarettes, I'm eating chewing gum. The ability of reframing a habit can be very quick in comparison to creating a new one, like the cup. Once they have an understanding of the cup, then reframing other ones are even that much easier. I always go for the reframe. I always go for them knowing how to redo the cup first. Then they know, functionally there's nothing. Anyone can never tell them that they're helpless about it again Ever.

Speaker 1:

That's good. I know a lot of people, especially since the lockdowns with COVID. The reason I brought up porn addiction is I did have it for a while. It was starting to catch myself slip back. I was also asking for myself because I don't want to get to the point where I have actually missed interviews over it. It's like sitting there for three hours and it's like why isn't anything happening? It's like, oh crap, I had someone like an hour ago I was supposed to interview. That's where I was just asking for myself, also very selfishly, so I don't slip back to it.

Speaker 2:

I mean, listen, in 1987, about a carpet company. In 1990, about an art store, a vending company, in a newspaper. By 1987, I was homeless, broke a meth addiction and basically living out of a car that if they could find they would repossess. That then led to suicide and led to everything else and I was told that you will never get over the addiction. That's a disease, I was told, because I have my own sexual issues as well.

Speaker 2:

I mean, it's when we realize that a fantasy is just between me and my beliefs. There's nobody there but me. I'm literally taking the. I am what we're making in the mind and making it emotional and having an orgasm. That's exactly the same thing that creates pain. There's nobody there but me and my thoughts. Nobody there but you and your fantasy. If I can have an orgasm over something not there, then I can create depression over something not there. I can be excited about Santa, even though there's no one there. This is the illusion of the one view. We treat what's in the mind as equal to what's in the real world. Pretty soon the real world isn't giving us what we want when the fantasy world does, because there's nobody there needed but me.

Speaker 1:

I'm not going to be able to do that. That's good, it's true, though, as I thought about it, a lot of things I do, actually a lot of people have been saying this to me, but I'm getting better about it. I was telling you about the writing thing. I was like what do I do? Just do it, or understand the process of it.

Speaker 1:

One cousin I'll actually throw her into this she had a tantrum over not getting a car. It was this whole big deal. She knows me and I'm very blunt about things and I don't really mince my words. She officially came to everyone, tail-talked for her time between her legs and stuff. Finally, I'm like hey, how are you doing? Why were you crying in the car over there? It's a great car, I get it. It smells good, I think. Why were you crying? She's like oh, I won my own car. Then I saw you came and I didn't want to come out. I'm like why? Because you always call out everything, you see. I'm like oh, I mean, it's just who I am. That's what puzzled me for a second, I guess. I believe that I'm always the one that has to call out things that I see. So is that a good belief or is that a bad belief?

Speaker 2:

Well, it's good for you, it fucking sucks for most people. Okay, I mean, when it really comes down to it, there's eight billion people with an opinion, but only one person is a fucking stay. Yeah, but that's not what we look. We look for other people's self-esteem. It's not self-esteem, it's what other people think of me. Self-esteem it's still the I am. It's still looking for approval. It's still looking for a place to play out its I am. So it doesn't have to be emotional because people won't let you call them out anymore when you think about it. What happens if you can't live your your habit? What happens?

Speaker 1:

For like the first day or two you start kind of glitching. You're like, but after like a few days you just like well, can't do that anymore, right.

Speaker 2:

But what I'm saying is that if you can no longer call anyone out or whatever you want to call it, it's it's, oh, that one, okay, yeah, it's like it's it's. What part of your I am says that that's the best use of your relationship and friendship with someone. How's?

Speaker 1:

that really to to friendship.

Speaker 1:

I've actually had that many friends. So I said, to be honest, I haven't had that many friends in my lifetime because I was so outcasted Again with the mindset I was, I was a monster, but like generally speaking, though, for the few friends that did stick around, it was good, because they would always call me and be like all right, I'm stuck with this, you're not directly involved, what am I supposed to do? That's bullshit. That's bullshit. This is like stupid. Why the hell did you do that kind of thing? And they would. And they're like every time. You're like the next day or two later. They're like man. I feel like every time I call you, you're like that. The voice I was already hearing in my head just double reassuring it for me. I guess I took too much pride in that. It's like good, like at least, at least I got through to you.

Speaker 2:

Again, but if, if, if you don't know who you were talking to, how did she get through to them? Were you talking to a, a virtual mind, or were you talking to a present moment, human being?

Speaker 1:

You. It's usually the ones that I like. Sorry, I'm going to let you go over that. No, it's. Oh, what time is it, it's 444.

Speaker 2:

Do you?

Speaker 1:

have an urban.

Speaker 2:

No, no, you're a virtual human being. Let me ask you something. Oh, okay, right, think about that. Right. Out of all the places that you could have looked, how many options did you give you in that moment? I'm just that one, so it wasn't really an option.

Speaker 2:

We just I have it Right. So do you have an option of not telling people what time it is? Yeah, so do people always ask you what time it is? Yeah, actually, well, one isn't that your happen. So telling people, which is the thing of them, because it has nothing to do with what they want, because everything they do is what you want, what you want, your, I am told about as they're just the people you're projecting the words on to, so you can live it out. Remember, you need an object, like a book. So I am here for an. I am to project their beliefs on to. So you see, someone, part of what comes up like the word is it's a little what I think.

Speaker 1:

And I guess my new habit to build is to not necessarily say everything I see.

Speaker 2:

Well, hold on, okay. What do you mean you see with your eyes, or with your mind? I guess it would be the eyes. Ah, yeah, so you probably won't have a lot to say then, will you? Yeah, wow.

Speaker 1:

I was very proud of the skill, but now I realize it was terrifying for others. I could figure out a person within three questions. All the crippling insecurities.

Speaker 2:

Well, you thought you could, you were probably close because those are habits, but it wasn't actually true.

Speaker 1:

Right and that's where I'm starting, like that's where I'm catching myself and stopping, because it's like I it was pretty accurate, Like 90% of the time I got it right and it was just one of those. So I believe like, oh, I am able to read people on a such deep level that no one, that no one else can. But now it's like.

Speaker 2:

here's a quick question. I was taught to drive from the left side of the road. I don't know, Was it the right side of the road? How about you?

Speaker 1:

America is on the right side and left is in Europe.

Speaker 2:

So um, is it? Are you really that good, then? I guess you know which people drive on what side of the street. Come on, you're good at habitually looking for things in people that were habitually taught to do those things.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Are you really that good?

Speaker 1:

No, then I wouldn't be. Oh no, I was just looking for an easy prey.

Speaker 2:

Well, you were just looking to live out whatever that belief was, because it was something that added of some value to you, and what a gift you thought you were bringing value to your friends and value to the world. It isn't true in the world of reality, but since most of the people that you're with are asleep, and on that as much as you were riding, then, then it makes sense to them, because I don't know how much of your advice to them would have been to go to the green.

Speaker 1:

I'm thinking about it. It's the actual reality of what they should be doing, right, I guess what I was doing is reassuring that they're that your belief came true. Yeah, I was reassuring. My belief came true, but also, like for them, it's just like the words they said, echoing what I was already thinking, kind of thing.

Speaker 2:

Or do you really hang out with people that much differently?

Speaker 1:

Most of the people, most of the friends that stuck around were pretty much like me, sometimes a little bit meaner too.

Speaker 2:

Right. The mind is always looking for people that challenge itself. Mm-hmm, listen, you are like me and all of us, just in no way Right. And when, all of a sudden, we find some answers, I mean, I've been doing this for 17 years and it took 17 years to talk to people from all over this world to find a piece of the puzzle there and a piece there, and then found it within me and then find a piece within you. And here we are.

Speaker 2:

The truth of who we are has been scattered to the wind because we've been replaced by an. It's like I am in the mind. It has no abilities, no function. You know, the I am has no intention of doing anything. You can only promise. A promise is the it's like for intention. I promised, but the doer doesn't show up on a promise, does it? That's why they have to say but I promised, there's no intention there, because if they promise to do something, then it's just, and they don't have intention to do it, then it's a frank. It's just a lie to get people to shut up.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, Notice Okay yeah, I noticed that, like especially Be even before this day chatting with you, I've noticed people say, oh yeah, I'll get that, I promise, or like, or afterwards.

Speaker 2:

They are man, I'm sorry, and the thing it's not part of their automatic I am, so they're not going to do it.

Speaker 1:

Right. So for a business situation when it's a diverse amount of people, how do you, how do you set that up so it flows better? This isn't genius. Like if a CEO can they I don't think a full like Coca Cola would implement this, but like if a company can build this from the ground up. This would be a powerhouse of a company. So how? How would you structure? Like teach let's say I'm the CEO and I called you for that how would I structure it so my employees are doing what's best for them at that?

Speaker 2:

I think without. I'll actually show you through a share Perfect. So the first thing that we're doing is where we've created a system. But can you hear?

Speaker 1:

all on.

Speaker 2:

There we go. All right, can you see? All right, okay, so this is the front end. Our free giveaway is HelperSnacks. Helpersnacks is going to be for our podcast, our newsletter, our free giveaway, training, video segments as well as a late night kind of off the record kind of a conversation. All that's part of what we give away. So when we're on your podcast, they would go here to get that and then they get a free ticket to HelperCamp. Helpercamp is where we teach what I've just been talking about. So I just wanted you to see that all of our promotions goes to HelperSnacks. Helpersnacks is our value item, it's our interest-based hub, all our free material and you go to HelperCamp. Now, what happens in HelperCamp? Helpercamp, the product for a business is this. I'll show you exactly how we work with this.

Speaker 2:

The key to onboarding anyone is asking who am I onboarding? Because the I am is habitual. I don't want to onboard the I am because the only do what they're normally used to do. I don't want to onboard the emotional I am because the emotional I am that the doer is either going to be I love this, this is amazing, yay, but then there's no intention to do anything with it, or it's they fuck you. This sucks. You guys took my money. I want my money back, right, so I don't want that. So if I'm going to onboard, the very first part of this is what I call the three I do's do or swap.

Speaker 2:

The very first lesson in my onboarding is to teach them about the habitual doer, the emotional doer and the intentional doer, and they will go through some exercises of knowing the intentional doer. Why? Because if I don't have the intentional doer, they're not going to go any further. Next, they're going to get a map of the program and they're going to get the creed. And this is where they picked their why, why they want to be here, why they want to make the change. So that's the onboarding. When we go to the pre-training, the pre-training is here. In the pre-training you're going to understand the I do three. The I do is the intentional, the I do one is the habitual and I do two is the emotional. What happened to the original? You Remember? The I am is belief-based and whatever is in the I am is called O O U, one of us.

Speaker 2:

One of us, and if it's not one of us, it's others, and we have been taught what about others compared to one of us? What have we been taught?

Speaker 1:

They're over there, they're bad, they're over here, good.

Speaker 2:

So anyone teaching you something that you don't believe is automatically another.

Speaker 1:

Is that why, like, because I listen to a lot of audiobooks and that's how I got myself to where I'm at. Is that why certain audiobooks, when I listen to it, I'm like, hmm, I'll get through this, but I don't fully agree with it?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because we're exactly because we've been taught to live by opinion, not by facts and functions and elements and abilities. Remember, the I am is in its light, while it has an opinion, it can't actually do anything. So the I am believes the opinion is the doing.

Speaker 1:

How many paradigms have you already gotten Just chatting with you? Thank you, that's. Yeah, that's a good point. That's we were never not intentional.

Speaker 2:

Right, it's not intentional, and that's the key. When I'm talking to someone, I have to ask who's talking. What am I currently under the influence of? Because if I'm under the influence of something, I'm going to be recruiting them to match that. If I'm not under the influence of a half to or a habit or of emotional reaction and I'm present now I can be adaptive with you. Because I'm adaptive, I'm not in the red box. I can be intentional with you, not the virtual or emotional. I don't have to make a promise. I'll actually will do it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And so whenever you're, whatever it is again, we were taught to self analyze one. You don't look for the monster under the bed. There's no fucking monster. So I look right. We have to ask why anymore we just go straight to intention. Well, why did I do this? I don't know what. Would you rather do this? Well then, just intentionally, just go do that.

Speaker 1:

Oh, what if the ego fights back, though? How do you? How do you get the ego? What's there to fight back?

Speaker 2:

Is it maybe the oh no no, no, no no no, no, no, no, no, no Okay come on. Sit there intentionally and you try to tell yourself presently that your habit can get you to do anything you don't choose to or can't stop.

Speaker 1:

And yeah.

Speaker 2:

So what in anything can you not intentionally stop? Should you start acting out where you're talking that we're feeling about? What is it in your mind that you could not intentionally stop?

Speaker 1:

Maybe then it's the mind doesn't fully believe it can change how can the mind believe it's based on beliefs.

Speaker 2:

What do you think of beliefs? Going to believe the sense of believe in dogs? Come on, this is. This is where, right, this is the insanity. Right, this is. It's a belief, but I'm not seeing it as a belief. Every question you're asking is somehow show me that my beliefs are actually there in real. Remember, everything in the mind is virtual. You actually have to act it out for it to be trying to be real, and so the only reason why stuff seems real to you is you're acting it out first. Remember, you see the overlay before reality.

Speaker 1:

So it's the filters, essentially like how our minds have built, like the stereotypical, the rosy shade color sunglasses like we, we it's not a literal sun class, but there's, there's a filter and we only perceive it a certain way.

Speaker 2:

So when you see this is a curriculum, one of the benefits of understanding the curriculum is understanding Frank and this is yeah, so it should. What if, in reality, it goes in the eyes and that, as a present moment, human being what is, can see what is as what is? So if you look on the screen, what is is coming through the eyes, it goes through the brain and we see it as it is. What is it? It's that, and the same thing is coming through the eyes and it's going through our subconscious that I call Frank, and now Frank is putting up here it's habits and it's emotions about what came in. So every moment of every moment we have, this is what is and we're like and our subconscious is like that guy in the alley Pull it open, it's when you buy a thought like a yeah, you want to buy a thought, right.

Speaker 2:

You want an emotional reaction and it's just that way all the time. What is? And the thoughts came that I've been talking about it and it's happening all the time. All the time it's like having the TV on what is. But what's on the TV is a program made 20 years ago, and we have to understand the difference between what is and what's presenting itself as what is, because that memory might be remembered now, but it does not reflect what is reality. And so if I blame that memory, not only does it not have function to solve the memory, but it doesn't have function to do anything against us. Remember, it's just the milk in the cup, right.

Speaker 2:

And so what happens is that after a while, we start treating the overlay as reality, because we're stuck in the one view illusion. Remember what is what we're making of it? Both eyes are blended in. So we literally believe. I think it must be true, I feel it, it's proof that must be true. And then what happens? Pretty soon the overlay becomes our primary reality and we argue that actual reality is a lie. You go tell somebody with addiction that it's not a disease. You go tell someone who spent 40 years having panic attacks and depression. So I'll tell them that it's not real. The punch it, because it is real in the illusion but it's not real in real 100%.

Speaker 1:

Don't know if you can hear me or not, but you're lagging really hard, janiji.

Speaker 2:

The last hour or so and look at just those three things, how much it's made a difference in your life. Now you get into something that's an actual structured teaching, like what I have, and it's through the whole program and this is why I do what I do. I don't go on vacation. I get up every morning at around five or six and I'm in my chair till 10, 11, 12 that night and my team and I put in 16, 18 hour days to get this out to the world, because I truly believe that we solved the problem.

Speaker 1:

You really have, honestly, like all the motivational books and self-help books and whatever books, they hint at this idea but they never go into it and I think, yeah, you put in such simple way and an average Joe that's just mindlessly consuming can even be like wait a minute. He said something like me, like I said I had like four, five paradigms just already.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's why Tracy and the team is trying to get me on podcasts and unfortunately there's just a lot of podcasts out there that are just that they're full of podcasts is about trying to bring help and health to people, and it's amazing. The products that are being sold out there the machines, that this and that and this, and all I can say is therapy and the meds and all the crap kept me alive long enough that I could forgive this out for myself, and so the yoga and the therapy and the machines and all of that it's there to keep people alive until I can finally see what's actually going to help them 100%, 100%.

Speaker 1:

Well, it's been an absolute honor and a pleasure, is I truly I mean this like I will be calling you in the future to come back on, just to be also like all, right now I'm here, what do we?

Speaker 2:

do Good, good, good. So like pre interview, interview kind of thing, or what are we doing here?

Speaker 1:

That was. I just consider that the interview.

Speaker 2:

Good, I hope so. What did you record it? Yeah, oh, thank God. Yeah, because this is how I like just talking, just kicking back and having a conversation. Oh, good for you, man. Yeah, that's the best way to have a conversation, dude.

Speaker 1:

Honestly, that's kind of my motto is like how I explain it to people on the show here I'll turn it off, so we'll actually make a whatever.

Speaker 2:

Whatever, I'll turn it off.

Speaker 1:

Whatever you need, right, so tell everyone where they can get you out.

Speaker 2:

Well, we've got an amazing thing called helper snacks bite sized pieces of insights and things that can help us along the way. So go to helpersnaxcom and, included with that as a free ticket, helper camp, for we'll spend five days for free together, just helping you learn this a little bit more and being able to live the life you were meant to have, not the one your mind was the only thing thought to give you.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much, denise. This has been an absolute honor and a pleasure. Truly, I'm going to be having like the best dreams in my life, trying to figure out okay, what do we do now?

Speaker 2:

Yes, Well, I'd like to maybe at some point edit this off, I'm hoping, but at some point we'd love to set up a regular, once a month little one or two minute series that can come in. I'd love to have you on mine. I'd love to hear what it's like for another podcaster to have all these people come on and offering tools to help people. I'd love to have another podcaster come on about that. And so I'm all about just really trying to work together and helping people, and you, sir, are just a gift, just a gift trying to do what you do, and I really honor you, man. I really do. Thank you so much.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and another thing.