The Josh Bolton Show

Find Your Style Without Breaking the Bank | Maxim Houston

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My name is Maxim Houston. I help men transform their outer appearance by showing them how to dress better and look younger by using proper grooming products.

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Josh Bolton:

today's podcast is brought to you in part by powerful creators mentoring. Are you ready to manifest rapid growth in your business or sales career, head on over to powerful creators dotnet forward slash mentoring, enter promo code, mentor 96 All caps and get 96% off your first mentoring session. Today's show is also brought to you in part by naked word recovery. I have been on a personal health journey to improve myself and after stumbling across naked warriors happy berry energy training with all the good vitamins and electrolytes to give you great balance and mental clarity. Without the junks and jitters that other brands give you. I personally can't get enough of naked warrior energy drink powder. It tastes like happy berries to click the link in the bio type in promo code Josh Bolton at checkout for 20% off

intro guy:

Welcome to the Josh Bolton show. Die interesting and inspiring conversations and now your host Josh Bolton. Hey, hey, how you doing? I'm good. How are you? Josh?

Josh Bolton:

Doing pretty good.

maxim houston:

How are you? How's your nap?

Josh Bolton:

Very good. I got home from work and I did a workout with my mom and halfway through the workout. I'm yawning I'm like I think I need a nap after this.

maxim houston:

What kind of work are you guys?

Josh Bolton:

So we did this Pilates yoga thing my mom found Pio from Beachbody it's good. It's I'm not gonna knock Pilates anymore let's put it that way.

maxim houston:

You know what I took part in back in seventh grade back in school? But the medina why took politician seventh grade?

Josh Bolton:

No. Why did you

maxim houston:

because all the chicks were taken it.

Josh Bolton:

Hey, you were everything you big green back then.

maxim houston:

Oh, yeah. That because I wasn't just me Pilates? Big. Yeah. Yeah, me and my couple buddies decided to try Pilates because we were so interested polite. When you were 14 years old.

Josh Bolton:

Like all these chicks were awesome outfits. It's good to pull up nice.

maxim houston:

Yeah, that's pretty much it. That was like one of the I guess like, you know, like classes, you know? Phys Ed, what's available? So if you took the ladies

Josh Bolton:

there you go. Smart man.

maxim houston:

Picking up a couple of weeks since he spoke so hard your sugar thing is it's already taken down. What's going on? Yeah, it's

Josh Bolton:

gone down. Like maybe five grams at worst for the day because I can't fully cut it out. Like eating like berries and stuff. But yeah, I've noticed the fascia shedding off like crazy. Not like the I don't think it's gonna be the miracle 25 pounds in a month, but it's it's coming off pretty consistent, like the the short somewhere and usually are tight. Now it's kind of like, do I really need to tighten it up kind of thing.

maxim houston:

So it's possible that for some, but two weeks ago, how much weight do you think it dropped? In a two week period?

Josh Bolton:

So when we taught I was around, like 278 Now I'm around like 274 273

maxim houston:

about five pounds. Yeah. But I mean, could that mean a bear? I mean, like, you know, like, I

Josh Bolton:

think, I think that's about my limit. For like, a two week stretch. Really? I think that's just my limit cuz I'm packing on muscle like crazy, too. So, oh, I know you lost a lot of body fat, but I can't tell if all the fat or the muscle I'm putting on.

maxim houston:

So you want to be focused on weight training because wow. Okay, so, like more like 10 pounds of fat. Maybe? Okay, yeah, I you know, I you know, let's see what a weight training that's all again.

Josh Bolton:

Yeah, a lot of its body weight, a lot of push up and stuff. I'm going to go get some actually funny either today or tomorrow, I'm going to go over to Walmart pickups and dumbbells in just have my room. I cancelled my gym membership completely. We've been having way too thick of cases for me to be like, it's safe. No, no, no, it's not. So

maxim houston:

really. In California, it sounds like

Josh Bolton:

yeah, we're in California really divided. So we have like half of California is like Texas. Just don't tell us what the hell to do. We'll pay our taxes kind of thing. And the other half is just like, we're the sheep and you are the shepherd. And I'm for some reason, that weird guy in the middle going like can you guys just see the same thing from once?

maxim houston:

So I know I'm relatively healthy, but I had COVID Back in December 2020. I get back from Miami. I was in Miami indication My mom was a little worried. So she is on the Gulf Coast. I was in Miami for a couple of days. So I got back and couple days later COVID Hit me you Like I had no energy, I had headaches. But two days later, you know, by the time I got tested, I was back to normal. So I'm like, what's a big freaking deal? I was like, Why is everybody fine? But different health if you're older I can imagine like, if I was older, as non sudden as healthy like it would hit me much harder.

Josh Bolton:

Well, yeah, and I got it in same timeframe too. But mine. I started joke with my guests on my I don't know, it's not the original Alpha strain, but it's not the delta one that was like everyone freaking out. It's the weird B or C Greek letter. We don't know which one those are. They're not even cool. Anyways.

maxim houston:

Recently, I read an article in other countries in Europe is creaking COVID as the flu basically.

Josh Bolton:

Yeah. Now it is at that point, you could treat it. But um, no, when I got it, I literally was is why I started the show is I was convulsing on the floor. And everyone's yelling at me to move and I couldn't I pretty much couldn't breathe. I was beyond winded. Just laying on the floor twitching. And then as I'm leaving, the district manager comes in and yells at me for leaving early. And essentially a pulled the whole because this isn't when the American Well, at least. Well, yeah, American government was paying like 600 bucks a week to stay at home. And I'm like, dude, good luck convincing someone to come scrub shit off your toilet for 1440 an hour. When the government triple that?

maxim houston:

Definitely your California. Cost of living is ridiculous there. You're near your near La right. Yeah, near La. Yeah, I like Aladdin a couple of times. I actually might live in Chile. But I do like, like, cool.

Josh Bolton:

Yeah, it's expensive, though. You need at least a trade job to barely get by. So like 25 or 30 an hour just for you.

maxim houston:

Yeah, I mean, that's my goal is to get beyond that. Oh, of course. Oh, sorry. I'm looking. Yeah. I mean, it's a reason why you're doing this in the first place, ie our podcast. You know, I'm a guest. So that's the reason why it is.

Josh Bolton:

Yeah, gives people an introduction to you and all that. So I'm actually kind of liking the intro. Let's give a little background for those who don't know you and what's going on. Good

maxim houston:

idea. Well, okay, so my name is Max Houston. I'm a image consultant. But really, I call myself a mens style consultant. Because 99% of my clients are male. I do give advice to women but I don't really specialize in women's style because a lot more complicated than men's but I can pretty much take any average guy and make him look 10 times better. So that being said, that take men to the mall shopping, you know, they have dates coming up if they have important work meetings coming up and just want to feel more confident because of course we wear our stylists can make a huge impact on how they feel and their confidence. So I think a guy put him in the right outfit, and he feels 10 times better than he normally would. Because the most guys are, you know coolest to say the least when it comes to style and looking very good and sharp. Miss out taking over the top. I'm not gonna take another guy and make him look like a runway model, because then he's gonna feel so uncomfortable. So there's definitely a balance and fine line to this.

Josh Bolton:

Yeah, there is I will say if you put me on a runway model and the current state I'm outfit, I'd wear it, but it'd be like, damn, this is like screaming attention. I don't need that right now.

maxim houston:

Yeah, I think what I say is like, you want to dress sharp is out. Grabbing too much attention, you don't be center of attention and you can still look sharp is out. screen. And you know, like, for example, like a lot of guys who are Calon they put them on and you can smell them from a mile away. That's not good level of attention. So while at night, it's not a clunk, it's very important and it can get good attention. If you put if you're aware apply it that it can be overwhelming, which is not a good thing.

Josh Bolton:

Yeah, maybe one two, but like far away, put on your wrist Rabida and kind of thing.

maxim houston:

It come at three to four straight. So one thing I do want to correct tonight, you don't want to rob it because what happens if you just press a cologne on one you written you grab the second one is gonna actually destroy column particles. So therefore it's gonna listen to effect. You don't want to spray totally commend three to force price. So you want to do a spray on each side of the neck and spray on each wrist and four sprays. And if you want to be heavier, you might want to stretch you know, one on your chest as well.

Josh Bolton:

Okay, so like, pack pack, consider the chest kind of thing. Yeah, like writing any packs. Okay, cool.

maxim houston:

Four to five sprays. If you can think about a longer day No, you want to last longer. You under five Chris on average, day four is good, like I said, one on each side of your neck and one in your wrist. And perhaps if you want to be a bit more set for the day, you might want to put one in front of your neck or EBIT or between your pecs. Okay, cool.

Josh Bolton:

What are some other tips maybe that, like you said, as men Not so soon to like that I didn't know, I always get on the fabric and like, oh, well now I guess I'll put it on before I put my shirt on

maxim houston:

your net, you never want to put it in fabric. And here's another tip I would like to give everyone this is important. So when you go shopping for color coding department store we could afford or wherever it is that york city stores sales associate will spray the Cologne perfume on your card and give it to you. You never want to test that way. Because everybody, each and every one single one of us has different chemistry. So what might smell good on me is not going to smell good on you. And vice versa, because of different chemistry. So you always want to apply when you testicle on to store all this apply to your wrist because then you can get a better sense better idea how it's gonna smell on you. I'll give you an example. But 10 years ago, I worked at a grocery store. And what happened was one of my co workers was incredible. Like one of us cultivars not with Burberry. Kate remembers the name of the Thomas is Burberry. It smelled incredible on him. I bought it myself. It smelled horrible. And it smelled like I don't know, like a chemical and maybe because again, makes all this my chemistry. So that being said, it's super important to test yourself and never do this on the card. Because this whatever single associate at Circle, do they both present the card and use it to you? Yeah, that again? Like I said, it's not

Josh Bolton:

really for me, I can't find it anymore from the Kelowna curve. It's pretty. Yeah, it's pretty well known, but for some reason in California, just it's really hard to find it. And if right um, yeah, but if you buy it online, it's like, oh, yeah, you get it for like 40 bucks. And it's like, I'm not paying that much. Get a thing. Yeah, it's just that one smelled fantastic on me. But other people

maxim houston:

curve is really hard to go wrong with. So curve for the price. It's very hard to be it smells great. Almost anybody I use this curve I haven't used in a while. But yeah, I'll echo that. Because refreshing. It's clean. And it's simple and sound offensive. Like I've never met anybody who told me you don't smell good. Like SOCAR flex at a price that's actually I almost forgot about them because it's been half a decade since they used it but now they should have mine might have to get

Josh Bolton:

we're gonna go out and get some now.

maxim houston:

That yeah, easy going great smelling cologne.

Josh Bolton:

Yeah, it was I use curve and then a deodorant the Gillette cool wave.

maxim houston:

Oh my god. So my tip is so I used the cool wave for a long time for lunch for at least half a decade. I love how it smelled it was very effective. But you have to be careful because our results users have it post bertinet Which basically clog up your skin and could potentially lead to cancer skin cancer. So if you can, unless you're Swiper Suzy I would not use a

Josh Bolton:

and that was that was one of them why I stopped using it is it's one of those I've gotten older and acne is not consistent unless like now with mask I get nose acne but I just noticed in my armpit I would just have tons zits and I'm just sitting there going like okay, this is not good. If it's if it's this is that many going up?

maxim houston:

Oh yeah, yeah, that's one thing I stopped using but there are many deodorants out there. Very effective. You don't want to use like all all natural ones because then they have no effect. Do you want an hour too? But there are many good deodorant. I mean, give Dorf is one of them that comes in 90% but also your urine by itself. That's the one that would cause this effect if it smells good, and then it's not gonna cause irritation

Josh Bolton:

Yeah, for me my one buddy told me before before we stopped talking for some reason he he highly recommend not he used to use same thing because it smells good on him the cool wave and then he stopped it with something else and hey, just curious because like, I would hang out at his house and I'd go into his restroom and I see his stuff said Why did you switch deodorants? He's like oh the cool wave has like a he said whatever chemical

maxim houston:

appropriate for aluminum aluminum probably

Josh Bolton:

Yeah, I think it was aluminum but it was something else. And he said your armpits a great receiver of snap and that's going to give you like dimension cancer and I'm like, well you don't have to tell me twice I'm switching

maxim houston:

Yep, and I've been stuff and think it like most of the guys there are going to be unless you're working on a hot summer day in IT field 100 degrees and you're spiking like you don't really need one for like an average cemetery lifestyle. You don't really need a thank you postburn anymore. Most of the users are going to get a trickle. Like I said, I've tried some software like all my truck and I don't have a sweater by industrial imagination, but I do have a pretty active lifestyle. I exercise a lot. I walk a lot but even killed then I don't need this 90 plus percent because you always rent you know, takes care of everything.

Josh Bolton:

Yes, same here. So then let's Say, being the fashion guy that you are for the image consulting, let's say hypothetically someone sitting here going like Okay, that's great. I got a hot day with a gorgeous gal or partner. What do I wear? What would be a basic recommendation? A just a go to outfit that you would recommend to them?

maxim houston:

It really depends. It's like, there's no one answer to that depends on the occasion where you're going. Are you going to spank a steakhouse? Are you going to somebody below key Are you going to a bar so it really depends on the situation. So if you can give a situation with a date for two occasions, then it can give you more of an accurate answer for that.

Josh Bolton:

Let's say it's not like high end fancy steak house but it's not Denny's like that perfect in between or the bar.

maxim houston:

Okay, so you also want to have a nice pair of shoes because a woman always notice first. So obviously I recommend never wearing since New corset versus Jim Carrey and putting your salad away. Now speaking of sneakers, you can get a nice pair of fashion sneakers they have so many term brands, brands makeup, I think you're gonna use this make some as well. But you can get fashion sneakers or leathers that look cool and you can pull them off is pretty much everything. So for example, when I travel I still wears them because they can hit I can go out to a nice dinner in them, but they can also hit the gym at the hotel in them. So I would wear nice pair of loafers fashion sneakers, color hand makes really good green tips. Then for the pants, I would not wear light wash change this hauls on them on a date. But I do have options and I usually wear dark versions. Again because you can dress them up you can dress them down to serve multiple purposes. So you can wear that or you can wear nice pair of chinos. What's that a common achiness like khaki chinos, okay, Nike tennis. Yep. Again, you can dress them up, you can dress them down. If it's a cooler to the outside, I would probably wear like a nice V neck sweater. Okay, it seems a bit dark version, or a nice pair of chinos. And perhaps you've had somebody a bit fancier how it potentially froze port code over sport shorts, or, or the next letter is chinos. So like I said, the important thing don't swear like we're since Paulson and don't wear sports sneakers and don't wear T shirts.

Josh Bolton:

I learned that the hard way when I was dating. Oh, it was it like and it got direct feedback or anything like you were now like, I could look up a show and just be like, Okay, what's going on what I do wrong? For the ladies listening, and I'd be that weirdo that messaged What did I do wrong? I get it. You're done. You go small. Can you just tell me exactly what I did wrong? And I'll just shut the hell up. It was there like is weird, but Okay, here you go. And they told me everything. And that was one of them was fashion. So I was like, okay, my later on what I started doing, if I actually confirm a date, and she didn't ghost me, I'd actually go buy like a nice pair of jeans. Nice, cheap, but fashionable pair of shoes kind of thing would be like, everything would be under like 50 bucks. And, and then I suddenly had great success. It was just like you want okay, I get it. You're done with me? What did I do wrong? And then I'll just shut up.

maxim houston:

And how would they usually be honest, just to you, because girls don't want to hurt feelings.

Josh Bolton:

Honestly, nine times out of 10 they actually told me because I told him like you're not gonna hurt my feelings. If you don't tell me it's actually gonna hurt my feelings. So now they're like, Okay, sorry, this is this is where you, here's your checklist. So

maxim houston:

that's awesome. Yeah, definitely. I know, it takes a lot of confidence and courage to it. Because a lot of guys, they're so full of themselves are so proud that they will never ask, Oh my God, how, but you don't ask you will never learn. And yeah, and I'm one of those guys who might, you know, whose ego might be a bit too big to ask for that kind of feedback. So yeah, that grant and I will recommend everyone do that as well.

Josh Bolton:

It takes a little a bit of humbleness to to admit okay, I you messed up, learn from your failures. But yeah, that's one of them. One of my co workers is going through like a breakup, and he's emotionally distraught. And I told him I dude, I'm like, I was one of those. I didn't even know yet. I bet you it wasn't even you. It was for some reason she just wanted another person in her life. And an ended that's where it came back and he's a cat she did she she did cheat it. But I want to know, why am I that one? As an answer, even if they tell you it's not going to make sense. Essentially, it's the old cliche is not you. It's them. It's very true. Just go with that and move on. So sorry, this is what I tend to for no reason. For let's say Now look, I with the bar, let's say The he doesn't want to fully all be like fancy, like V shirt, but still the fancy shorts and Jeans, shoes. What for like a bargain would be is a similar setup be what you would recommend to them?

maxim houston:

I mean, honestly, like because they're not going to like, you know, like some of the pants are going to like, you know, like, you know, like, you don't want to take your day microbiome. Yeah, microbrew Yeah, I mean, I was super fatty. So that would be if he given you the color of your olive checkers, you know, they're also known as Oh my god.


Okay. Oh,

maxim houston:

can I go? Chagas chocolates? Yeah, well, fitting dark portions. And a nice UnixWare or Sports Shorts.

Josh Bolton:

Obviously, let's see some ones that i into V neck sweaters or Sports Shorts. Is there an alternative? You can get into that? Or like my case, I don't actually have those either. I'm not against a family.

maxim houston:

A family? How would work a family? They know what the animal is? Is it like a polo? So it's not like a polo because they doesn't have the actual color? Okay, but, uh, Haley can be long see if they can discharge it, but has it you know, like, three or four buttons up top? And they tend to fit well, very well. It's gonna have to be the best way to describe it is think of like, IKEA shorts with three or four buttons. So again, it's not

Josh Bolton:

why I know you're talking about yes, I that one. I don't specifically have I. It was when I was much bigger. Now I put it on like this shirt. Everyone else can't see it. I'm wearing this fricking cape of a shirt. Kind of thing. But yeah, it was like this. So even if I weren't in public, it just would look weird.

maxim houston:

Yeah, and you don't want to wear it on the date? Oh, God, no. But But, but see if you and I might be lucky by it. But a lot of guys wouldn't think twice about it, wherein they'd be like, you know, it comes going. And he doesn't like I love to emphasize this point. It's so it's important. Girls gonna spend like an average girl's gonna spend hours if not days, preparing for a day to look her best. She's gonna forget her nails that her heard on her makeup done. She's gonna obsess over his outfit. And an average guy. What's he going to do? He might take me an hour beforehand, pulls out 15 minutes to get together. So I mean, I'm thinking something when you're on a date with a girl I really like and I know for a fact, she is probably going to put a lot of time effort energy into booking her best. So it would be disrespectful for me. I don't want to be Mr. Nice guys. Nice guys. But I want to put some time and effort to look presentable. So I might get like a good haircut, you know, I'm good. Go get an manuka or anything like that. But I'm gonna put some points into my article. What am I gonna wear? You know, you got to you got to be proactive. Because the girls are almost always productive.

Josh Bolton:

Same. Yeah, that's a big one. I just give people recommendation. Even if you just got to cut last week. Just go get a haircut. And then go get a nice outfit because it's like, like you said shoes and hair. Like the first thing they noticed in its eyes. I think it's shirt and then pants. Like similar?

maxim houston:

Yeah, and number one is just because it girls obsess over system a lot, right? So me fair. So I mean, the President, and we're just picking up haircuts. So for example, I don't get haircuts, like every single week, but what I do is, so once a month, I will get a full haircut. And then bi weekly, I will get the trim on the side, kind of like a cleanup. So for example, Stacy, you got a haircut last week, and then you have the date and expected pop up out of nowhere. You probably don't get a haircut again. But you can go to your barber or your salon and get the trim. Can you get it cleaned up? And you're gonna look great.

Josh Bolton:

Yeah, for me my hair grows wicked fast. So like zoom makes it look like it's even but there's like a large chunks that just like we're gonna go really fast compared to everyone else.

maxim houston:

Well, in that case, you'd prefer to get that for me. That's

Josh Bolton:

That's right. I recommend I just always if it's more than a week from the original cut, it's a guy just go get an r1 kind of thing. Well, yeah, that's that's that's you pretty good. That must be an out of California thing because I don't know how many barbers around here that like you could just get a trim for like maybe 10 bikes. It's always just a haircut. Price.

maxim houston:

Yeah, so I'm not sure he might get a good it's like a chain barber shop. Very good. Very good. By the way, it's not some of the supercars or anything. But the church I think, pretty fun to charge 25 bucks for a forecast and to get a trim for about $18. So once about once a month, they'll pay 45 bucks for a full haircut, and then bi weekly review the telco version with that taken dollars. Okay. Yeah, he's gonna ask.

Josh Bolton:

Yeah, there's probably one they don't want to mark because they don't want people in their seats for that. But Okay. Interesting. So then what Some other tips or tricks I'm missing that us simple men are not catching on to.

maxim houston:

Well, you know, like often the like, my main expertise is style dressing well. But what's really important is you have to feel great, comfortable, confident in your own skin. You have to feel you got to eat healthy. And I'm not saying you have to be a model this an eight pack and 2% body fat. But you want to get in shape. You know, you can climb a flight of stairs, and you feel good in your own skin. Because really, yes, clothes because important has a huge impact on our confidence. By the way, I like to look at it closing is nothing but a bandaid. So if you're really insecure, you have confidence problem. Problem, and you don't feel good in your own skin, then clothes can only do so much. But once you put in your own skin that clothes can make a huge difference.

Josh Bolton:

Yeah, 100% like they will say this this cape over shirt is when I first started martial arts, that's why we're it. Just a reminder, only around the house because now if I wear it outside, it's like the kid is still dead shirt and trying to run around. We had I was

maxim houston:

out for them microwaves here, I'm sure the microwave, because you were like look how much progress I've made.

Josh Bolton:

Right? Yeah, that's the main reason. And because I think this is a 3x. And I'm down to like, lower into extra 1x. And yeah, it's just one of those as a reminder, like, Don't ever do that, again, don't get that pig.

maxim houston:

You know, I'm actually really glad you brought up that size, because that's important. A lot of fittings can be solved this by going upside down. And when I say it says down, what I really mean is a lot of guys, because they want to go bigger than they really are. They're smaller guys. If they really belong in the small detail. They're usually by immediately blocking the medium to number a large. So just by going and set it down again. It's not a black and white, but now refer upon many guys like our clients. They normally go for a size up. I'm like, you definitely belong in a medium. Don't get a large or feel like a large. Don't go for an extra large. Dad. Yeah, exactly why you see so many guys wear baggy pants, baggy shirts, that doesn't fit them?

Josh Bolton:

Well, the reason I would wear baggy, whatever was no I'm like, whatever I make fun of it. But like, my chest had more of more of the manboobs structure. So even if I would always joke, I need a blue or brown kind of thing. Because it was so bad. Now it's pulling into the exercising diet. But it's like it's still that I was bullied as younger kid for wearing tighter, more cleaner fitting, but my body was just so weird proportions. And I would just always get an eyelid so I just wear bigger ones because then they're going to comment about shape.

maxim houston:

Yeah, bigger man boobs. I know it's coming from amongst many, many members, I find a good way to solve this is a challenge for all of you who have insecurity and struggle with that. I challenge it to do 100 Push ups every single day for the for the next 30 days.

Josh Bolton:

Or every day. I had a chat with a Navy Seal, William Brennan. And he actually advocates for 100 pushups, 100, situps and 100 squats every day, and that's just started then you go do your workout.

maxim houston:

Yeah, I mean, if you can pull it off more power to you. I mean, I can probably do but I've been working out most of my life. But like, you know, start doing some push ups in the basic and, you know, just made a real on Instagram about this. A lot of people say that, you know, continue to work hard and don't have the time. You know, like I'm busy. I have kids, I have family. Now I don't have kids or families. So it's easy for me to say. But I would say you don't have to spend one to three hours at the gym. 567 days per week, you can get a pretty good workout. It will keep you in good shape.

Josh Bolton:

I understood that like 30 minutes, essentially a show.

maxim houston:

Not about 30 minutes, 1015 minutes, get some push ups and get some sit ups and some planks, pull ups, some walls it for your legs. It doesn't have your full blown out workout at the gym like you will go hardcore for like two hours. No, no, you can get it, get some dumbbells, get some resistance bands. I love rigid averages bands, our pull up bars. So I'll see if I have a cop I overslept. I still want to get my day started on the right notes. I'll get a 510 minute push up pull up some planks workout in my living room. Nice I don't have to go to gym How am I going to jail Of course. You know I can socialize a bit more I can get better workout. Back to stay in good shape. You don't need a gym you don't need like you know, like a whole weight from each your own body, you know, do bodyweight exercises,

Josh Bolton:

too brutal. Like I was saying with the Pilates yoga thing. I'm not knocking any work because man. I did a core workout today and I'm still a little like exhausted. It's hard for me to sit up. So I'm like leading here and there. But tomorrow was bunds. I'd done it before last week and I'm what I asked for three days afterwards. I sort of like oh no that when again. It's literally just By the way, and that's it.

maxim houston:

Yeah, by the way, I think is like no, like, I'm only 5758, somewhat shorter guy. So what I noticed when I started the weight training and a lot of it and they go heavy, I tend to bulk up. So for anybody who doesn't want to bulk up, bodyweight exercises, calisthenics is incredible. And the benefit of that also is your budget me more proportion, because I know our guys still focus more on chest and the bicep curls, so they isolate. So what happens over time is like your body doesn't proportional back to his body weight exercises, you work multiple muscle groups at the same time. So to give an example, for another, so when you do push up, for example, push up more effectively doing bench presses, dumbbell presses, because you're doing your core in your chest isn't your shoulders, your triceps, while you're still working? Those models? Not so much core. But yeah, while you're still working with smaller groups, when you do a bench press it I feel it's more so therefore, like you want work your automatic hooks as well. Pull Ups, pull ups are going to be more effective and less pull downs, as well. So like when you do bodyweight exercises, you can add 30 more muscle group, so therefore your body's gonna be stronger and more proportionate than when you isolate. So like even to this day, well, in my unit 20 Molokini chairs I was doing more weight training now focus more on calisthenics. Because like, I feel more defined and it feels stronger for my body.

Josh Bolton:

Oh 100% Yeah, this is funny how you said the muscles. Like I just learned that indirectly. Because I before the pandemic This is to 2019 in December I signed up and to for the gym and all that and I was going hard, and I was great. And but i i again angry kid back then it I say kids years ago. And I was just dead lifting, bench pressing for two to three hours a day minimum, eat as much protein calories as you could get. And my muscles were filling in. But it was one of those. Like, suddenly my traps were just enormous. And my chest was like super small. It was just what and I was getting the power lift to get it. So I just kind of sat there my Well, this defeats the purpose of what I was doing. Because like when I was deadlifting was 350. I would do 510 reps on 10 sets.

maxim houston:

Wow, that that's that's pretty impressive.

Josh Bolton:

Well, and it was just one of those. I was trying to get like the the lean physique. And then I realized that I was looking back on you at your powerlifting get a thick. It's been powerlifting.

maxim houston:

You know, like if you really out of shape and overweight in the fastest way to weight is by focusing more on weight training. So for example, when you lift, lightweight, I think on average shipping for a members claim is like 3.6 3.7 calories per minute. If you go heavier. Yeah, the heavier, heavier weights. Yeah, I think it's like Dallas things like over seven cars permanently burn. So if you want to drop weight faster, like yes, do and also, you know, your biggest muscle group is in your legs, focusing on squats and stuff, you're going to burn more calories because you're working as a bigger muscle group. So go heavier, and focus majority so that's going to help you if you're in shape and you feel good. Then you should focus more on core statics and bodyweight exercises.

Josh Bolton:

Oh 100% But yeah, back then I was just like, the Hulk rage eternal. I didn't know where to put it. So I just needed something. But yeah. Just looking back and like man, cuz I was trying to go for like the Lean natural bodybuilder like, and I was like, Oh, well, they lift heavy, they lift constantly. So I just got to go heavy, constant focus on my chest and my core kind of thing. And yeah, now they come back and we do two sets. No, just do your workout for like 40 minutes and then go home.

maxim houston:

Yeah, a lot of guys spent was sneakers, you know, again, people call me like I used to spend like an hour at the gym every day. I didn't I do something like you know, playing on myself one taking two minutes between sets. You know, like I'm missing a lot of time. So now I can get better workouts in 20 to 30 minutes and I used to get in an hour. So what I do is, for example, it's safe, I'm working my chest and my trice. I'll do bench press. Now, if I do this on my chest and my biceps, so I'll do bench press, because the curls go back, I don't take a break between between sets, our quad muscle group. If I do my back and my triceps, I'll do pull ups and I'll go into some dips non stop. So while I'm working one muscle group, another one you could call or send back and forth, back and forth. So you can get a killer workout session in 20 minutes to half an hour. He's gonna burn more calories can get you in better shape. And if he would spend one to two hours checking yourself on, you're not as focused. You take a break. Yeah, so that's a lot of time can be saved to this trip, just simply by doing that, going from one muscle group to another.

Josh Bolton:

So I'm only reason I'm laughing and any ladies listening in I'm not talking too much shit. I just literally, because I was that crazy fiend. So you did what you did for like, what, like 2030 minutes for your old set, right?

maxim houston:

Oh, yeah, I can get that full blown workout. Thank you feel exhausted afterwards. And like I can listen to half an hour because you're not stuck.

Josh Bolton:

So what's the limit tick, who did do hours non stop? I think exactly what you're doing for 20 minutes. But so I'm in the groove. And I'm going and I'm doing like this arm like rotation bike thing for just as hard and as fast as I could go. Again, nothing against her interest just might have been one of those I came in at a wrong time is over overweight gal came in to get to the gym as she was getting her work on. But she took a photo of herself. And it was just Well, funny me in the corner. Because I could see it like peripheral. We just see this kind of thing. So she somehow managed to Photoshop me out. And slender up her body to look like she's been working out. And then I never said anything to her. And I'm like, Well, if you needed to look good, you might as well just go home and Photoshop. Like the whole point of the gym is to make sure you could look like that but a bike. And then he'll get up and bike. I need protein. I'm gonna go lift some curls instead. But uh, yeah, I was just sat there, how you said, just getting on your phone. And like, I saw that so much, people would just come in and take their photo, and just sit on the weight room and just be like,

maxim houston:

Oh, it's great. Yeah, I really think your cell phone should be banned to the gym.

Josh Bolton:

Or like the uses which music.

maxim houston:

Zuma go to get he credit bad credit crazy packed. Within hours, you know the important 6pm, four and 7pm. It's like you want to get in you when you get in you and get out. You don't want to spend two hours you get an error, you want to do something and you have somebody sitting there for five minutes on the same machine just says playing on their cell phone.

Josh Bolton:

Just one person I actually because the reason I how I did two hours is I would do 30 minutes, a stair steppers, a 40 minute workout then or 30 minutes to stair step or set the end or whatever cardio I want to do. And this one person from the two hours I was there never left the that it's the little personal trainer box, but you're allowed to use the equipment kind of thing, but you need to leave the box never left the box for two hours and never lifted a damn way. And they're just sitting here going. It's got to be what it should be a rule for this kind of thing. Like, if you're just gonna waste time and space you might as well just be like, sir, just get out.

maxim houston:

Yeah, it's Yeah, and it's up to myself sometimes. But the thing is, like since I started my new routine and keeping my mindset 20 to 30 minutes, it's not one rule set for all I'm at a point in my life where I'm like, I'm pretty happy with my CGA got one and maybe improve it somewhat. But my goal was to really get both and add a lot of math that will not be effective as much but because I kind of want to stay where I am maybe improve you know, get you a year 20 to 30 but now if you really want to buddybuild and you want that he put out this pen more than an hour I think but for now this person was saying similar shape and improve a bit 20 to 30 minutes we can be more efficient social and economic traveling set clear.

Josh Bolton:

For 100%. And like especially like the Bodyweight Workouts at home. There's plenty of programs online for extremely cheap. I just pick you up. And like for me in three weeks I've done my routine like My confidence has gone through the roof. I used to be the super shy guy that wouldn't like other than podcasting, I really wouldn't talk to people and now I'm just going up to random people chatting away because it's also a little bit of a scientist to me like okay, if I talked about this what happens okay, we go over here then it gets awkward we better stop look at a thing.

maxim houston:

Social Experiment it's something much that's not and that's the best way to build confidence is by talking to random strangers. We tend to like so in our own box. We can't talk to people if there's not like on their cell phones it's like you want to go meet somebody and their goods are so important and key almost feel like I don't want to be rude about it there and everybody no like no anybody when somebody feels uncomfortable social media blood or cell phone. So I mean like like, what's the best way to build confidence? Yes, you want to look good at this. You want to feel good, but he also want to go talk to random strangers people he never met before.

Josh Bolton:

Well, how I started off is that you think one of my guests gave me the recommendation to think, yeah. Or I just started doing it too is he's like if you go to your local coffee shop your usual routine and you see the same barista every day, he's like, Hi chance they remember you, but not as much as you remember them. But if you start talking to them, they'll remember you. And then you don't have to see your order. And let's do it anyways. Good to think. So did I go to one coffee shop? I love it. And so I'd start talking to barista. And then suddenly we got talking come to realize we're both d&d Nerds. And I was just like, oh my gosh, you say I have a boyfriend. Dammit. That was my next question. Do you want to go on a date? So

maxim houston:

get it most sticking out, you know, Starbucks, so when I go to, it's just like, everybody in there knows money. Everybody's a cup. Oh, hey, Max. And you remember mondrall? You know, like, there's one time there's a girl, you know, she's really pretty. I've been attracted to her for a while. So upon yester out and I'm like, Hey, what are you doing like her? And she's like, Oh, I'm going to use my boyfriend. I'm like, Okay. That was the funniest because she was like, she's like August relative rotations. Nice. Like always. Oh, hey, Max, you know, like, you could tell by her body language shows enemies. And that's why you know, she has curly hair, which was doing well, that is the age they call health plays my boyfriend.

Josh Bolton:

I simply I get so many mixed signals. And that's where now I just assume if a woman's confident is flirting with me, they have a husband. This is like, every time I've talked to a woman who's very confident, willing to talk to me, it's usually they have a boyfriend or a husband. Or there's that flip coin that like 45% chance that they're lesbian or bisexual and I'm like, damn it. Because I hate a college I was I would dress we did like theater. So like, dressing pretty you'd get make fun of even though like every one of the LGBTQ A plus whatever the acronyms are now was there because it's theater? was like the only strict guy that had like kind of like a cowboy attitude. And it was just funny. The straight girls single, timid or does that's why I always say they're like this. And then like a man looks into it run away. Hey, look, the lesbians and bisexuals the men are like Josh, Mike. Hello. One of the guys is like in the corner. I'm like your nipples are really hard by the way. It's worded like they're all like, Oh, you're great. You should get a girlfriend this and then they're like, Oh, she like date? Color. Ashley I don't even know her name. I said I just add try to talk to her. She like freaked out which crapped herself around away into like, Josh, did you remember the spa? Like? Yes. It was a joke. Smile for them. Like, yeah, I'm smiling makes everything better. She still ran away?

maxim houston:

Well, it's true, hey, you got both somebody don't want to hurt somebody to green, you want to have a nice smile.

Josh Bolton:

You don't want to veer off. You are okay. You don't want to have the resting bitchface like me, kind of thing that really scares people like something's going wrong with them. But yeah, that was just the biggest one. Because then in high school, the college the word of like, oh, it might just be your presence, you just, it's one of those you got to work on your inner self and I would get up be like blow blood ever. I'm gonna go over here kind of thing. Now I realized what they're saying. I was just too ignorant to hear it. But so let's actually let's go into that for you. Because that is the type of style is the energy you bring to the table? How would you help someone with that?

maxim houston:

So about competence, like I said, many clients come to me they don't feel good in their own skin. So you have to style but I'm like, you know, how's your, you know, how do you feel every day. Because if you don't feel good as gonna impact your energy, you're gonna deal in a low vibration. So that you have to I was like, I was like, let's focus on your, like, your health, your fitness your diet first. So you don't want to be outgoing, you want to smile you and have an open body language, you don't want to be closed off. Because if for example, it's like in public, you know, like, I don't mind like you. But if you're closed off and you don't look very open, your energy associate might not want to talk to you. So it's important definitely to focus on you know, to be opening, like to have an outgoing energy to be positive to be a bit because that's also you know, like, like I said, you only have closing because really a bandaid. That's all this advantage. So your energy, how you carry yourself how you present yourself, how you introduce yourself. That's going to be just as important, if not important, probably more important than your style and how you dress.

Josh Bolton:

Interesting. No, well, again, it's one of those I pick this up with time but yeah, if I wish isn't one of those. I wish I knew this when I was younger, especially with the flirtatious gait later These are usually dating someone and you're like, how am I supposed to take this kind of thing? But yeah, there's this confidence. Even it's even the fake to make it. In some circumstances, if done right, is it's actually really effective to.

maxim houston:

Yeah, and you can figure out how you make it. Yeah, I mean, I don't always believe in it. But there's no behind behind. Here behind it. I mean, like, for example, say like, like, Body, body language is a perfect example of, I mean, if I can think of a better example, for you till you make it in body language, a lot of people are closed off, they're glued to their cell phone. So you put your shoulders back, you put your head back, you know, like, you have to basically do it until it becomes part of you until it becomes natural.

Josh Bolton:

Or 100%. There was,

maxim houston:

and so, also, you know, like dressing, dressing cloth first, you know, dressing well, you know, like, I might take a client out, give him a couple of trucking company artists. At first, he is not going to feel comfortable because it's not who he is. He's not used to wearing clothes. It looks good on him to fit him on. So again, that's kind of faking it because it's to him. It's on Nitro. But after a while he gets used to it.

Josh Bolton:

And it gets worse, in some circumstances is actually really useful and helpful. But and then there's a sound where it's like, if your business is failing, it's like it's doing great. You probably should stop faking it. Kind of thing. And face to face acquire.

maxim houston:

Yeah, it definitely helped. But yeah, so that's been a lot of code behind fake it till you make it in a lot of situations.

Josh Bolton:

It sadly. So, you know, I'm loving this as I'm just curious, because you're a busy guy today. How long do I got you for?

maxim houston:

I have at least an hour, but that sadness for half an hour, just in case.

Josh Bolton:

Okay. Okay, good.

maxim houston:

How about 45 minutes the most?

Josh Bolton:

Awesome. Good to know, because I wouldn't say I'm going to start doing the wind down questions if necessary. So then, let's say for me personally, because obviously, you see the word job, but not really what's in it. I have a more a had an old job where I had to wear white collar, like shirts, and not necessarily super more of like a, like a professional overcoat. But like nowadays, it kind of seems weird to wear it when everyone's more just like a polo shirt. Would that be appropriate if it's more of like a fancy steak dinner? That kind of a setup? Polo shirt? No, like I'm like full on executive white shirts. Like the the color with the overcoat and the jacket.

maxim houston:

Oh, you mean like overkill because overcoated remians is like a quality where oversees everything like sports directly with a blazer because usually when you say now we're caught up first. So when you were skewed and cold outside you want to have a cold and that's usually another recode So my understanding you correctly I just want to clarify

Josh Bolton:

it would have been like a vest, like a vest and then the the jacket the suit over that.

maxim houston:

Yeah, of course. You're going to take us you can dress up okay. And yourself. Often, you know, a lot of my younger clients you know, go out to the nightclub is like what should I wear?


That's a good question. What should they wear?

maxim houston:

So I have the most declined and what happens to them is they're not going to be wearing t shirt and jeans but at the same time I was like you can wear a suit but how avoid wearing the tie you know leave a couple of buttons and buttons so you still the girl is still wearing a suit it looks like a normal eating kind of thing. Yeah, exactly. So you know have nice cologne on you know smell good and half cup you know two to three buttons unbuttoned but never wear dyed because it looks evil color cooperate your local professional and nightclub in the right atmosphere for that night yep, yep

Josh Bolton:

yep mega see like you're rich but you're not there's the problem and then everyone's gonna want you to buy them drinks two cents if you can like that would keep up with that one too. That just reason I thought merely sit down and cut you off. Sorry for that. It was like I went to a party from a surprise party for my sister Friday and it was just one of those everyone was extremely casual. I wasn't totally awkward out of place but it was one of those I had more of like a a black Dickies and then a very clean I don't really wash it or use it a blue jeans with some hiking shoes. So it was one of those that was like I blended in but it still is like the everyone else was like no more fashionable casual. But the funny part is like to fake it till you make it. I was there for like an hour, hour and a half and everyone got super drunk and I'm still standing there like guys who I'm like seven eight shots in and three beers like what's going on here? It's got to the point everyone was just like whatever Josh has. It's amazing. And I feel great because I'm like I How does she get going? Y'all gonna call it tequila? Can they? But yeah, sorry, you go, you had an idea.

maxim houston:

And I was gonna get when you said that, you know, some came across my mind, you know, because they're all a promise I like to use is you want to be legit better than everyone else was poor because it's a party you're going out today you want to be slightly more yourself well put together but you don't take it too far which meaning because you go into a bar you don't want to be wearing a suit and a tie. Unless I mean there's of course exceptions to every rule. If you come straight to work with the work until 530 and you're done. You're going to like a bar that only but even then you could still take your time off. So you never want to be told this but you don't need to underdressed either. Like I said you want to be able to slightly better put together without looking like you'd put too much effort in. You never want to look like you're trying too hard. That's one thing I want to McCrystal, my clients and everybody really is you don't want to look like you're trying too hard. Like you've spent hours preparing. You want to look good, polished without looking like you spend hours.

Josh Bolton:

Yeah, no 100% But like for me like that surprise party. I just went and like I went to like surprise my sister because I work night shift. So she doesn't usually see me in the afternoon. So just out of principle, but it's one of those knowing my sister she's fashionable does like this, the trendy but casual. And I'm sitting here like dude, like running high level equations, like what's going on here? What am I supposed to wear and a thing? And now I just realized that Yeah, it kind of what you wore was enough. It was just one of those. Actually, I think it was one of the ladies, it also might have been one of those comments to make me feel better and make her friend feel better. But she's like, you actually kind of look pretty good today. And I'm like, this is the first time we're meeting but All right. Sounds good.

maxim houston:

Yeah, like you feel pretty good. If you never, that's referring to as she might do before, you know, he knows what you normally look like, then you know that kind of be more appropriate. How do you see never

Josh Bolton:

watching me without telling me then okay, there we go. But look good.

maxim houston:

Nyla. Good.

Josh Bolton:

But so then I'm just curious, let's say. Now this is just me getting a harebrained? What if says like someone wants to do something different for date, instead of stereotypical bar or restaurant, they don't want to be the cliche. They go on like a picnic or a hike, because no one really does have any more. So it's unique. What would you recommend for that kind of an outfit?

maxim houston:

So firstly, because what I want to say this is super important. A lot of guys who went under subsidy, one look sharp, and they put on a suit. The guys advice you have a suit. think oh, now you know now the company is called incredible. I'm very astute. I look sharp. You know, I feel confident. But if that's us is off the rocker so Taylor doesn't fit them all. I can take the exact same guy. Take him out of a suit and put him on a t shirt and it was so good. And he's gonna look infinitely better than he ever would and see what if it's on Taylor. If it doesn't fit him properly. You know, it's common to see it's like a bar nightclub where you have a guy wearing this

Josh Bolton:

you like the oversized like Josh's shirt suit?

maxim houston:

Yeah, their pants are all bagged up their shoes are horrible. And they think they're going of course in your show. Go for it. I don't care. Yeah, I think that is shit. You know, I think they're better than everybody else. You know? They're she doesn't stink. So they're wearing it. But really, like I said, because it was never tailored. So you think the same guy you put him even if he's not in the best of shape. You put him in a while picking jeans, t shirt pair of sneakers, and he's gonna look much much much better. So So that being said, come back to your technique. I would recommend wearing this pair of jeans t shirt even handily. So underside because obviously you're going to be seeking like one that on a blanket. You don't want to be too overdressed but like I always recommend like a nice family and nice while Peter T shirt. Again for Herbenick usually by dresser but crewneck courses as well and like perversions some are still chilly or ties fall or spring day. How would you come into spider with a pair of jeans? Again, not been too over the top. But it's not really about what to wearing but how you wear it?

Josh Bolton:

Yeah, seriously, there's some people they have no fashion sense but how they they're so confident what they're wearing. It's kind of like it's somehow works I'm impressed kind of thing but yeah if we put the same outfit on someone else and they don't have the same confidence with it is gonna fall like a rock

maxim houston:

No I'm saying like a true Southern Company you know too many guys love to wear suit because I think unless a suit is fits you well you're not going to look goodness as simple as that. So long story short, long story short, if you can get a suit get a tailor taken and matter of fact many stores itself or you can have any house tailor they will tailor it now I have my own personal tailor I mean he doesn't work for me but I have a guy who has you got a guy you call Yeah, I know a guy so so yeah, I would go to him to get my work done but let's come up with a suit the surfboard from zero till you die real nice. Symmetry gets your suit altered tells your body that make sure it's on baggy make sure the pants are not rolled up on your end look surely get shoes that look good. And not some random client you see a bond set pixelated

Josh Bolton:

Oh see you could have the the awesome tailored suit to cut shirt and vest and all that and it fits you well and sharp. And then you wearing like the Air Jordans. And they're gonna be like wow, yeah. Knocking but that makes no sense of a suit or a tie. I've seen that as well. I'm saying it's just funny.

maxim houston:

You know, but shoes can make or break an outfit. Real quick. Yep. Real quick, omega real quick. That's why I come in. Yeah, and you know, like I mentioned earlier, some of you guys wear their sports sneakers everywhere no matter where they're at it couldn't be wearing a polo chinos don't worry it's like I said the athletic sneakers anyone can akin to places outside when you're running or in the gym 100% either nitric.

Josh Bolton:

So actually, I just came to mind because I noticed in the floor next to me is hats. What would you recommend for hats in certain circumstances?

maxim houston:

Hats I feel like baseball cards are we talking about like warm cup swings called out

Josh Bolton:

a baseball caps but also like the British border this guy to

maxim houston:

that takes confidence to wear that one and it takes person out Yeah. But I'm saying you got to be confident you can pull up anything is competence. When I was younger, before I was less stylish. I was I was a bigger set of stuff. But you know when I didn't care if my child was wearing baseball caps, but it's rule number one no matter what kind of highest never wear indoors it's so common to see guys wear baseball cups indoors don't as soon as you enter a building

Josh Bolton:

sunglasses take them off to

maxim houston:

take them off. Take them off Rule number one is don't look cool. A little bit that's pretty much it you don't want to be but you know like obviously if it's cold outside you do want to be wearing a nice if not be like being a lot but normally I tried to the reason why I don't like to wear hats is because like I get a shower My hair is pretty dry when I put a hat on and then my hair's a mess. So that's part of the single reason I don't like wearing caps I don't like 20 hats because I want my hair to look good and as soon as I put the hat on it ruins my hair

Josh Bolton:

so I can classic baseball cap hair like this right here just gets all parted weird and it's just like a but

maxim houston:

but again you know if you love wearing caps baseball caps who wears them by all means me personally because know what it does to my hair and I want to look presentable and girl that long. I don't want my hair to be ruined by baseball cap or hat. So it's been a while since to wear hat.

Josh Bolton:

Oh yeah, it was just I bought that it was on sale. So we're and I was just like I'll pick it up kind of thing. But it's just one of those then ties into my comment earlier sunglasses like this say guy like me, you can see my frame. What would you recommend like Ray Bans aviators kind of thing?

maxim houston:

It depends on a facial structure, but normally the most popular ones out here as your club masters, right Ben No. But IV enters and what size you want someone to have wayfarers wafers. So those and again even invite somebody in your Sangha who don't buy the cheap wants that you want to get the good stuff. You want to get the good stuff for that. And predicament polarized because better protects your eyes more.

Josh Bolton:

Yes. Yeah, let's see. I guess he's like, gangster glasses here. I mainly when I'm when I'm driving. I don't wear him anywhere else. Because he helps. Let's say the thick side ones.

maxim houston:

Like a grandpa would wear on Yeah. Yeah, I mean, if he's driving, that's fine. Anywhere else any other sense? Yeah, yeah, I mean, straight up. I'm not gonna tell my client to wear when I know for a fact in the heart, don't degree. Certainly do it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And of course, you know, there's, I gotta keep my words carefully you could offend somebody. Right but I mean, you got to destroy that point because my job is to make them look good and feel confident. That's my job. And if I know that's gonna take but then you know some of us are so confident some guys are so confident that you know, no matter where they have it nice nitrile spag you know about them that no matter where they were just feel so confident. But for a lot of men, that's not really the case.

Josh Bolton:

No, like your comment there that the guy was saying had no fashion sense, but somehow pulled it off. He had those classic like, cat riding a slot on a rainbow Kamay in the Milky Way. And like the whole, like tie dyed blue and purple. And you're just sitting there and you're like, that makes no sense to look at. But it's kind of cool, like the concept of like, Oh, that. And then he was wearing like, purple or like, bright pink pants. None of it correlates to each other. And like, and then he wore like, Skechers.

maxim houston:

And you know what, that's interesting. You know, like, nowadays, people try to be dear friends I want to stand out. So they try to put the dots together, it makes no sense. It basically screams for attention, games for attention.

Josh Bolton:

And the funny part is the dude I knew, and that's why I was making fun of him. He does not like attention, as they're like, why are you wearing that? Because, like, everyone's cheering you and it's not for the reasons you want.

maxim houston:

And a lot of people you know, like, how like people are looking for that they wanted the ones that attention. They want somebody because yeah, to me, I mean, again, everybody's different. So I'm not going to say they're right or wrong. But I mean, to me, it's all about minimalism. And to look good. Sample is out. You want to look sharp, you want to look good, you want to feel confident, without looking like you spent hours and you've tried so hard to look your best, because you can tell some guys now, I do pay attention to like I evaluate guys, you know, I would pick their attitude apart. And I'm like, Oh, that guy is trying really hard. He wants attention. And it's not gonna be the right type of attention.

Josh Bolton:

So then the what just came to my mind with the the comment of the pink purple pants, jewelry and bracelets. What do you what you stand on that?

maxim houston:

I mean, there's nothing sexy about that and empty of risk. Have boring I not to be confused. I don't have hearing because I don't have chains. None. But I do have couple nice pair. So voyage so if you have a nice watch. I know a lot of a lot of people were Apple Watch nothing wrong with that. But I don't think there's anything else you

Josh Bolton:

there's nothing classy about it. Unless you got like the one that looks like it's a metal watch. Totally different story. I can buy that. If those are

maxim houston:

Yes. That yes, the mesh chain is called a machine on Apple. That looks decent. Yeah, but I like simple minimalistic clean watch. And in my opinion, and I guess in my opinion, they look better than apple which anytime

Josh Bolton:

Oh 100% Like i i went to the dollar store. And I found this like big like 45 millimeter like covered my whole wrist. Watch face it for me it worked. But it was it was one of those though really. It actually for some reason big watch to work on me. Because I do have a bigger risk than most kind of thing.

maxim houston:

You You have to go get what looks ridiculous, like a small racing like I'm not risking I weigh like 140 pounds in there guys. So guys, my size is smaller than me. Were like 4546 47 to tear out to bigger than a brace. That only tells me one thing to watch for X, Y, Z when you want attention.

Josh Bolton:

Well, and the one I found it was like 10 bucks, even though it was the dollar store that was 10 bucks. And it's really, yeah, it's weird. But so the battery's dead, but it looked cool. It had like a nice silver button in a green background where it's, it's classy, but it's not screaming attention kind of thing. I really should have taken it to a watch person, because it was just one link off from fitting me correctly. Like the watch repairman, and I just never did and it broke and I got rid of it. Because I can never find a watch like that again.

maxim houston:

For 10 bucks, right 10

Josh Bolton:

bucks when they're 10 bucks to like, put a battery and repaired the thing or even 20 bucks but yeah, I'll find something again. Buy it. Everyone's like oh, you got a Rolex in this. No, no Mike. No, no. This is dollar store.

maxim houston:

thinking on what people think, you know, like, are you going to spend, you know, like 1000s of dollars 10s upon servers on the Rolex to really? Most people don't understand what you say don't they don't actually. So you can get a 40 $50 watch even like a Timex and most people don't think Oh, that's nice watch.

Josh Bolton:

Oh yeah get like$100 Chinese knockoff that looks exactly a Rolex but instead of rule x, it's rule II kind of thing.

maxim houston:

I personally would not recommend doing that I don't like for those watches. Yeah, I've already commented. I'd like to get a Timex for 40 bucks, then a fake Rolex to the most looks identical to the law. Or Alexa, how much would I have done? I just don't like kind of fit close and icon to kind of injury to me like like, it has to be real. Or it feels off. It doesn't feel right.

Josh Bolton:

9% That's one of those like, for me. I'm just pulling up Timex. Oh, yeah, that really does look like a Rolex. That's crazy. Sorry. No, I'm just looking at I would do Oh, relax. But yeah, that's just one of those like, for me, oh, I watch this one guy. When I was just getting coffee and working on a paper. He came in with those like mala beads and like the Buddhist monk fallen beads and this and that. And he had his like, heavy everything, but it was like Western just regular t shirt and blue jean shorts. And I'm sitting here going, you're going to need a different shirt with that, but I'm not fashionably inclined. If you're gonna wear that kind of an outfit.

maxim houston:

Yeah, and everybody has different combinations different styles. Yeah, so it's pretty awkward for him.

Josh Bolton:

No, it didn't. I couldn't be realized it did not

maxim houston:

work. I wasn't I wasn't having a hard time picturing it picture in it.

Josh Bolton:

As a you know, those like the mullum Monk Buddhist monk bees that they like the huge like half inch marbles that go around the wrist?

maxim houston:

Yeah, I think so. I think I might have seen it before. Okay, so he

Josh Bolton:

wore like the biggest gauge you could get which was an inch. And then he wore half inch and then the small one. And then he had like a weird, like, Bro people in or out and understand her going. Or you sub like weird like assassin ninja trying to look normal, but you can't take off your jewelry. Because this makes no sense.

maxim houston:

Yeah, it's, I mean, I'm getting your stuff on daily basis. And especially because like I really pay attention to this kind of stuff I really do. Like, I love just like not going to a coffee shop and picking people apart. You know, like with my eyes, you know, like like for the shoes. I like to start from the ground up. So I'll be there the shoes first. Then the Panther we're in a talking short t shirt, whatever like a jacket. You know from the ground up just like this season. I tried to put it on with our outfit together. To kind of break it down you know, like I shot fun. I have fun doing doing that.

Josh Bolton:

You just sit in the coffee shop or like for me back in like 2017 16 I had like a Disney pass. So me and my sister would go to Disneyland. We pair toy but for parking and being us introverts we sit on a bench and just watch people's patterns. And then that will and I was one of those if like we catch one person who like overdressed and clearly out of place like we had to go by on like a churro kind of thing. Surprisingly, that happened way more than I do. I'm like it was not even like the crazy lady dressed up like Donald Duck it was like Donald Duck would seem normal and a sea of people compared to this person and I'm like, is sort of a joke around like he that that person either has clearly no fashion sense at all or has not left their house and like five years from the first time they're leaving and they're grabbing their high school stuff. My what you're still tight, fastest sets it all

maxim houston:

yeah, probably give it above but okay, passion sense is a big no fashion sense is the biggest one

Josh Bolton:

is like we were talking about earlier that can make or break even just anything. Um, so let's say hypericin Hypothetically, I'm gonna host a big get together group thing. And not a party more professional like a little mastermind just kind of I don't like that word, but would that be more of a suit and tie would that be more of life the professional like with the buttons you would recommend to them?

maxim houston:

It really depends. So you also want to kind of you know, think of who is going to be there if it's gonna be a banker, you know, executives are always in a suit, wearing a tie. Then yes, you want to go down it's even more casual you want you might want to wear that pair of chinos maybe a pair of loafers nice Porsche shorts, but you know, Blazers sports jacket, so you kind of almost want to wear it because if you know for example, going to be a mini masterminded by tour executive professional people who are always dressed up wearing a suit, they're wearing a tie. You don't want to be the guy who wear jeans and a sweater or when a button up. So you can own a match that energy of their own push Are you gonna want to think was common there. They don't want to be other dress. Don't be overdressed more than them because they want to be. Now for example, she can be the person in charge and they enjoy looking at you and your audience, you know, people who are going to do their to meet you, they're going to be okay, they're gonna be wearing a suit and button up from his advertising. You want to take it up a notch and you want to wear a tie? Yeah, he's gonna win that consider who's gonna be there. And you want to be similar dressed, if everybody's gonna be on the same level. Oh, 100%

Josh Bolton:

I learned that one the hard way. That's why I was laughing earlier. i This room was like some life insurance meetup multi level marketing, welcome to the family meeting. And I just I didn't have a sewer tie at the time. So I found my most well fitting polo shirt and black jeans, and a nice pair of black shoes. And I was like, okay, that works. Everywhere. And it was like a really, I'd walk into the room and everyone just went

maxim houston:

it's a potted plant. You know, one time I was going to like a party, I didn't realize it was going to be like more upscale, buddy. So we're here for that. We're something like, like a college fighter. You know, who cares? You know, like, like, come back to college, how much. So I show up. And I'm like, Oops, everybody's going to like a blazer. You know, pretty, pretty, pretty private. So basically, calm like I was born with, and you can actually do that you can take a sport check and you could put it over a t shirt. So while still was up to par with everybody, you send out like a horse farm. So now that you know how to dress I didn't expect the occasion to be that preppy.

Josh Bolton:

Yeah. No, no, your audience when you're going in is not just business. So okay, that that's an r1 because I've just learned that in general is sometimes maybe like, like this shirt, it doesn't look good by itself. But if I put a jacket over it late like Sorry, I just dropped my pen light over like a more of a Wind Jacket than anything else. And it looks tighter. Well, it looks better because it keeps everything in tight. That's just what I've noticed, like you said, to get a sports jacket and come back.

maxim houston:

Yeah, so once it's perfect. I'm in theory, like a blazer, blazer sports jacket. A lot of people confuse my sports jacket that think like a windbreaker. Or just like casual not like sports jackets, like a dress, it looks almost like a suit jacket. So ya know, like a game breaker not like a bomb bomber jacket. Like an actual like dressy. So like I said that had a pair of jeans and the V neck t shirt when I got there. I was like okay, I'm gonna play so I went back home and put on a sport jacket. So you can actually do that casually you can actually do that and actually looks pretty cool. If you're going to like a steakhouse you have an important business meeting gotten enough you probably don't want to do it but you can actually look well put together by taking like a blazer or porch jacket and putting it over top of fall fitted jeans and T shirt. And one thing if you're going to do that make sure you can't do logos taken out yeah and stuff.

Josh Bolton:

Yeah, I was just looking it up there's it's essentially like the athletic one I was talking about or Yeah, it's it looks like a suit. But it's not

maxim houston:

it's not yet been worn. I mean to this day, I have hard time t Frenchie sport sports because a lot of guys what they'll do is they'll put a few jacket over top of sports sports and stuff but yeah, usually like honestly a professional it's really hard to tell the difference in sports Shaka tennis here I think it comes with like the feet and stuff by the material is going to be fairly similar

Josh Bolton:

Yeah, for those who are not get like trained or see it all the time. They're not going to be like oh yes, no, it's like the time experience of a Rolex

maxim houston:

No no, no, I mean you got to tell Timex way before gonna be able to different it Yeah. For another child who is not trained who doesn't understand style. It's not gonna make any sense but like I said, it feels trick. If you can do that. And speaking of that, went to bar it might take at the beginning but yeah, going to a bar. Put on a nice pair of you don't have to put a sweater or Henley or sports shirt. Put a nice pair of questions and feature while put a nice pair of loafers here shorts and a pro sports jacket. I think it's a perfect, perfect bar data set.

Josh Bolton:

Press. It's casual, the little professional, but you're not trying to like send out like a sore thumb either. Yeah, that's a good ratio.

maxim houston:

Perfect. Awesome. You know how we did?

Josh Bolton:

Obviously, the next question, but as we talked about earlier is, how do you get the date? Even though you're all dressed up? How do you get it? But obviously we both had terrible luck with that. It sounds like

maxim houston:

hotel, let it go. He said, Girl, you talk to her. Just talk her out. Yeah, and one thing I do recommend is, so now because of technology, we used to texting Hey, what are you doing tonight? Are you busy? You know, pick up the phone, and actually make the call. Make the call. It's gonna show her you're confident. Be authentic? Because most Yeah, most of the guys tissue younger generation. They'll never have the balls to make that call. Not gonna text. Oh, you're gonna hit them up on social media, Instagram, Facebook, okay. On a busy night. You know, like I said,

Josh Bolton:

Yeah, cuz you don't know how they can interpret the words that you've sent. Because there's 1000s of ways to interpret it can be passive aggressive could be creepy. You don't know what they're taking it as. But yeah, if you even a simple voice message, just like what we were chatting with before. Or call a while ago. Just even that just shows like, you're not trying to confuse them with messages. Because we get bombarded with text. I like edgy calling, because no one does it. But now lately, like a lot of people like why are you calling this is really weird. No one does that anymore. Like, but that's why I'm calling you.

maxim houston:

Oh, yeah, I remember one time I was gonna be really like dating, which was kind of more a female friend. You know, she she knew somebody who I knew. So I call her check. Why are you calling me she's like, don't you not text? Like, okay, but then I could choose the drills that didn't to me. So I mean, if you don't have Shubin into me, the girls watching it are actually into you. But even if they're not, it's still it's still gonna stand out from so for example, say like, you know, on the same night, maybe like he can night, five different guides. For them are going to text you're going to call? Who is going to stand out?

Josh Bolton:

Yeah, who's you? Remember? You get the head. I've talked to a lot of ladies on this show. And they said, we get bombarded with hundreds of messages a day before you meant essentially. I was that's where I concluded my Oh, yes. Even just a simple voice message. Because like by one co worker who got that weird breakup, but wasn't his fault. Weird thing. What what are you now we know who's talking about I was one thing because he was texting like a phenom. Like, why don't you just send a voice message, it's held a lot quicker. And you could clearly tell the person what you're thinking. Your voice gives a lot of cues. And it was just one of those he sat there and he's like, wow, you can do that. Like and it's not just texting. This video calls you by the way.

maxim houston:

Video, I love to get calls and taking voice messages. So when it first started doing voice so texting scene, but you won't get that point across, almost sick washing is going to take it forever to get that point across, you know, now you can do a voice Nancy Chen when it first started. I would need like two minutes voice messages like blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Josh Bolton:

Oh, yeah, you can overdo it to you.

maxim houston:

People don't have time anymore to listen to that. So get quick the point 30 seconds or less. You know, so this is important, like girls do appreciate when you were like you know, when you won't be there as a bushing is get your point across? Yeah, because most people are going to listen to me. voice message.

Josh Bolton:

Yeah, the longest. My personal rule is like if I need to give context, you have like 25 seconds, like 50 seconds to present the question and then like, it shouldn't take more than like 60 seconds. If it goes over 60 seconds, just call them.

maxim houston:

Exactly. Exactly. Yeah. And if it's gonna take 60 seconds, you have a voice message, obviously, I'm sure it's like no text because nobody's gonna read it. Either. Because you can have like, like, five paragraph essay.

Josh Bolton:

This seriously, it was it was me for the longest time I would just like I wanted to get as much information out as possible. So I sent a voice message. And like you said it was like two three minutes even I would do to my family. My sister like Josh, can you just like 40 seconds or less? Like, okay, sorry.

maxim houston:

Yeah, I mean, yeah, they can think is a girl's gonna like she likes it. She's not gonna listen to your voice but coming down to professional because I work with people, you know, who are professionals, you know, but they were dating as well. If you're at work or in business, you don't want any but two minutes. Like, that's when you want to be even more like, Girl Like he's really into us and she's gone. She's gone. She would mind listening to your voice. But it's definitely more important if you're in a professional More than you need for your clients, with your boss, your co workers, you really want to be down to point and try to keep it under 30 seconds or 25 seconds. Yeah, or less than, like

Josh Bolton:

if it's funny. Well, I'm going to tie that into something else I did and then we'll get back to the 30 seconds last for Valentine's Day the the Emir kid, I just said his name shit. He doesn't listen to this young boy essentially, he his girlfriend left and right before Valentine's Day. So it was one of those was like all this knowledge that we've been talking about. This one girl I knew she bought. She was the classic lady that bought this gorgeous dress for stimulus check off Amazon and just maybe were once when she got it and then put in her, like wardrobe or closet. So I told him I hate Valentine's Day. Do you have any plans? And she's just like, No. So I'm like, You know what? When When do you got to start here that will pay for everything and be nice and he won't do anything frisky and if he does tell me and I will hurt him. It secondly, I said you get to wear that beautiful dress and the makeup you buy during lockdowns and never knew if you're gonna wear it again or not. So you get to look pretty incompetent. Have a great time on this guy's dime. I literally, she had no plans for Valentine's Day. And she's like, No, that's a really good offer. I'll

maxim houston:

do it. Wow.

Josh Bolton:

And it was just one of those that he like backed up. Is it real bro? No, this the foot of like, Dude, I literally I lied to you per day. And I still can't do that for me. But I'm tied to the 30 seconds list. That was it was a about a 42nd pitch. And it was just enough to get everything out. Let her mull it over. And, but for me personally, is I've had bad experiences with it. dating a co worker is dangerous.

maxim houston:

Before not a good idea. Before it might be okay while you're doing but if you break up. You have to see that person every single day. Yeah, it it's not. I've tried it before, and he did not. Fortunately should move to another state. Yeah. Then but yeah, like you break taco so you have no plans of leaving that company another issue. And now EBT card boom. But you know, we are human. You know, like your truck is somebody you are attracted to somebody who can't help it. Right. So sometimes, you know, like happens at best. It really does. Yeah, and that'd be very careful about it. And you know, be strategic.

Josh Bolton:

Yeah, but you don't want to be like the creepy strategic replanned out everything and they're gonna be like. So, honestly, this has been awesome. I don't want to keep you going. Because you said you had like an hour, 3040 minutes. We've read in like 25 It got three going out questions for you. All right, cool. So other than work, what I've been doing to keep yourself busy during these COVID lockdown times, which is soon ending I need change the question.

maxim houston:

I think I would say regional a lot. I've been reading a lot of books. I just focusing more on meditation, and exercising. So to me, it's about my mind my body. So I'd go work hard. I work at half an hour, almost every single day. socialites and like mostly working like when I'm not working with a client. I'm trying to do content and trying to post for my social media. So it's like constantly like even when I'm not working. I'm working. Yeah, except, yeah, try to go on a date at least once a month.

Josh Bolton:

Does it work out or do you get ghosted?

maxim houston:

Sometimes? Yes, sometimes. No. He said, You know, I became really picky who I spent like now I just want guys it's anybody because I'm bored like now I'm really I wasn't in relationship that terribly. But I had a strong connection to this girl stronger now like after you know, being this far, it's like my standards had increased significantly and now is like, I cannot go back to where I was. So now like, where it used to be more about physical now, like, realized how important the actual connection is when I was younger. So the more about physical the quality is really good. Looking at my truck. Oh, good. I'll go on this, sir. But now I realize after being a dead girl for almost a year, I took it made me realize how important the connection is. Yeah, she was gorgeous, great personality, but the connection was incredible.

Josh Bolton:

Yeah, that's one for me too. I've noticed. Yeah, I've had some health stories of Tinder that I've gotten one of them. I got like catfish hardcore. But essentially, but that was same for me when the this might last X. I think that was 16 or 17 That's when I started security. Shoot, it's been that long since I've had a girl essentially yet she was gorgeous. Nothing against it. I just I could tell by looking at her she had a boob job Tummy Tuck kind of thing. And she was a mom. So it was like, okay, she wants to make herself look like pretty like she did before. She she pretty look at personality was beyond toxic. It was almost like, I really should have thought about it. If they

maxim houston:

you know what, I'm glad you brought this up. Because, you know, you and I are February's lessons is very ambitious that when I cheer, he did not want to have to live in a toxic relationship. It's going to affect their energy, how you think everything he did not want your money, and all that people don't feel capable of being single. But it is so crucial to be single rather than to be in a toxic relationship and impact. Everything. I can't emphasize this enough. I can't emphasize No. I would. I would have to bet that you'd be better off looking bad. Terrible than being in toxic relationship. It.

Josh Bolton:

Yeah, then being single the last five, six years has been amazing. It is funny. He sees it. The others don't like my air cooled joke is like the Fisher girlfriend. I spoil the shit on fly plants and stuff. And it's like the creek. They love me. They look at me. They don't cheat on me with guys in Minnesota. It's great. So that was how she broke it up, by the way. So she was a prolific pot smoker. So it was just one of those. I was like the edgy kid. I was like, Ooh, weed. I'll do with my girlfriend. Yeah, she was intentionally experimenting, like weed strains on me to see what would happen. So and then yeah, it was when she would give me high doses once you figured out Oh, this one makes him really Dopey and stupid. He doesn't remember. So she just dumped her guts on me and I would remember. And that's that's where I realized I'm like, I technically it was an altered state. It wasn't he was fine. Got it. No, it wasn't but she flew all the way to Minnesota. Twice a week for this one guy.

maxim houston:

That's crazy. What kind of right?

Josh Bolton:

I'm like, shoot, I'm like, I just sat there and wish you I finally figured out and she told me I'm like, Dude, I can't be mad that I'm impressed. You pull that off while still trying

maxim houston:

to be Canadian. Right?

Josh Bolton:

Like this is like so Hollywood movie shit that you don't think would actually happen but damn it happened

maxim houston:

like Vic I mean maybe driving you know like what do you have? Like an hour but come on. From California to Minnesota that's like what three hour flight probably

Josh Bolton:

three to five hour flight. And it was easy if you did round trip 350 A shot Yes. I'm sitting here going like I can't be mad because she was like I said she was visually a good looking girl so a guy getting his hair cut by her would easy give her like 20 bucks tip so the money wasn't the problem but this isn't one of those by Wow But yeah. How she ended the relationship she had me a huge second we can sit here this should help you if your problem Sukup over and get over me. I know it's just like no, no, here just take it I'm good.

maxim houston:

Yeah, yeah, you don't want to rely on drugs. A lot of people use marijuana to cop out called the cop with there's nothing like exercising taking care of yourself feeling good.

Josh Bolton:

And it also can tie back to style stuff because I used to smoke a lot and drank. I looked like I was 40 when I was 26 That's how bad I was smoking. Now have like a pulled it together and say I'm better now like I had massive pro feeds going and everything.

maxim houston:

Yeah and you know real quick before we disconnect is important. You know I talk a lot about grooming because my clients, everybody every guy I know not when you guys are comfortable but skincare routine is crucial. Because the girls like like that's it first impression first impression is everything and your face the first impression, so it's important to take good care of it during number four. Wash your face for a decent quality face wash. You know in your morning shower and if you the night before going to bed every single morning. Even if it's not sunny outside you want to use SPF moisturizer. You might use SPF because its sun is the number one aging factor. Oh 101 How much resin and an eye cream you don't have cross you don't have bags noisy right now it makes you look more tired than the bags under user. You're right. And it means not going to sleep a good quality eye cream will solve it.

Josh Bolton:

Yeah, I will say like I have a filter on zoom so you can't really see it but it I do have some black under my eyes.

maxim houston:

So yeah, I can definitely recommend you some eye cream later. But yeah, that should dissolve this week by using a quality, quality. I can't. Yeah, but that's crucial. You want to have you and put your best face forward. That soundbite by drinking less smoking less Smoking kills. Oh, it does your looks.

Josh Bolton:

I always say Quick Add on them. Let's get back to your social media stuff. Um, I was vaping when it was like still edgy and new. And it was just one of those. I was in college. So I leaned back, and we heard like a like a huge rip. I'm like, Oh, it's just my shirt. And then suddenly, it was hard for me to breathe. And let's, where's that I kind of like a couple of the guys from the class because it was so loud. Even the teacher in the front heard me. So they dragged me over the nurse. I apparently like somehow ripped without destroying my lungs. I it was just one of those that right there I quit it she's like, Honey, you're you're left lungs is like it's exhaling when more than is inhaling. I can hear that. So I'm fine. Now. I'm good. I have Don't touch anything anymore. And it healed my body's amazing healing. But uh, yeah, ever since then I'm like, I don't. It's not gonna be a slow, agonizing death. It's gonna be a quick ascent and when I better stop this, but it was kind of fine out to talk to a doctor later. Some vapes. There's a lot of formaldehyde.

maxim houston:

You know, again, I don't do rapes. I don't smoke. But from what I understand from research, I know a lot of guys vape and all that because it's healthier and smoking. It's actually been proven. It's fine. It's worse than smoking. It's worse. And I'm not saying hey, go back to smoking. That's all I'm saying. But yeah, it's vaping is more harmful than smoking itself.

Josh Bolton:

It really is. So kids don't do drugs and where Can everyone get you maximum?

maxim houston:

Okay, so the best place to reach me at is on my Instagram. I'm very active on there. I checked it multiple times per day. It's maximum like that magazine. Ma X. I am 0428 and post my email, Maxim ma x I am that he's like Houston If you have any questions, if you want to work with me, please style update, suggestions to learn a date grooming, even health, feel free to reach out to me. And they work this kind of person. And over zoom Whatsapp Video calls as well.

Josh Bolton:

Awesome. All right, have a wonderful and productive day

maxim houston:

is to Hazel. Great. Thank you so much for having me.