The Josh Bolton Show

D&D and Bagels | Kylie DeWitt

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At the time of writing this, I currently run everything for the shop. From design to handmaking the journals to marketing and running the website, I do it all. Though the goal is to increase the employee number soon!

I work out of my home near Pittsburgh, PA. I'm a dungeon master, a player, a cat-lover, and an all-around nerd. When I have free time, I love playing video games with my husband or my niece and nephews, reading a good book, or designing new ways to destroy challenges for my new players.
Your support of the shop supports me and my family, as well as helps me fulfill my dreams of both running a successful business and one day running a successful café. Thank you for all the support no matter how big or small. It truly means a lot to me.

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Josh Bolton:

I'll check the rest out. But um, yeah. That's so cool, though. I'm just curious personal, what's like your profit margin per book,

Kylie D:

I make about $10 a book, profit wise. So that's if you take everything else out, like shipping costs, and, you know, obviously the parts to make it and my time in paying me. So it's about $10 profit.

Josh Bolton:

Okay. And it will say, Have you tested like, lately increasing it a couple of 50 cents 20. Since you're in there, we're just finally the sales are kind of like petering out,

Kylie D:

I kind of played around with that. And I think where I'm at right now is about as much as I can, I don't want my The only thing is I don't want my products to be super expensive. I want them to be more affordable, because everybody in here has heard of my major competitor who shall not be named. And they, they charge like 60 bucks, 60 bucks a book, sometimes if you want to, like customize it and make it your own. And that's kind of where the DM journal came into play. Anyway, it was I wanted one of their journals. And I was like, I'm not paying $60 for one. And so I was like, but I can make this on my own. And then I designed the entire thing myself, and, like, made it custom for me. And then I was like, I could sell this to like, I don't see why not. And that's kind of how it just like spiraled out of control after that. But yeah, so the goal is never to like make the most money I can out of people. The goal is to make it affordable. And to kind of spread the love of BND to because I feel like the community is like very close knit already. But we will always want to bring more people into the circle, you know, so I think keeping the cost low, will help people use my journal to like learn how to play d&d and stuff.

Josh Bolton:

Oh, 100%. I mean, it. I'm just trying to think of the person who shall not be named because my my sister bought one. A long time ago when the pandemic first started was like a big ol like, like 11 by 11 inch one.

Kylie D:

Maybe? I don't know if that was your net. Um, I could name them. It's the rook and the raven is like my biggest competitor. Okay, yeah, yeah. And they're like they're taking. It's kind of funny, though, because either I'm making an impact. Or it could just be coincidence, but I like to think I'm making an impact, because they now offer journals at the same price as mine, that are pre made, and you can't customize them at all. And

Josh Bolton:

you came on the field, just like, alright, the fun is over, we got to play by the rules now.

Kylie D:

Yeah, maybe I don't know. So, like, they're the same price and everything and, and that's my thing, like I've never made mine. Like I don't customize it to order because that would just be too much work and, and the lead time on that too, would be forever, like you would place an order. And then I'd have to make it custom to you. And that would take more time. And in an age where two days shipping is like pretty much standard issue now pretty much standard. Having that extensive, like processing time just didn't seem like something I could build a business around. And so I was like, well, we'll just, you know, give this one set journal but then offer the page pack so you can buy more stuff if you want to add into it. And you know, I left enough room that you can add a few page packs into it that and it won't be a problem. So yeah, and I think that's what most people do, because most people it's not just the journal most of the time. It's like a journal some stickers and like one or two page packs. And that's still like bizarre to me that I like sell all that stuff in an order Yeah.

Josh Bolton:

Honestly, this was like four five an order for you like four or five items.

Kylie D:

Pretty much I would say average is at least three. However if if they're those are mostly people who are players, yeah, players tend to want to buy more packs I've noticed I don't know what DM I think my DM journal is just perfect or something so they're like this is good enough it's got a little bit of everything so they don't tend to buy a lot at the first time like they order but they VMs come back and order more stuff to like replace things they've used.

Josh Bolton:

It's like okay, I have so many notes I filled up the the backlog guys will order a new one kind of thing. Yeah.

Kylie D:

Yeah, yeah, pretty much.

Josh Bolton:

That's awesome. It was funny. Like when I was chasing the dog outside beforehand, when I was still like you. My dad was like hitting me up on the phone. He's like, do you have her DM shirt? I'm like, I'll tell her. I just couldn't find it.

Kylie D:

No, it's fine. Yeah, he messaged me too, but that's because I messaged him. Cuz I need people to DM in the discord virtual DM. We're doing like a virtual game night in May. And I'm like, I can't be the only DM if there's 15 People like that's a 15 person party is not going to work.

Josh Bolton:

So to make it work once it didn't go well. Oh, God,

Kylie D:

no, it would be way too hard. I've tried to DM I was a part of. I was like an assistant DM I guess, helping someone DM a table with 10 people. And so like he had five and I had five and it was so complicated because the party was split to make it easier. But then they come together and it was like oh, that sounds like a nightmare. It was horrible. The combat took forever. We ended up just calling it quits after a while because it was so long. It was like midnight, and we're like,

Josh Bolton:

We're barely like two turns in.

Kylie D:

Yeah. We're like, Yeah, maybe the third turning and we're like, Ah, it's midnight. This is gonna go on forever.

Josh Bolton:

That's what happened when we were first doing it. We it was just like a close family. And like I invited one friend. So it was like four It was nothing like crazy, but it was kind of pushing your limits. And then suddenly, my sister invited friends and the her church buddies invited friends and it's 15 I'm not usually drinker, but I'm like at this point, like, nothing better than

Kylie D:

Well, I gotta wait for my turn, right? Literally, like,

Josh Bolton:

almost 20 minutes later, between each turn, wow. You're going like, I wish someone says something stupid. I'll stop. Yeah, so tell me a little about how, by the way we live and everything. Okay? Tell me a little how, like you were mentioning earlier, the the you were like, Oh, I see a problem. I'm just gonna, I'm gonna build one for myself. Tell me a little about that process and how you went through that.

Kylie D:

Um, so I, I was a very new DM, I like had never been a DM before ever. And I was trying to figure out how to collect all of my thoughts and not lose them. And everybody was like, oh, you should do one note, or you should use like a virtual tool. And I was like, but I don't remember things that way. I remember things when I write it down when I actually physically write things down. And I found a journal online. And it was again, it was $60. And I was like, I'm not paying$60 for a notebook. You know, like, that just seems ridiculous to me. And I also was looking at disk bound notebooks because I had a disk bound planner that I just used for, you know, regular calendar related stuff. And I was like, I love the ability to like move things around easily. And I was like, How do I translate this into a, like a dungeon master journal. And I saw that $60 One. And I was like, I could totally make something that's customed to me for way cheaper than that. And I did. And I, I sat down. And I spent a long time just designing the insides of the pages because I wanted it to make sense. But I also wanted to get some of the world building aspect in there. I wanted to make sure I could manage encounters I wanted, you know, there's a lot of different aspects I wanted to manage with this one tool. And so I spent a long time designing it. And luckily, I have always been a fan of like planners and bullet journaling. But I did the crazy kind of bullet journaling, where you go all out and you like, really artistic

Josh Bolton:

layer colors and the different symbols and read different things.

Kylie D:

Yeah, so I did the crazy bullet journaling, and I but because of that I had all of these different layouts that I had used in the past that I could kind of translate into something for world building or for d&d. And so like, all of that, even though I'm sure my husband was like, what a waste of time those bullet journals were for now, like, is

Josh Bolton:

this a smart idea?

Kylie D:

Yeah, right. So I put that all together. And then I started using it in my games. And again, my husband was like, if you need this, like maybe somebody else needs something like this, you should consider selling it and I was like, Okay, so that's pretty much how it went. But uh, yeah,

Josh Bolton:

it's interesting. Yeah, I'm actually not really big note taker. I like At one random ADHD moment in my life, I was like, I'm gonna get really hardcore into bullet journals. And I did the whole layout on the keys. And like, if you see this little die means this. Yep. Oh, hot and heavy for a week. And then I'm like, Okay, this is boring, hard work. I'm done.

Kylie D:

Yeah. Now, so I'm like the opposite. So I get like, I don't want to say like, so schedule focus, but I'm just, I get anxious if I don't know what I'm doing. Yeah, so for me, it's, it's the opposite. I have to like, plan out my entire week. Like, that's what I do on Mondays like today's on Monday, and I just spent like an hour planning out my entire week. So I've been, I had been doing bullet journaling for like, I don't know, three or four different three or four years. And at one point, I was working at like a marketing firm. This is obviously before owning my own business. And I was managing 30 different social media accounts for like 10 Different companies. And so I had to keep track of all those things. And that's when like, I really honed in on the bullet journaling, because it helps me through managing all of those different accounts. But now, I don't do bullet journaling at all, because I'm too busy.

Josh Bolton:

You barely have enough time to schedule in this schedule a week next week.

Kylie D:

Yeah, pretty much. So I really just focus on this week. And that's it. One week at a time now.

Josh Bolton:

I'm just curious. So what was the moment when you were doing your you're working for a firm to your cantrips media? What was that moment when you realize, oh, if I double down, it's gonna it's just gonna work kind of thing.

Kylie D:

Well, so. So this story is really complicated. Okay, I actually just created a video that I haven't posted yet. It's like waiting to be published on my YouTube channel, because I'm like, I don't know how much of this is too much information. But yeah, I. So I was working in marketing for a while. And right before I left my marketing job, I hadn't even made journals yet. I was like playing d&d, but I wasn't DMing. And I hadn't like made the journalist yet. But at that place, I realized I didn't really like working for other people. And that sounds horrible. But it wasn't because like, I didn't like those people. It wasn't because I, you know, didn't like my boss or anything like that. It was just because I felt like even though I had good ideas, nobody really listened to me, I never really felt heard. And it wasn't just that position. It was like all the reasons for that. And so I was getting just getting to that point where I was realizing like, if I want to do things my way, I might have to start my own thing. And at first, it wasn't, you know, so d&d journals. At first, I was actually thinking of opening a tabletop game cafe. And cool. Yeah, and it's still a plan of mine, eventually. But to get to that point, so I did all of this research, I left my marketing job, I went and I worked at a Starbucks for a couple Starbucks and a different cafe for like, a year or two, because I was like, let's make sure I remember one. Remember how to be a barista for my college days. But to like that, this is actually something I want to do. Because if I don't want to spend all that capital, like, get alone and do all of the steps to open a cafe and learn, I absolutely hate it. And I did like it, I still miss my barista job, actually. But at the same time, I was like, I need to start saving up money. And, you know, to to invest in a cafe, because you obviously can't get a loan if you don't save anything yourself. So that's where the journals actually came in. Okay, journals were supposed to be an extra fund to support the cafe to help me open a cafe. And if anybody has been around since I first started selling journals, that was even in like my handwritten notes, it was like on my shop profile, you know, that was like the goal of my Etsy shop. And then the journals took off. Also, at the time, I was working like three jobs at when my journals decided to take off and I was like, ah, what am I going to do? So I was like, working 60 hour weeks and I was like, What is sleep? I don't know. And and so I ended up quitting like most of my jobs, about one and then I kept the I started putting more effort into the journals, and just start creating different ones because I love that process, too. I love the design process. That's the thing. about marketing that I love the most is like designing marketing campaigns designing social media posts and things like that. So I decided, okay, well this is obviously taking off. Let's not you know why stop it's a good thing. I like it. I enjoy it and let's see if I can just do it full time. So now I've been doing it full time for a year.

Josh Bolton:

That's awesome. I will say especially if the lockdown is def definitely is picked up people's interest in d&d. Yeah, it

Kylie D:

did. And I am so grateful. But also I got to work from home. Like it's not like my, my shop took a hit from 2020 It's the opposite for me. So everybody else is like, Oh, I lost my job. And I feel bad. I'm like, Well, I did it.

Josh Bolton:

I'm actually doing better than ever. Yeah.

Kylie D:

And I was feel bad, but you know, don't feel bad. This is

Josh Bolton:

business. It was a in a d&d term. Business is warfare. You have to do you have to do what protect your allies. But ultimately, no, you have to protect yourself too.

Kylie D:

Yeah, it's very true. So I'm I'm actually more grateful that like everybody was staying home and wanting to play d&d virtually and that like exploded, because it made my journals explode. So yeah.

Josh Bolton:

So then do you have any plans for or you mentioned the discord one, but do you have any plans future on like, maybe getting your your friends together? And not you like recording a putting on a show?

Kylie D:

So yes, but it's hard. So I've talked about this with my like d&d table themselves. And I honestly don't know that everybody's on board with it. I'm at my table. So I would have to essentially start another table. And like, some of them are, but not everybody would be down for it. And I don't blame them. Like you're playing d&d in front of strangers who can't get it. But the plan is to start a at least a stream of some sort. I have a lot of plans for a lot of different shows that I want to do. But one of them I guess I can give a little spoiler here. Yeah, I, I really want to run have like new DNA, like new DMS, run one shots. And I want to have new players join my one shot. So I want to have like a live stream where we just help newbies play d&d, because I feel like that's not the stuff that you see online. Like you see, all of these, you know, voice actors and people who have like, tons of experience playing d&d, you don't really get to see people who've never really touched a de 20. Play d&d before. And I'd love to be able to be that channel that like, shows like, ordinary people can play d&d. It's not just for nerds, it's not just for people who are voice actors, like I can't do voices worth anything. And I won't be doing so yeah. So it's just that's kind of the avenue I want to go. Just because I think that's the thing, like my journals are supposed to make it easier for newbies to play. So to make it easier for new DMS to keep their thoughts organized. So I want that to that idea of making the community like bringing the community together and making it easier to play d&d, to extend to like Twitch and YouTube and whatever else. So that's the plan. I will

Josh Bolton:

say, I haven't personally seen it my old man has and he's told me about the there's these highly produced like four hour sessions. And then I was like, Really, I'm like, I've never seen this my searching of YouTube. Apparently, I'm not looking hard enough. But he said, yeah, there's like one we're maybe let's say, for you, for example, you during a turn something happens to you if someone throws like 10 bucks, whatever was supposed to happen to you is canceled.

Kylie D:

Yeah, I've seen those. There's also people who there's this one channel that I kind of I also was a part of one of their like one shots at one point, but I also watched their their stream and they do this thing where they they're on a ship and they have like a ship's crew in their discord. And they'll give them a decision or like something they could do to help the players on the ship but they're considered like the crew so the crew gets to say I like what the players do and encounter and things like that, which I think is so cool, but I have no idea how they do it.

Josh Bolton:

Probably the multiple whatever they're like, oh shit, they said something.

Kylie D:

Yeah. Oh, no. Now we're being attacked by sharks. I don't know. Yeah,

Josh Bolton:

Could have been a hit for Griffes. But you know, sharks.

Kylie D:

Yeah. Now it's sharks.

Josh Bolton:

That's awesome. Because that's, that's one of them. I just was talking to a buddy he listens to the show. And I said, Yeah, I don't know why. But I just looked up just D and the little symbol and and D and there's like, tons of shows. And these people have, like, stupid amount of followers that I can see. I'm like, so it must be everywhere. And like one of them. They're still getting followers. And they haven't posted since the lockdowns in COVID. Wow, really? Yeah. This one was like as asking him. I don't know how this works. But maybe you can figure it out. But yeah, it is. This one family. So I started my show, January of 2021. And they started their show June of 21. And they have already hit 50k followers that I can see on my app. Wow. In six months, they essentially crushed it. So it was like Kylie might be an idea to consider.

Kylie D:

Yeah, it is. It's definitely another thing like podcasts to d&d podcasts are different from d&d like videos. And they're also a lot of DND podcasts out there that I'm like, well, maybe I could do that. But the thing is, I'm one person and

Josh Bolton:

we have all that in the backgrounds with you. Yeah,

Kylie D:

I've got all of this back here that I'm working on. So I don't know how much more I can really take on by myself at the moment. But uh, you know, maybe one day One day we can do all these cool bring get

Josh Bolton:

that nice look, I would be minimum wage and give them a nice food like that works.

Kylie D:

Yeah. I would probably give him at least free lunch or something. Yeah, he's

Josh Bolton:

sorry. I cut you off. Oh, go ahead. Good. Oh, see, I'm just curious, the white machine in the corner. Is that an actual printer for you? This machine that will get that one and the other one that went to? That is just the table?

Kylie D:

It looks like? Yeah, no, that's what I used to pack orders. I fold it up so that I always have a clean space. And then I unfolded so I can, you know, use it to pack orders. But I've limited space down here in the basement. These two are actually silhouette machines. I use these to cut stickers. You can also see my pile. Okay, and cut on punch journals here. We'll just ignore

Josh Bolton:

in front of it's fine. Yeah, it's

Kylie D:

fine. But yeah, I use this to cut stickers. The printers are actually to your to my left. I don't know, this is hard, because it's, it's. So they're over here. But yeah, it's it's about as big as that table is, though. So

Josh Bolton:

what type of silhouette machine do you use?

Kylie D:

Um, it's just a, what is it called? I don't know. It's, I think it's just the the pro version or something. But it's essentially it's like a what do you call it? They have like Cricut machines, too. Is I have one that's I was curious. Yeah. This one is just a silhouette, which is kind of like a better version of Cricut. Totally fair. Yeah. It's not it's not that crickets, bad crickets great if you're

Josh Bolton:

doing like, two projects. And that's it.

Kylie D:

Yeah. Or you're you're not in the business, you know, of making stickers. Because Cricut, like holds your hand and walks you through every single step. And that's nice. But when you already know all the steps, and you don't need your handheld the entire time, and you're doing like 40 or 50 of these at a time. So it's the way to go. Because they have business software and stuff too. Like they've made it and tailored it to people who like me, are very familiar with like Adobe products and know how to like use things of a higher end. So yeah, so it's not that it's I mean, it's better for me, I guess it's not better per se, but it's better for me.

Josh Bolton:

There's not sitting here going, Kylie, are you sure? Are you really sure? Did you use it correctly?

Kylie D:

Are you sure that it's placed correctly? Don't forget to do this. And like yes, I did all of this with silhouette, you can accidentally and I have which was also kind of funny accidentally start cutting nothing. So that's happened.

Josh Bolton:

I will say at least it's not stickers where you haven't fully uploaded the file and then it's just running and you're like, yeah, that's not the right one.

Kylie D:

Yeah, no, luckily, it wasn't that it was nothing but it still was kind of embarrassing. I was like, I bought this so I wouldn't hold my hand. But apparently I need my handheld. Sometimes a little touch here and

Josh Bolton:

there. Yeah. Oh, man. Because the funny thing for me the reason I was just asking is so I used to work like security a long time ago and I was my head of the job. So I was like, I did the numbers. I'm like, oh, you know, there's not a lot of embroidery people in California. It's not but I could start an embroidery business and get out of the rat race and just make patches Will you invest in realized afterwards Mike? Oh my god, I like the cricket. I bought the hobby would really knock one out every 30 minutes there was just like, yeah, you're not getting out of the race with that?

Kylie D:

No, no. And that's also why I have to because I run them both at the same time. Because otherwise, like, it would take me, it would take me days, it still takes me days sometimes if I wait too long to restock something, but if I, if I stay on top of it, I probably. Yeah, I use them every day. So.

Josh Bolton:

So yeah, then I'm just curious to like, let's say you were mentioning earlier that you get the journals and stickers, what is like the stickers they usually order? Is it like the D 20, out silhouette kind of thing?

Kylie D:

No. So actually, I don't have a lot of fun stickers I've been meaning to I have some created, I just I haven't printed them and like done anything with them. Most of the stickers that I actually sell are tab stickers. So I've created stickers that you can like, fold in half around one of the pages. So then you can use it as a tab and you can like, find a place in your journal really quickly. They're also they have like the 20s and stuff on them, too. They have some other things, but like, it's mostly the tags that people find useful. And I didn't even realize that that would be such a in demand thing. When I made them. I was like I made these for me. Because I didn't tab stickers. And I didn't want to buy some. So yeah, they it's it's very surprising to me. And they're not like super expensive. I think they're only$3 on my shop. But and I only made like, maybe 50 cents off of them. But nobody really buys them by themselves. You know, like, you buy them and a journal. So it's it all ends up equaling out in the long run.

Josh Bolton:

I just trying to think is Yeah. It might not just be d&d people. You're going you're hitting with this too. But yeah, it might be like those kinds of ones are even more than you for bullet journals. Like any attempt for everything.

Kylie D:

Yeah. Could be that too. Yeah. Yeah.

Josh Bolton:

So then word separate today, Monday. Yes. We're there for the your sessions. So how does your your books been helping with your sessions? But also let's get into your some of your fun stuff. And during your d&d sessions?

Kylie D:

Oh, boy. Yeah. So for my campaign right now, I'm using a modules. So I don't use the world building as much as I thought I would. I only use that when I create my own like, part of the adventure, I'll write up a little story for that little town or something. But for the most part, we're in Forgotten Realms, which has its own lore and everything else. So we just, I don't use that as much as I thought I would, although I do have a whole homebrew world created. A part of it that I'm waiting to eventually use, it's waiting. But for my sessions, normally, we're running hoard of the Dragon Queen, which is a pain in the butt and I would not recommend it to a first time BM ever. But of course, it's the one I've ticked so it's fine. But we've been doing it now for like, two or three. I don't know. 2018. Yeah, I think so. We've been in it for a long time. We did go on a hiatus for a little bit. Oh, does

Josh Bolton:

it say there had to have been somewhere with like, you're saying we should really go northern to like we're going south.

Kylie D:

Yeah. No. So luckily, they they're pretty My party is pretty good about I say this, but then they ignored all my hands last session, but they they're pretty good about following, because it is a pretty linear adventure. And that makes it kind of hard and also easier. But yeah, it's it's hard to throw in random stuff. And like, there's so much travel of just going north that it's just, it's it's boring to me. And I'm like, if it's boring to me, it's got to be boring to them. But yeah, so I use my notebook to like prep every session. So I actually sit down with it. I have it here somewhere right here. I said I sit down and I actually like go through I'll pull up last time. Maybe I like write out like everything is there all of my like, important notes to remember. And then these are like important roles normally, or like if something crazy happened during the session. I'll write it down here. So I remember if you remind them that that happened. Just things like that, but it's I use it for everything. And then I also use the key and counters. So it still has some dry erase on it. You can't see if it's shiny is a dry erase page that I used to like track hp, but I write down the monsters health in here. And then on this side, we have like everybody's passive perceptions written down. So I never have to ask what people's passive perceptions are, because that gives away all the secrets. You know, if you're like, what's your passive perception, then they're suddenly like metagaming and wondering what possibly they could be missing right now. So I use those carts the most. Mostly because again, I use a module so a lot of it's already figured out for me, right?

Josh Bolton:

Yeah, sorry, my sick little guys waiting over here I was like trying to text people, Mike. Hey, get the door. Yeah, so the modulars that's crazy. So I have this funny. My dad's doing the rise of T Mon. Okay, you started that? And he's like, oh, yeah, you're gonna go from whatever level to like, pretty much at them why? I'm pretty sure by the end of it, we're gonna like prestige and restore.

Kylie D:

Yeah, yeah, that's pretty much what I will want to do anyway, because I'm already really tired of like, not being, I just feel like I don't know things as well as when I create it myself. You know, like, reading it. And remembering it is one thing, but when you like, write it down and like you're creating it and you're making all these connections in your own homebrew world. I feel like that's better for me as a DM. And it makes it easier for me to remember. So then when someone asks, I don't have to be like, Wait, hold on, let me like Google what that means in the Forgotten Realms lore, like, I have no idea. But also, I'm not like, I mean, I've been DMing since like, I want to say it's 2018. But that doesn't sound right, either. I feel like it was earlier, but I don't remember I'd have to actually look. But you know, I've not been DMing for forever. I've just been the only one willing to do it at our table. So I was like, Okay, well, if that's what, uh, if I'm the DM, I'm gonna be a damn good one. And just like go all in so.

Josh Bolton:

So how often do you guys play? Is it like, once a week, once a month?

Kylie D:

For a while we were playing every two weeks. Then we took a hiatus for like, oh, like, say six months because my life got crazy. That's when I was like, doing a bunch of different jobs. And they started taking off. And I was like, I don't know, I really can't do d&d right now. And

Josh Bolton:

really rub two things together.

Kylie D:

I don't even have time to sleep. So I don't I don't think I could do d&d. But then after that I ended up now we do it once a month, because again, I'm pretty busy. But as the DM I feel like you're you're busier, you know, you have to like remember all the story and like preparing for sessions. And you can't just show up at the table and roll dice. It's not just that at least. So

Josh Bolton:

yeah, maybe in the beginning when you're first learning, but after that, now, there's a whole story you got to get in character and all that. So I'm just curious, how long are your sessions? If it's just once a month? Is it like four hours, two hours,

Kylie D:

they're normally three, we know where to go from? Yeah, so that's another thing. I told them, I can't work for four hours. I I'm like, I start getting tired and like, just also I get I get anxious. So I'll sit there and I'll just like, worry about it forever. And then there'll be like, trying to figure something out. And I'll just be sitting there trying not to say anything because of like, you know, anxious about whether or not they die or whether or not they you know, go the right direction. Like I can't sit there and be anxious for four hours. So three is my limit. That's normally we cut it off about three, although a lot of times it goes to like three and a half because we're like in the middle of something major and we can't cut it off. So so Yeah, normally is like three and a half. I do have another game session. That's every other week where I'm a player. And that one is three hours as well. But it's every other week instead of once a month

Josh Bolton:

is usually a Friday or Saturday session. It's actually

Kylie D:

during the week, so yeah, it'll be Wednesday. So yeah. I don't know.

Josh Bolton:

You're like I'm just you're mad. Yeah, I

Kylie D:

I just show up and I turn into my wild shaves. And then I leave like that's about it.

Josh Bolton:

So, okay, as a dungeon master, what is the craziest thing that has happened to you that like, you're just sitting there blindsided, like, why? How did this happen?

Kylie D:

So, okay, this one has some setup. So again, we're in hoard of the Dragon Queen. And since you kind of know a little bit of, you know, the story and everything in that first camp, where there's a cave, and there's like dragon eggs in it, my paladin is like a hoarder. Okay, he collects and keeps everything. And so while he's there, and he, he's also you know, he, he's against dragons, he's like, against the cult. So he immediately just smashes the eggs. There's always like, thank God, because I didn't want any baby. I was like, how do I handle if they decided to keep the baby dragon? Like, I don't know what I want to do. So I was kind of grateful for that. But then he was like, Well, you know, I should collect some of this because he's a hoarder. So he collects a bottle of like, dragon's blood, essentially, from this egg. And, you know, sessions go by, and they go into, this is like months, like stylee, six months of like, normal time, okay, probably like three weeks in game, but like six months of normal time, he, they go through all of these different things. And I created this little area that went along with another character's backstory. And essentially, his brother had asked them to find an item for them that was causing trouble. But they also like, they call it his family, like collects artifacts, like, okay, they sell some or like, keep them from doing harm, if they're bad, that kind of thing. So they went on this little adventure, found out it was like, demons coming out of a portal, because I don't know, I thought that was cool. And there's this like, symbol drawn in blood, which like, has helped create this portal. And it has these different crystals. Okay, so in my head, destroy the crystals, and then the portal stocks. And they only had to destroy like five out of the six of them or something. And in his mind, my Paladins mind, he's like, mess up the blood symbol. And then you mess up the portal, right? So what he decides to do is to take this bottle of blood that he's been avoiding for six months, and throw it at the sigil on the floor. And I was like, Well, don't do that one. Because like, if you drink the potion, apparently, it causes like, a magical effect or whatever. If you drink dragon's blood, right. And like that, I had known that once he collected Of course, I'm like, looking it up, like okay, what, what can you do with dragon's blood? It would have caused a magical effects, but because he threw it, I was like, I don't want him to waste it. So I was like, Okay, so while project surge, let's do it. And I had him roll, you know, a D 100. To figure out what would happen and a unicorn popped out. So I got to play a unicorn, which I have to tell everybody of like, you need to play a unicorn if you've never played a unicorn before. They're fucking badass. Like, you wouldn't even you wouldn't even know it. But he it was so funny to me that he like, didn't he? He was like I a unicorn. Like what just happen. And the other thing was, he had to command the unicorn, like the unicorn is summoned. But it doesn't do anything, unless the person who submitted it commands it. And immediately he saw the unicorn pop out. He was like, this is weird. But then he was like, help us. So the unicorn decided to help, you know, because he had to be commanded. So I had the unicorn run around and heal everybody. And then the unicorn, they were also they were in dire straits. Okay, I made this encounter a little bit too hard. And I was like, Oh, everybody, I might have a TPK on my hands right now. Yeah, everybody might die. So everybody makes three people were down at this point when he threw the blood and he was like, struggling. So three out of the five people, there's it's a five person party, and the unicorn started healing everybody and then once everybody was healed, he was like, okay, stop him and the unicorn like killed the demon creature that came out in like two hits. And I was like, Well, you know, it makes a good story.

Josh Bolton:

Got a fantastic story?

Kylie D:

Yeah, it's like that's not how I planned this to go but that's fine. Nobody died and that's good. And we had a unicorn. Yeah. Yeah, play a unicorn. They're fun. They're not only are they like majestic but and a feat telepathically I was like, What is this? Corn?

Josh Bolton:

Right? You see me going like what is it you cornet used to?

Kylie D:

Yeah, yeah I was I was like I had a role and I had the table right there and I was like, okay, hold on a second and I had to take like five minutes. There's just five minutes of silence on my end as I read all this statistics of a unicorn and like tried to figure out how to make this work because it was crazy.

Josh Bolton:

This is the awkward five minutes but you know, your cave, their reading is either means we're dead or the best thing ever.

Kylie D:

Yeah, I would say that was the best thing ever. But yeah, that's my that's my number one. That's my craziest to have it. I have a couple other ones, but that one was the best.

Josh Bolton:

I'm just curious. So you said you had a paladin? Who else was on your team for that?

Kylie D:

So we have a Paladin, a bard, a sorcerer, a rogue and a fighter. We used to have another fighter, but he had to leave the party. So he got left behind. They said they told me I should have Oh, in that fight too. That's another thing that that fighter. He was an arcane Archer. So he shot an arrow through the portal to scare off any remaining things to like from coming through. And it did work because I had a rural like intimidation and he like rolled super high was like an 18 or something. Yeah. And yeah. And I was like, okay, yeah, that definitely worked. But when he left the party, everybody was like you should have opened up a portal and had an arrow come through and just like hit him. I was like, Well, what if he wants to come back like kill him off immediately.

Josh Bolton:

It was one of those. My dad was doing something and he was DMing his story to get on your discord. I had a I was playing a minotaur barbarian? Essentially, I didn't have a backstory. So I sat there and like, Okay, this guy's super intimidating. He has insane strength in his team's constitution. But I'm like I we're gonna make it so Here's daddy issues.

Kylie D:

Oh, no.

Josh Bolton:

Do you think he does? He's a puppy. Oh my gosh. His his thing without like getting into full brawl and killing everyone is armwrestling and I was just like, okay, so he arm wrestled all these different people and that's where his comment about the gnome. Oh, he's like, I told him was it okay, I'm really I'm really really competitive for like, let's eight leg arm right leg arm wrestle because your arm should be like a too big for me. To keep up on that one. He rolls in that toy little known doing a handstand snap my monitors like throughout the whole tavern me going like I failed you again father.

Kylie D:

Oh, no. It's so funny. Like all the crazy things that can happen because of the dice rolls like he never even expected and you just you roll in that one and you're like, oh, nevermind none of that happened. Like I want it.

Josh Bolton:

It was just one of those. Then later on we worked out all the kinks. So we're playing and then he he he tried to kill us because of my kid my Benatar it's hard to kill him kind of thing is ACS naturally 20 And that's where it's suddenly like characters were just being pulled off the screen like what happened they all rolled natural ones so they just slip okay and just died

Kylie D:

all right. They're just scared. It's fine.

Josh Bolton:

Like it just works know how to do that but okay.

Kylie D:

Sure, why not? Maybe Maybe they're Japanese dorks you don't know

Josh Bolton:

I need to incorporate that in the future but yeah, it's just one of those that's my crazy story. So what's the like second crazy one for you?

Kylie D:

The second craziest um, there's a couple I think I'd have to go well, no, I have to go with when I was a player because I just find it's not like crazy but I just find it like funny and cute at the same time. So I am I one campaign what the only campaign that I play as a player. I am a circle of the wildfire drew which means I have a little tiny wild Firefox that goes around with me everywhere. Okay, her name it's a Firefox okay. I named her Mozilla Firefox good one. Yeah, Mo for short. So for a long time, nobody knew it was Mozilla. But, um, so no follows me around. And then I have my husband is in that campaign as well. And he's an artificer and he's also playing a girl, which is another really short, like petite looking girl. He's like, six foot tall, okay? Like, he's not a girl at all. And he he plays this little girl who's like obsessed with my Firefox. She's like, constantly, like been taking notes about my Firefox and like, a measuring the fire, you know, like, just doing really crazy things are like, What are you doing? Like, why are you like so obsessed? And he'll like, asked me Well, I mean, his character will ask me to, like, pull out my Firefox at the end of the night, if we haven't, like used on my wild shades just so he can like look at her. And I'm like, Okay, this is weird. But I mean, we're friends, I guess. So like, I let him do that. And for weeks, I still like I just didn't know it was just like part of the routine I would write before bed, Firefox out and he'll take his little notes, then he goes to bed. And then we've hit some sort of level, right. So he got a new ability. And I had never played an artificer or really looked at artificers that much. But he, one day, I pull out my Firefox in the middle of battle, you know, and I'm doing my little fire thing. And he steps up next to me. And he pulls this silver fox out of his, like, cloak. And he like, kind of not tosses it, but it like, hovers over into battle. And he says, Chrome, that's just Fox, Chrome. And he's like, oh, like ordering Chrome to do like fiery moves and all of the stuff. He had the homunculus ability. So he like, spent all that time like looking at my Firefox to create a little tiny Firefox of it. Well, a Chrome Firefox of his own and then he named it chrome like Google Chrome. And you, you're stealing my thunder, like I don't know. Yeah, and so to counter him, right, because I can't let my husband do like one up me, I have to like, make the stakes higher. So then, a few more battles go on, we gain a couple more levels. And I get got. Like, in our travels, my husband had found a really cool shield. And essentially, it's like a really like a spider looking Shield That Deflects missiles. So if anything is shot, while it doesn't deflect it more like attracts missiles. So if anything shot within 10 feet of him, when an arrow, fear whatever, it goes to him, it doesn't go to anybody else, it goes towards him towards his shield. Luckily, he has a higher AC so a lot of times he just like you know, bounces it off the shield or whatever. But he has a shield and he uses it a lot to protect me because I'm squishy as a druid in the back throwing spells. So he's often like standing in the back near me or standing next are barred. He's also very squishy. And so after he did that thing with the fox, I came around and I learned Fire Shield. And I made mine look like his but it's a magical effect. It like protects all over but for flavor. My idea was like Yeah, sure. For flavor, you can do that. So it looks exactly like his and it's been out of fire. So we're waiting to see what he does to one up me. So far. Nothing but you know, Wednesday is coming. So

Josh Bolton:

that's funny. Let's go get the damn site. But yeah, husband wife just let him do it.

Kylie D:

Yeah, like whatever he's like, I'm getting between these two.

Josh Bolton:

That's funny. So the BART I'm curious. This do they play to the stereotypical board?

Kylie D:

She does not so she Oh, man. Yeah, so also she's playing a boy.

Josh Bolton:

That wouldn't make the dynamics better.

Kylie D:

Yeah, but she, I mean, she plays like she has a really cool violin and stuff, but she isn't. She doesn't sing. And she does more I want to say like, like a soliloquy or like poems and stuff is more her thing. Um, She She plays that aspect of it more than like, I feel like people typically think bars I think like singing and like, I don't know, performance sleeping with everyone. Yeah, she doesn't really do that she, I mean, she like, she talks to everybody. And anytime we're in town she like, has really crazy conversations with them. And she's also always trying to, like convert people. Like, what, to whatever her equivalent of religion is, I'm not sure. But she's always converting people. So she's always like, getting into these heated arguments about how the gods are real and like, but her one God is and it's just like, I don't, I don't know, when do we step in? Like, when did we cut her off from the beer? Like, I don't know.

Josh Bolton:

If she makes it interesting, because it's like maybe one of those, the dungeon master's to deep rooted when, like, Okay, after, like 25 sessions ago, you said this one person? And in the background, he made this.

Kylie D:

Yeah. Like, yeah, he is one of those CNC. He's one of those VMs that like, remembers, like, you know, those Telltale Games, or it says in the quarter, like, they will remember that, like, he's the one he's like, I'm gonna remember that later. And he's, yeah, he's had some things come and bite us in the butt before. So I'm just waiting for that one. Like, it's like, you tried to start a rebellion in this town. So

Josh Bolton:

it worked for for the wrong reason. And now you must deal with the consequences. Yep, pretty much. That's awesome. I'm just curious. How long do I got you for? Ah,

Kylie D:

whenever. Okay. However, this is the only this is the last thing I have to do today, aside from Drive to the post office with a different thing. Yeah, that's a different thing. That can happen anytime.

Josh Bolton:

We'll see your post office is like, you can go in and blip by like six or seven

Kylie D:

by five here, which I mean, but I can also drop it off in the post box outside of it. And so like, that doesn't matter. Yeah. It's just I package orders on Mondays and I package orders on Thursdays. And so I do have to drop those off eventually, today, but they're not

Josh Bolton:

gonna wait to see if it goes. Well, it's

Kylie D:

not they're not going to take them today. Anyway, they don't normally scan them until the next day, like by the next morning. So even if I drop it in their box by, like, after hours, so it's still the same as if I drop it off now. So

Josh Bolton:

yes, they're like, No, it's quitting time. We're not doing night. Yeah.

Kylie D:

Yeah. Well, I wouldn't either. When I come in with my, like, 50 packages, like, I'd be like, nope, nope, like an hour early, five minutes early by

Josh Bolton:

the oil dropping off in the back, and I'm just gonna sit there.

Kylie D:

Yeah, yeah. Yep. I wouldn't blame them.

Josh Bolton:

So I'm curious, then just on the shipping, then we can get back to the other stuff. How do you price your shipping? Because that was the biggest one for me when I was trying to figure it out my shipping super consistent.

Kylie D:

Yeah, so it's, so again, we're in that like, period of, of the world where everybody expects two day shipping. And that's not really possible when you're a small business like, or you know, your your one person, you can't really offer two day shipping or free shipping as easily because of that. And so, on my Etsy shop, the everybody has to pay for shipping.

Josh Bolton:

Okay, fair enough.

Kylie D:

You see, once you to do like free shipping offers over$35 I can't do that, because $35 is one journal. So literally everything would be free shipping. And so at that point, like, I may as well just have a free shipping guarantee, but then I have to pay out of pocket. And I again, I don't want to raise prices too much. But that said on my Shopify website, I can offer free shipping. So I offer free shipping over $60 Because a lot of times people order more anyway, um, you know, again, I'll a lot of times if they order like three items, and that will put them at about $60. So I do that there too, to kind of move people away from Etsy and put them on my Shopify shop, because as these fees are constantly growing

Josh Bolton:

and baked into the legal public, too.

Kylie D:

Yeah. And they just went up again, this year, another percent. And they also forced you to have Google ads if you're a seller who makes more than $10,000 period in your shop. So you're forced to have ads even if you don't necessarily want them or you run your own site. Brand, it's it's kind of I mean, it's good. It was good to start out there, testing ground. It was, but now I want to pull people away from there and put them on my website where I have more control. I mean, Shopify still charges a little bit, right? Because again, they're offering a platform for you to sell on. But you do everything else. So they take way less of a cut than Etsy does, because that's he's doing everything for you, you know, they've got a whole system to Yeah, and they, and you can, you know, they have everything search friendly. And, you know, they advertise your stuff for you. And they advertise Etsy in general. But the other thing is, on Etsy, you're competing with other people constantly. You know, on my own website, I don't have competition on my own website. And so it's like, there are pros and cons to to Etsy. And while I am grateful for my start there, I do want to eventually move away from that, at the moment, it doesn't seem like it's ever going to slow down there. So

Josh Bolton:

actually, one thing I learned this weirdly out of horse race. This one guy was fancy, like suit and tie, he had a pure gold chain with a scarab and have like a jade, where it's like the little And my dad's a couple beers. And so I'm trying to like help him get around the horse race, make sure he doesn't knock any of the expensive paintings over. And so I got him that will send him on his way. And pretty much he's like, Oh, you're very, very family oriented. But you also you're very good at keeping tabs on things. It's very business. That's good. He's like, Have you thought about doing whatever? So yeah, it was, I think at the time, I was really into dropshipping. Now I realize it's a terrible idea. But was this telling him that I said, Yeah, but the only way I can think of at least getting my name known quickly is on Amazon, he's like, I'll give you a pro tip for your charge. And I'm like, okay, he said, Do whatever it is, you're going to do make it, we'll put a business card in it saying, hey, if you've now sign up for my website, I'll give you 20 to 40% off your first order. And I just it was what was one of those it stuck is now as I've talked to different people might like can be your thing, because you say still put it in, say, Hey, if you want your next order, go to my site. I'll even give you a free Go code for it. Yeah, so

Kylie D:

that's the plan. I just again, I'm running like 5 million things at one time. I haven't done that yet. But yeah, I've been considering that to like some sort of deal to get people off of Etsy, and onto my website. But the other thing is to Etsy takes care of like, the sales tax for things, which is I think

Josh Bolton:

that was my next question. Okay. So they take

Kylie D:

care of sales tax, and that also includes international sales tax, okay. And so I can't do that I could do regular sales tax in between, like with Shopify, it'll keep track of state by state, like how much I owe for whatever. But when it comes to international, I'm like, I don't know anything about international sales laws or anything either. And so if I want to continue to sell abroad, I'm gonna have to keep this the shop up for them, and I can't offer them like free shipping deals. Because again, like, that's like $50 sometimes to ship something from one country to another and it gets expensive.

Josh Bolton:

It really does. I'm actually having to deal with someone guy came on to promote his promotional like metal RF T the tap cards, where you put on your phone, and this young startup company, I was like, oh, you know, I'll throw 50 bucks I'll get a custom card with my show and my name and all that we've just support you. It's still held up in customs and so I paid 50 bucks. And it was another on there and $50 So Mike, you've lost money.

Kylie D:

Yep. Yep. And that's the thing like it's so hard like I want to ship because I do have people like in Canada and yeah, I mean, I know that's like so close but it's still international it's it's still an international thing. So I have people in Canada that buy a lot I have a lot of people in Europe that buy mostly from like Germany which is very similar okay. But yeah, so in Italy I don't know why those two in particular but

Josh Bolton:

maybe they're more home homebody like the community, like your family. I saw I could think of a top of my head.

Kylie D:

Yeah, maybe I'm not sure I'd be interested to like see some statistics or something. But they, I so I ship up a lot to them. But if I shut down my Etsy shop, then like, the International stuff has to go away or I have to figure it out. out on my own and try not to like, you know, disobey laws and stuff. And I'm like, Ah, that's scary. You know, I don't want to shut down for something like silly that I could prevent, you know, so I'm keeping hard,

Josh Bolton:

really close to international sales is hard. I was that was one thing, like, I had a mentor, and he was business and all that. And recently, he's really gotten on the whole crypto bandwagon and the hype of that. And I'm like, okay, crypto is good. But it's not like that good. Right now. And so I unfollowed him, but hit the last like hair on the needle on the thing that was he was saying, because I had a lot of Canadian customers like you, but I'm like, I knew a rule where if you sell anything, for a certain threshold, you owe money to the government. But that's if you're a corporation, if you're not a corporation, then there's an our tax, and then there's because of your civilian, there's a third tax, since you 63% of whatever you made that you owe. And I said, Canada, you know, if we don't pay the Canadians, it's like, Do you get any orders from Nebraska? I'm just curious.

Kylie D:

Um, Nebraska. Yeah. Ah, sometimes, probably. So I'd have to look, but not that many.

Josh Bolton:

So the thing I told him, and it's where I left, he said, Oh, don't worry about the Canadian government. Don't pay your taxes it okay. And I'm like, no, no. It's like saying the IRS is not actually a threat if you don't pay the taxes. Nope. I'm not going that route.

Kylie D:

No, no, thank you. I would like to be a good businesswoman. Thank you.

Josh Bolton:

And the thing I asked him about Nebraska is anything sold online? I still don't know how they're doing this. Even if it's 99 cents, they want 30 cents for that 99 cents.

Kylie D:

Yeah, I'm like, yeah.

Josh Bolton:

How are you supposed to pay that?

Kylie D:

Most of them? Do you have a threshold, though? Like you've kind of mentioned, like, most of them have?

Josh Bolton:

No, California 200k or more?

Kylie D:

How much you it's either. So it could be it could be a couple of different things like how like the percentage of orders of your orders total that goes in? It could be how many total orders like some of them have like multiple different thresholds, and then each threshold like you just have to meet one of them, and then you owe them taxes. So yeah, I haven't had had to pay taxes to the rest. I haven't sold that many through Shopify. And again, Etsy takes care of sales tax, so they charge the people for sales tax and everything for you. So I don't have to worry about it then. But on my Shopify shop, I don't think I've sold anything to Nebraska. Okay, so then we're Ohio, I think, Okay. Close. Yeah.

Josh Bolton:

Like for me, I was asking my account, I was like, Okay, do you you're an accountant. Do you know any softwares for online sales? And she's like, No. Shoot, what am I supposed to do this where I've been doing my homework, I'm been, it's 100 bucks a month, but it worked its block now. The formerly whatever square and their tax one, I think it's like 100 bucks a month, and it automatically reports and pays for your, like, every month and a half. I was like, okay, I can kind of get behind that. But I'm like, it seems like anything kind of more like if you make a sale, it charges you instantly and then charges the pace of whatever, like almost three $400 a month. Yeah,

Kylie D:

yeah, it's it gets expensive. So that's why I do most of this stuff by myself. But I did just finally get in because I'm like, drowning in work. So I did finally hire an accountant. And she's wonderful. And she's a lifesaver. And did my taxes for me this year. Last year, I spent like eight hours on taxes. Oh, I bet. I was like, it was also like the first year that I had been married. So like we filed jointly, you know, like, Hey, I was like, I'm supposed to save money. But now I have to do to the work of two people and my taxes. You know, like, because he's like, I'm not doing it like you could do it or I can hire someone and I was like, I don't have money to hire someone right now. So he just like it was horrible eight hours in India in my taxes. This year. I spent like 30 minutes where she like just went over all of it with me to make sure everything was correct. And then send it in and I was like good. I'll pay right now. We're good. Again, done. Yeah. Done. Write the check right now.

Josh Bolton:

Yeah, it was like for me, same thing. I just handed all the paperwork the lady. She says she got smart. She hired someone to specifically enter data to the system that knows it. And then she just previews it for like five minutes. Okay. Like, for me, it's like Josh, it looks like you got involved in crypto Mike. I literally threw $10 and just see what would happen. Well, I say this and this is she looks she looked at the sheet. Oh, yeah. You literally threw 10 bucks at it. That's it. I said, technically, on paper for the government I made 15 cents. What do you freakin do? I lost like$5 in fees, though.

Kylie D:

Right? Yeah. Like, right.

Josh Bolton:

So enough of the boring step of profit loss. Lot of people Texas. Oh, God, like get out of here. We went on this whole laughing rampage and then the taxes. Yeah. So where are you stationed at? Well, we will be gone an hour. I didn't even know that.

Kylie D:

I'm in PA. So I'm actually a 45 minutes outside of Pittsburgh. So okay. Yeah, it's cold here. It's because it's April. And, you know, it's like, oh, it's spring, but it's not really here's some snow for you. And then we'll give you some more rain. And then Oh, you think it's getting warmer again? Boom. Here's some more snow. So hopefully, hopefully the last snow is like last week, but we can't we were still getting it. And I was like, I don't want this anymore, please. And I'm in the basement. Down here.

Josh Bolton:

I would say in general, you're below ground. So that's gonna be cool. And especially with snow. It's gonna be even colder. Yep. And I like sleeves. Long sleeves.

Kylie D:

Yeah, I have long sleeves on I have a blanket on my lab right now. I have a heater right next to me. It's you know, we're dealing but I would like summertime for use.

Josh Bolton:

Obviously, you want California summer? It's like almost 110 Over here.

Kylie D:

Um, I would take it, I don't care. I think I could you at least have AC like, you would go inside and like, sit in a seat for a little bit and cool off and then go back outside. And like that, that wouldn't be as bad like, the cold and not being able to drive because it's snowing. Like that's the part that I'm like, I can't even go outside. I'm stuck in my house already. Because I work from home. I need that ability to like get outside and you know, get out of my house.

Josh Bolton:

So at least drop off the packages. Yeah.

Kylie D:

At least like I could. I could schedule to have them come pick it up at my house. But I don't want my mailman to hate me. So I have not done that yet. Yeah, you can know your heart. I think most people do. Like, you can have them pick up even like Amazon returns and stuff. Like you can have them come pick come to your house and pick it up with regular mail. But if I stuck 50 packages out there for him. I would I would expect some of my packages to like, arrive broken after that point.

Josh Bolton:

He would though. I think from what I've taught at least mine in California. I don't know about your side. He does. He actually likes those because he's like, then I could take my sweet time just sorting him.

Kylie D:

Maybe Maybe I'll have to talk to him. That's that's really what it has to be. But my mailman has changed three times in the last year. So I'm not sure if they're like still figuring stuff out. So I'm like I don't want to like make a deal with this one postman and then set my posts off, like all my post office stuff outside and then it's a new post person and they're like, all this like, yeah, I don't they work hard enough. I don't need to add more to their plate.

Josh Bolton:

They didn't they are grossly underpaid. So that's interesting. Okay. Now I'm curious. Because where I am, I'm like a little south of LA. Like we're mostly Hispanic. So like, we have a lot of taco places. what's your what's your one go to restaurant? Let's say I just flew out what would be the one thing you'd recommend me to go to?

Kylie D:

Well, if you're talking about like Pittsburgh area, you have to go to Primanti Brothers. Okay, that's like what Pittsburgh like known for is their stupid parole games and the like the French fries on the sandwiches. It's disgusting. I'm going to tell you that right now. Like it, but it's something a lot of people do like and they put coleslaw like it's just a sandwich but they like put coleslaw and french fries and then like, you know, the two pieces of bread and then whatever lunch me cheese on the sandwich. And you just eat it like that. And it's like carb coma. But I mean, it's it's good. My husband loves it. But I don't I'm not a big fan. That's a Pittsburgh GIS thing. They also have a lot of perogies bro, these are other big thing for some reason. Now for logistics. Now that's on the other side of state. Yeah, that's the other side. You can still get those here too. But that's more you know, that's the that's the other side. Yeah, we don't talk about them. No. I'm actually I grew up a little bit in Pittsburgh or in Philadelphia too. So I lived there for like five years of my life. I'm in the Philadelphia area and then I moved to the other side of the state for who knows I don't know why but I was too young to understand why at the time

Josh Bolton:

yeah, that was one of those like here. There's not really many Philly cheese steaks because like not many know what to do so they they make like, as close as they can. Well this one place it was actually it's funny it was the one place I would never guess a Jersey Mike's I just went in they have Phillies and I said hey, like do you guys can you know a guy who does it correctly? And they literally ah, I Albert, this big kahuna, a Hawaiian guy you Lily here because our grills the most? Like mazing filly and how I knew it was correct is when I picked it up immediately the whole paper just turned oil. Yeah just fell

Kylie D:

out. Yep, that's how you know it's done right and like that's kind of how those profanity brothers sandwiches are too. Like they they like fall apart like the bread gets all soggy. This is why I think I don't like them because soggy bread is weird to me. But if they like get all soggy and you're like okay, supermini brothers sandwich. It's the same thing with the Philly Cheesesteak. You pick it up if it doesn't, if half of it doesn't fall through the bread and through onto like the paper and the PayPal papers, not oily. You didn't get a good one. You're returning. Yeah.

Josh Bolton:

And that was just the one thing it's like ever since then, I guess the Bitcoin guy decided to go somewhere else. And it was just one of those I asked like, what was he getting paid? And like, oh, no, he just did this for fun. He just would sit in the back for fun. I'm like, you just kept a big Hawaiian guy that knows how to make at least in the back. Why didn't you tell me this?

Kylie D:

Can I keep it?

Josh Bolton:

We can put in Kylie's basement. Yeah, they go. Oh, boy. Oh, but yeah, it was just one of those. Yeah, I was asking him because the actual owner showed up and I'm very chatty, even though I'm introverted and after like five minutes A Conversation like no. Room. It was with the asthma Yeah. Wow. Like will repay like Philly guy just to sit in the back. He's like, we had a we had a guy that grilled Phillies. Like why? He's like, Wait, we had unpaid

Kylie D:

labor? Yeah. Oh, my goodness. That's hilarious.

Josh Bolton:

But then. Yeah, honestly, I love it. I don't want to keep you too much forever. Yeah, we could easily be here all night.

Kylie D:

I'm a little bit too talkative. I even I think like, that's why I haven't posted that video about like, my career history. Because I'm like, it's like 15 minutes of me just like spilling out all of I tried to cut it like, cuz on YouTube, you can cut it and make it look good. I'm like, this is just 15 minutes non stop of me talking. And it's gonna like that. I don't

Josh Bolton:

know. Honestly, after chatting with you, I'd listen to it. Oh, well, thank you. We'll say there's, it's strange what people will watch on YouTube, too. It is. I was like, at one point, actually, I have a couple coming on tomorrow explaining YouTube and all that. I will say if anything, you could explain it to me better? I don't know. Yeah, they were just talking about the different stuff. And one of them was like, Well, I totally forgive him. Like, two weeks ago, they were supposed to come on, but a client wanted them for the day. They're like, filming crew, essentially. So like, yeah, sorry, Josh. You're not paying us and this person is willing to pay us 20 grand for the whole day. I'm like, Oh, okay. Yeah, we'll get your money. I don't care. I'm not gonna hold you up kind of thing. I was like, how did you get my number though? I didn't hand it out.

Kylie D:

That's always awkward.

Josh Bolton:

Oh, yeah. The agent had it. Oh, my God. Okay. So kind of weird, but array. All right. Sure. And one thing she said she's like, we'll definitely go work for you or strategy for YouTube. And I'm like, I'm just a dork with fish and plants. Who's gonna listen to me.

Kylie D:

There's a lot of there's like, that's the thing. YouTube is accessible to everybody. So no matter who you are, your audience is on there somewhere. You just have to find them and help them find you. So it's there right there. Like you can you can do it and it'll it just it takes a lot of understanding SEO and, you know, creating, you know, good videos. You can just put like, any video up on there. I mean, you can

Josh Bolton:

as soon as you can now especially with their shorts.

Kylie D:

I mean, I don't understand shorts, though. I don't understand shorts. I don't get Tik Tok. I know I'm supposed to be a millennial or something but like I don't understand. I don't even sold and I don't understand. I'm like, this isn't fun to me. This is I don't want to keep looking at videos like I just wanted to watch the one that the person sent me and then I want to go away like, I don't want to keep scrolling. Well, I don't know how to do tic tock like, I

Josh Bolton:

don't know, I don't feel bad. There's, for me, what we did it in, is I don't usually get FOMO I've, I've personally trained myself, I had addictive personality. I could lose hours at night and realize this, so I'm trying to like, Okay, keep it in check. For me, though, no matter what, if you tick tock or even though YouTube shorts, I'm like, I'm thinking to delete an app on my phone and just edit everything on my computer. Once I open it instantly, 20 minutes gone. It's like dammit,

Kylie D:

yeah, see, I actually just recently uninstalled Facebook, from my phone, I still have like Facebook Messenger. And I have like, I still have Instagram, because I have to have it for like posting most. But other than that, like apps, because Facebook also has like their Facebook Pages app. So you don't actually see your normal, like feed, you know, so you don't have to scroll the entire time. Because that's what I was doing is I was just like scrolling. But the other thing is, it's like 80%. Not, it's like 80% either ads, or it's stuff suggested for you like listen to the content. But it's not actually content from like, my friends or my family, which is the only reason I use Facebook. So I was like, I'm just going to uninstall it for a while because I feel like I'm wasting my life away on this app. And yeah, you know, I'll probably download it again, at some point or another, but right now, I'm living without it, and everything's fine. Good. Yeah, business is good. It's everything's good. Although I should post more business wise on my Facebook, from being like, I went from being a great social media person for like, 30 different accounts to like barely posting anything on my actual business, social media. So

Josh Bolton:

this is the one thing it's why I invite people to show because I'm like, any other normal circumstances this one hour session would have cost me two, three grand to pick their brain. And I had this later lady on. And essentially, she said, how she explained it is podcasting is to prove you're an authority in whatever you're talking about. YouTube is visual proof. And social media is more like the unfiltered version of you. I said, Well, that's very dangerous version of me. I don't want that out there. Firecrackers and be like, who he goes, boom.

Kylie D:

Yeah, I'm not good at the, like, just not good at social media for my business, like and I was fine when I was doing it for other people. Because there were other people

Josh Bolton:

because it was your job. Like for me, it was like when it becomes you say, well, it's it's not technically my job kind of thing. So like, I'm gonna fudge and go somewhere else.

Kylie D:

Yeah, because like I'm, I'm like, I am the business you know, this this exists because of me and I it's part of my personality is the reason people buy for me. I feel like Oh, yeah. Oh, and watch my YouTube channel and things like that and want to join my Discord community, like, all of that is because they see at least a little bit like me as a person. So I have to push that into my social media. And I'm like, I don't I don't know how to do that. I don't post personally normally like the last post I have for I posted something in February because it was my anniversary, but other than that, like I had, I don't think I've posted much on my personal Facebook account, let alone like my business one so I'm gonna continue to talk you you're off so if you need to like

Josh Bolton:

nope, nope, it's all good. Let's keep going.

Kylie D:

I just I go for too long. I talk too much.

Josh Bolton:

No, it's wonderful. I love it. Because it's funny as I'm thinking to myself as you're saying that I was just checking my time on my phone is like I same thing. I think my last one was like a month ago with this one guy I had on it. It was just fun. And I ended everything up and posted it but like for me, because I don't post a lot. The one time I do everyone likes the customer Hoshi Finally he's alive.

Kylie D:

Yep, no. It makes me nervous to post something else because I'm like well everybody's gonna see this

Josh Bolton:

when I thought the same thing because it's just one of those. I next day I was I was I had a good reaction. I'll just I'll edit something up make it look pretty posted again. Not a single reaction. Oh my gosh. So apparently this hiatus of a month works really?

Kylie D:

Yeah, so just take long breaks and then post something really good. And then just take another long break and just see that you need regular social media posting.

Josh Bolton:

We're gonna prove all those social media people wrong. Oh, those experts

Kylie D:

prove every social media expert out there wrong.

Josh Bolton:

Oh my gosh. What else at what cost? No, Kylie, would it was it worth it?

Kylie D:

I don't know. Probably not. Probably not. Doctor why we do what we say.

Josh Bolton:

But by like my running joke is I've had a lot of interesting events throughout my life and like, it's the don't do it justice. It's like, you just do precept don't do what he does.

Kylie D:

Yeah, it's not worth it. I know I've lived it. It's fine. Don't do it.

Josh Bolton:

Trust me, it was funny. I have actually a cousin named Kylie too. So it was one of those. I was talking to my father about our interview on Sunday. And then somehow my mom thought it was Kylie the cousin. I said, No, Kylie, the cousin played d&d.

Kylie D:

Like no. Two different kinds of leaves. It's funny. That name used to be like, super rare, like when I was growing up. No, there was one other Kylie out there. And that was it. Like, yeah, yeah, in my world, there was one other and then like, you know, a couple of Kylie's got popular and then suddenly, like, every little girl's name was Kai. We after that, it was it was crazy. Not that I'm saying it's a bad name, because it's an awesome name. Yeah.

Josh Bolton:

Yeah. Honestly, for me, though, I think my name Josh. Joshua is very, very pronounced because I've met people. No, I would have to see, seven days and on is what I started. Notice the name came up more, but like, it's funny. So my boss's name is Josh. I'm Josh. My mom's boss is Josh and my sister works with someone named Josh.

Kylie D:

So in other words, you're about to come become a boss, right? Because everybody else is bosses. You just have to like meet that. Like, yeah, and you're 32 point

Josh Bolton:

that I'm good to go.

Kylie D:

There you go. You got it.

Josh Bolton:

That's the it's, have you seen Monty Python? Yes. Okay, so it's the one where like, hello, Bruce. Hello. celebrates? Simply gonna be my boss. He's very serious, man. But for this one, he's like, hello, Josh. How are you? I'm doing good. Josh. How are you doing? I'm doing quite well, Josh.

Kylie D:

Oh, yeah. It's, uh, Josh is definitely a more common name. I feel like I do a lot more Josh's in college than I did. And I do now like, I don't think I know, many in person

Josh Bolton:

anymore. was also the kind of became one of those names that were taboo with politically correct. It's Biblical.

Kylie D:

Hmm. That's weird. Right? Like, make your own meaning to the name. It doesn't matter.

Josh Bolton:

If you want to just go with the root meaning of Joshua means warrior. mean, it's a very good and strong name.

Kylie D:

Yeah. See, there you go.

Josh Bolton:

You're making your kid a good fighter. One day, fighting Floyd Mayweather.

Kylie D:

Well, I mean, I don't know that I want my kid to fight though. Is that does that mean he'll fight in school to like, I don't know.

Josh Bolton:

I wanna see for me, because I do martial arts I've done for 15 years now. I actually am now at that point. I really don't want people to fight me. It's kind of like, two months ago, I was I bought some potatoes, like hashbrowns like slabs. And it was because we in our area, it was hard to get up. So I found one, I bought it. This homeless guy just comes running at me. And immediately like, total enemy, like voices, like it was like, potato protection mode activated. And I literally am dodging it like Neo all his punches. And then they essentially, he's like, stop saying, hey, look, yeah, we can't buy Hot Cheetos. I'm like, Well, we're closed. There's a 711 across the way. That's 24 hour. You can go there and you say, Alright, cool. When are you open? I'm like 6am Never. Don't come by as long as you have money. 6am literally skips his merry way over to seven. Wow, so weird. It is so funny. Because now one of my bosses he saw the whole thing happened. And he's like, Oh my god, I was gonna call the cops. I'm like, dude, by the time the cops show up already to be home. He was gonna get tattooed. It's very appropriate. It was me.

Kylie D:

Yeah, I guess if especially if you know martial arts like, yeah, I've always wanted to learn, but I don't have time. I don't have time for my own thought process right now. So

Josh Bolton:

yeah, it's one of those you definitely at least one or two hours a week have to set aside to just get the basics down. And it will say for you, you're like, I can barely pull this off. Yeah,

Kylie D:

right now I'm struggling giving up an hour every two weeks to play violin. And I've been trying to learn violin for like five years now. And it's, I finally found a really good teacher and I love her. She's amazing. But I have to you know, give up an hour every few weeks to go to that lesson. And then I also have to give up practice time throughout the week. And at least in our three or four right there. Yeah. And so It's a struggle. It's a real struggle this week, I didn't practice as much as I should have, and she's gonna be mad at me. But

Josh Bolton:

this is why Kylie needs an employee. Alright, everyone listening.

Kylie D:

You have to be, you have to be willing to work in a basement. And you have to like cats, because there's one here you can't see him. But he's actually like he's been sitting here the entire time on his office chair. Yeah, nice. That's pretty

Josh Bolton:

sure someone as long as you say you have cats, and it's obviously would you give them like flexible schedule? Ish? Yeah. It's like, as long as you work generally eight hours a day. We're good to go?

Kylie D:

Yep. Yep, pretty much.

Josh Bolton:

I'm sure right now, there's a ton of people like, Okay, how do I contact her?

Kylie D:

Where do I go? How do I get there? Have to be local those problems? Because like, otherwise, how are you going to get here? Right? Like, I mean, if you're in California, I don't know how much help you're going to be making journals through.

Josh Bolton:

Robot upgrades a robot from?

Kylie D:

That would be cool. I would love a robot and I would be awesome, right? Yeah.

Josh Bolton:

You're just like Jeeves. Do this for me, please.

Kylie D:

Yeah, yeah, I would do it. I would, I would. I'll volunteer to have robots. I already have Google Home in my entire house. So like, I have a security system with Google Home. I have like Google Home and on every floor. She tells me when she reminds me things. She tells me when people are at the door. Like she keeps an eye on my cats when I'm not here. Like you could do that. Yeah, you can have like if you put a camera here, because they come with like cameras. You can put a camera inside and you can have it you could set it up to like monitor pets and stuff.

Josh Bolton:

So just find your pet and then kind of like the motion tracking.

Kylie D:

Follow it. Yeah. Anytime. Like the pet is like in the room. It'll tell me like I can look and see. Okay, you sleep. They're alive. They're not killing each other. And that's good. Yeah, because otherwise like, Oh, and also I have a thermostat too. Like I could change the heat. And the lights like I got it all. I want them at home. Yeah,

Josh Bolton:

super smart. Oh, you're gonna get the smart fridge.


There's a smart fridge.

Josh Bolton:

There's a smart fridge. Smart toaster.

Kylie D:

Oh my god. Wait, what a smart toaster.

Josh Bolton:

I was like, Wait, what's the point of that? You just press the button anyways?

Kylie D:

Yeah, well, I don't understand. I have to look this up now. Smart toaster and a smart fridge. Okay.

Josh Bolton:

The fridge is more as cameras and it tells you what's lower. Not.

Kylie D:

See, that would be useful though. Because like, I hate like making the list and figured Oh, yeah, look at that. That's cool.

Josh Bolton:

I heard on one of my tech podcasts, he was reporting on a electronic expense. And he's like, so we officially know it's gone too far when there's a smart toaster.

Kylie D:

Well, yeah, we'll have to look at this. My taste okay. Smart, because you still have to touch it.

Josh Bolton:

You still have to touch it. So what's the point? But I guess you could tell? I guess he could kind of tell if it's a wheat or rye and it will adjust accordingly. And like, when is the camera?

Kylie D:

Why does that matter? i Why does it matter what kind of bread I do? Toast expert.

Josh Bolton:

We're not officially not

Kylie D:

understand why you need a smart toaster. Somebody who if anybody you know gets a smart toaster, please report back. I want to know. Tell us quickly. Yeah. $350

Josh Bolton:

There's even a spark composter. And the thing is like almost 500 bucks.

Kylie D:

He says, If you spent$350 on a toaster you could get for like 20 bucks. Right? Still toast bread. Like I don't

Josh Bolton:

want to lift the bread and put it in. Yeah,

Kylie D:

that's like that's the thing if it like you just put the bread in a compartment and like, put it in something. Yeah, like I could see that. But it's this doesn't seem very smart. I think. I think it's more of a dumb dumb toaster. smart marketing. Yeah, maybe. smart marketing. Yeah.

Josh Bolton:

Because yeah, the this one trash can. Italy I said it's like 500 bucks. And it'll automatically tie the bag for you. And I was like, Okay, it's one of those it knows when it's full, fill it up. So you can only feed it 15 days at a time it'll automatically do everything. But then there's really my first time but you still have to give it backs.

Kylie D:

You still have to put the bag in right like I don't know, like, I guess I mean, I guess you like ties it up and stuff. But like after that you start to take it out. Okay, I'll do that point. You heard me talking about you and I don't need you to do that. Now that okay, sorry, CAD, CAD interference, as I like to call it, at least on your keyboard While he might start because he I think he's like, bored. When he gets bored, he starts getting into things. He was trying to climb on the printer. And I was like, Don't Don't climb on the printer, please. That's very expensive. We don't need that. We don't need cat hair in the printer. I don't think that's good for the mechanics. No. I did. I can't believe it with smart toaster. I have to share that with my husband. He's gonna be like, What do you mean?

Josh Bolton:

Yeah, the guy was on the show with he's speaking about it. We're not getting it though, honey.

Kylie D:

Yeah, no, thanks. I don't want it.

Josh Bolton:

Because like, there's one. He the podcaster himself uses it because he's like, you're very busy. So he pays for meal service and all that. And he has a smart oven, but it's actually really smart. The only air cool thing you have to do is scan the code and open the lid and place it and you're good to go. And it automatically cooks and regulates and keeps it warm. If you're you're doing a call. I'm like, Okay, then I'll do. I'll check the pricing the ovens like 20 bucks. I'm like, Alright, the food's like, 12 $13 a meal. A meal? Wow. Nothing. I'm not that busy. We're basically yeah.

Kylie D:

So I was gonna say I don't even we don't even DoorDash that much. Because it's also expensive. We're like this is, this is like getting more expensive every time we try not to. But through Sundays. I'm like, I don't want to cook. You don't want to cook.

Josh Bolton:

Let's just like pay this guy in extra 10 bucks to go get it for

Kylie D:

ya. Because that's pretty much what you're doing. You're paying them extra money to like, make it and set it aside for you. And then you're paying the driver extra money to pick it up. And that's fine. It's a five minute job for that guy. You know,

Josh Bolton:

probably the quickest seven or 10 bucks he's ever made. Just finally shoe. And it's like for me. I'm just curious. I heard it from my area. I don't know about you. Because California our gas prices went to the moon. Did your DoorDash fees go up too?

Kylie D:

Yeah, so did yeah. Everything crisis? Yeah, everything. It's it's just the same everywhere, right? When a global thing happens, kind of affects a lot of stuff. So

Josh Bolton:

it really does. Yeah, I was I actually saw my podcast, like website, it's hosted forum with a guy in Ukraine. And I was talking to him, I said, Hey, you know, like, How are you holding up with all this stuff. And he's like, Oh, he's like, where I am. I'm like, in the bottom, like, left corner. He's like, the Russians ever made it here. And they're not even close. But he's like, cuz he makes so much money with his software. He's like, I own a couple flats throughout Ukraine. And he's like, I gave one to a family needing refuge. He's like, I'm not charging him anything. He's like, it's one of those more of a moral thing. If I was in their situation, I want the same thing. I wanna go hey, good for you. I mean, if anyone you're not like, being like, capitalism is good. But it's like when you're nickel and diming. Everyone in the most? Yeah, bad situation like that. I'm like, in this kind of like the can you put it aside their fellow humans kind of thing?

Kylie D:

Yeah, yeah. So good for him. Because like, there are people who would take advantage of the situation. And you know, and that's, and that's just wrong, but good for him any he's got the heart. And he does have the morality to be able to do it.

Josh Bolton:

And it was just one of those because he's, he's a fellow d&d nerd, but he just doesn't play that much of my user pass the wisdom check. Just got elected me because at first he was like, Oh, we're going there.

Kylie D:

Like, wait, what? I do that all the time. So my husband and like, I don't know, we're already 20. We'll see what happens.

Josh Bolton:

I have a rule, so we'll see what's high or not.

Kylie D:

Yeah, we'll see what happens. We should do that for dinner more often. Actually. We should just like, yeah. Are we going to make something? Probably do 20 and find out?

Josh Bolton:

If it's odd. Yes. If it's even. Yeah, yeah. That would be funny. That could be a project to add to really things make make dice for a couple of sets. Like, are we cooking in or out? Yeah.

Kylie D:

Nice for couples. They have like a little car symbol for like, DoorDash and then you can have like a little takeout bag or a hamburger. Yeah.

Josh Bolton:

Yeah, just a different side. Oh, man. That will make a lot of men out because like, we don't know what our girl wants. But if we rolled the dice, okay,

Kylie D:

yeah. Although, my house I wouldn't work at my house, he'd roll the dice and it'd be like hamburgers, and I'd be like, but we just had hamburgers. Like no roll again. Like it would just be worse. It would just mean like rolling five times until I got what I wanted.

Josh Bolton:

It's like typhoon wrap. But we had the two weeks ago Yeah, exactly.

Kylie D:

Like we were we had that like a month ago. Like, I don't want it again, like, my husband makes fun of me because I, I am that person. I don't like to eat the same thing all the time. But that doesn't apply to everything. Just most things like I can't eat pizza like, every day if I wanted. But that's bad for you. You should not eat pizza every day of your life.

Josh Bolton:

Oh, do Kylie does.

Kylie D:

Yeah, no, don't do that. It's not healthy. You gotta mix it up, add some vegetables to your life. But, um, so like, he'll make fun of me and saying, because he, for a while there kept suggesting that we go to Arby's, and I have nothing against Arby's. Okay, I like Arby's. But he was suggesting it like every single day for like, a week, and we didn't go. And I was like, but you already suggested that he's like, Well, we haven't gone. It's just like, this whole thing. Yeah, I he makes fun of me for my eating habits.

Josh Bolton:

It's fine. Obviously, he made you so he understands what he's signed. Apparently he

Kylie D:

he signed up for this. Yes, he's signed up for a lot of things. And most of them crazy. So that's, that's on him. Because he's only perception. Yeah, maybe maybe. Maybe his perception role is real low. Like maybe he's just rolling like ones and twos. And that's why it's okay.

Josh Bolton:

This lucky this long and he's like, all right, whatever. Yeah. Good. I could just see your argument. You just like Han, like, do this and he's like, Alright, fine. Let's do it anyways.

Kylie D:

Yeah. Yeah. We could do it fine. Whatever.

Josh Bolton:

So other than pizza, what's the what's your go to meal? Let's say like, I could wave my magic wand and DoorDash would show up.

Kylie D:

Um, I really like bagels. That's the only other thing. Yeah, I know. That's not a meal. But I really enjoy a good bagel, which is like bagel and cream cheese. Yeah. Any any kind of bagel really. But I really enjoy Basiago bagels. And I love vegetable cream cheese. So like, put those two together. And it's like, perfect. Or like, onion, Chai or like, I don't know, any kind of cream cheese really. But that's like my go to so if you DoorDash that for me right now. I'd be like in heaven. I'd be like, Okay. What's your address? Yeah, here we go. Yeah, I It's a problem, actually. Because we went to because my husband and I can work from home. And so we were like, because he he's a software developer. He doesn't work for Qantas media,

Josh Bolton:

because I wouldn't say now we gotta get him to make you an app.

Kylie D:

That's what I said. He doesn't have time to sign

Josh Bolton:

the petition.

Kylie D:

But he, he's a software developer. So all he needs is like, his computer, his work computer and good internet. Yeah. So um, me. I was like, Well, I can probably work from anywhere too. I just have to, like, bring my entire inventory with me. Right? And so I was like, No, we can make this work. So I spent like all of January and I worked my butt off. And I like, made so many journals so that I could take them in February down south to Myrtle Beach. And my husband and I worked there for a whole month together. And this relates to bagels. It does. We're getting there. But yeah, so we're down there for like the entire month. And we have like we got one for like with a kitchen and everything. And we brought our cats to it was pet friendly. Like we did the whole shebang, which was another story in itself, the cat thing. But we get there and we go shopping and I bought like two things of bagels. Because I was like, I need I'll need breakfast right? Like, that's easy. And there's a toaster so we can like and it wasn't a smart toaster. So regular toaster, but yeah, but I was like there's a toaster we can toast and have some I ate every single bagel. He didn't have one bagel. I don't. I was like this was for two people. Like it wasn't just for both like just for me. And I didn't even realize that he had most of the bagels until or you hadn't had any bagels until I was down to like one day the left and I like looked at him and I was like, Have you had any of these fails? And he was like no. Oh no. So yeah, don't do what I do. That's not healthy either. You really can eat too many bagels.

Josh Bolton:

That's just a massive insulin and carpooled

Kylie D:

Oh yeah. Yeah, don't eat so many carbs it's really not good for you

Josh Bolton:

see carbon journal are not bad, but it's like, unless you're extreme bodybuilder. I'm watching the Jack Reacher series of like Alicia like huge like him there's no reason that you that much. Yeah,

Kylie D:

yeah you don't need as many as we have

Josh Bolton:

Kelly sitting here like I have bagel regret.

Kylie D:

Yeah, I was I was feeling the regret I ate I ate most of them like within a week and a half. Like that was the thing. Yeah, it wasn't even just like, one a day it was like a week and a half went by and these two things that bagels are like gone and

Josh Bolton:

no one ever bagel is like five or six.

Kylie D:

So we had there was like a dozen vit Well, I guess it was like,

Josh Bolton:

he pretty much had like one maybe like a random day you had to we had

Kylie D:

like a random day or two. I had like one or two. Okay, yeah, that sounds about right. Because I was eating some of them with lunch meat because I was making bagel bagel sandwich. And I had like cheese and even said

Josh Bolton:

I just see a cute little like enemy bagel with little eyes.

Kylie D:

And I just love it. I love bagels. I can't help it. bagels and pizza. If you make pizza bagels is even better like

Josh Bolton:

so here in California. There's a pizza company called Little Caesars. They Mickey pretzel pizza.

Kylie D:

Oh, pretzel pizza. It's actually pretty good. We have little caesars here too. But there's not very many here. And I've never seen a pretzel pizza.

Josh Bolton:

That might just be a Southern California thing. Yeah, what the heck? Yeah, get get on it gets your pretzel pizza on her here.

Kylie D:

Yeah, right. Yeah, I don't think they have a watch. I like go and like, look it up and they're like, oh, no, it's everywhere. And I didn't know. I'm you know, it's fine. I live in the basement. I don't know. My little world. It's okay. Yeah, pretty much.

Josh Bolton:

Honestly, that would be the next thing is like if Little Caesars you're listening make her her bagel pizza.

Kylie D:

Oh, yeah. Well, I there's a place called Einstein's bagels here in Pittsburgh. That one is I think a Pittsburgh thing. And they have pizza bagels. I only know this because I used to work at one because they asked to do coffee and it's like barista work and stuff. And circling back around. Look at that.

Josh Bolton:

Bagels, everything leaves me

Kylie D:

with the bag.

Josh Bolton:

Episode they were thinking about what does that mean?

Kylie D:

Well, yeah, they're like d&d and bagels are like what is the first half is all about d&d And like, when did the bagels come into play?

Josh Bolton:

Yeah. I actually I do work night shift, so I need to start getting ready to go to bed. It's an absolute honor Kylie to have you on.

Kylie D:

Well, thank you so much for having me.

Josh Bolton:

I'm gonna say Dr. C, fulfill your 50 Plus packages. Oh, yeah. It'll be fun.